Help me Sup Forums, I'm a noob. what build should I go for with the 2 starting characters?

Help me Sup Forums, I'm a noob. what build should I go for with the 2 starting characters?
Also general advice would be nice

Melee tank and a Mage/Ranger

Level crafting, grenades are OP.

Two mages. Make one a buffer/healer/utility and the other the early game nuker.

should I level crafting on just 1 dude right?

you should take one off the adventurer you meet later one for that as your two main character can't leave the party

As I remember you get a warrior and hunter pretty early on for party members, so you can avoid making those.

I went mage and rogue for RP purposes, but I'd see how 2 mages would be more viable. The rogue often was a liability when the battlefield ended up being a sea of fire

what about social skills/talents? Are they worth?
I like the idea of 2 mages. One of them that makes the giant spier and other summons sounds good or bad?

>The rogue often was a liability when the battlefield ended up being a sea of fire
Fucking how?
Rogues can fly.

There's an ability which mades your rogue immune to all surface effects for 5 turns which costs like 2 AP.
Rogue is a fucking beast if you buff him with all the damage stuff and position him behind an enemy.

Anything so long as it's not a hybrid when you don't know what you're doing. Companions in Cyseal cover every major role so you can really do whatever.

This. Backstabbing with the skill that throws out 8 knives will kill almost everything you fight.

Were more companions added to the game? I only remember the wizard and fighter. Maybe I just didn't find the others

>asking for tips
>looking at guides
>using cheat codes
>using quicksave

I want the casuals to leave.

didn't they nerfed the rogue ability to teleport to behind an enemy?

Well there are a few of them but stealth outside of combat still works.

Daggers drawn?

Pet Pal is a pretty fun talent to have

Rogue -> can crowd control the majority of enemies and bosses in the game giving all other heroes a 100% to hit no matter what range.

Mage -> 90% of the game was created for them. Giant aoe spells, terraforming, puzzle solving/telekinesis, healing, buffs.

Ranger -> Best dps in the game when supported. Grab glass cannon feat and watch things melt.

Warrior -> Uh, carries barrels and stuff I guess? All his abilities costs too much and movement also eats up a ton. Buffed cleaving enemies is nice if you can set it up.


They've added a thief and a hunter, and a quest for each of them

dont make archer, because a powerful caster will create so much shit on the screen that you won't be able to see to make shots anyway

the faggot companion already does water lightning, so just make a fire earth, and then maybe a healer/curser

it doesn't matter how you design your characters, because maxing something out doesn't give you that much of an advantage, just focus on giving yourself lots of action points because you will have a fuckton of abilities no matter what

If you want easy mode just roll 4 mage group. First 2 starting characters, the mage you can recruit in the first town and then just go to your star base and recruit a good random mage from there. Spread out your elements and its easy mode.

at normal difficulty, almost any party composition is viable.

As with any other RPG, it's a good idea to have a party with skills that complement each other. You could definitely do things like a 4 mage party, but obviously I would advice against doing a 4 fire mage party.