Homura's ready for Christmas. What about you, Sup Forums?

Homura's ready for Christmas. What about you, Sup Forums?



fuck u

Imagedumps belong on thread. With that opening post you clearly do not want to discuss the games, so you should just fuck off to your containment /vg/ thread.

what the fuck

shit the fuck

Well, I'm done all my shopping, so yeah.

>1. All posts should pertain to video games, their consoles, and video game culture. Threads should remain on topic and stay in theme with the board. Don't post off-topic garbage.
Imagedumps and RP are not discussion about videogame.

>4. Please refrain from reposting. If possible, try to skim the board for threads pertaining to your topics/info that may have already been posted.
Each new SK thread is repost of previous one, same images, exactly same posts.

>6. "Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/. This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Sup Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.
>recurring threads
We have same (literally, down to same posts) SK thread every fucking day, this needs to stop.

Now fuck off to your containment thread on /vg/ and don't come back until you have something constructive to say.

Wait until the next PBS trailer to have a senran threads so the op will be less obvious.

I want to marry Homura

Why do you care so much?

We know, Asuka.

what the fuck

Because I'm tired of seeing same shit everyday. It used to be I got excited for SK threads, but now they're shit.
Same shit reposted literally every fucking day. And it makes me mad. If you want to talk about the games then make a proper opening post and we can talk. But if you start thread like OP did, then it's clear that all he wants is another rp imagedump (again, same images as last 50 threads) and not to actually discuss anything.
In that case he might as well go fuck off to or even skip the middleman and go to gelbooru / sankaku / ... directly.

How do you feel about Yumi, Boco?

How do you think? She's a bland character thats dragging the whole damn franchise down.

Would you fuck her?

But you don't even play the games.

Hell no.

I own the DS games and I'm gonna get a used copy of EV with some Christmas money most likely.

post thick and meaty homura

Hooray for Christmas

i love that christmas bondage is a thing

>Already spent over 200 quid on christmas shopping

kill me

Wow, these new Senrans are looking great!

She's my present so she better be ready.

The fuck is this?

If it bothers you so much, then filter/hide SK threads.

That's Nan for you.


Gameplay looks good though

That a game or something?

Please say it is. The SK cast is bloated enough.

Its a Hentai RPG

arr rook same

I agree. SK threads has gotten to shit sometime during summer. A lot of people think this series is nothing but fanservice which as of now is true, but before EV was released the series had a lot of charm to it with fanservice. Burst had a nice little story that had lots of potential. SV was a nice spin-off, but the story wasn't good. The side stories for each character was nice idea, but only few of them were good. A lot of people here likes to complain about the new characters like Yumi, but honestly the only reason why she is bad is because all the yumifags cried out for more of their waifu and fanservice. SK2 haven't finish it yet. currently on the near end of chapter 3. is pretty good. Not sure why some people think it isn't the best SK game as gameplay was pretty fun and I had no problem with the camera. Bon Appetit is a game no one cares about. EV is a mistake that brought a lot of newfags who only cared for fanservice and changed the direction of the series to nothing, but fanservice. SV being the first SK game ported to PC is also bad since it's a spin-off game bring in more faggots who only care about fanservice. Wished Burst was ported over to PC first instead of SV. Now with Peach Beach Splash coming out we will never see a SK game with the cast grown up to be actual shinobi killing other enemy shinobi and fighting yoma.

Yes, it's an eroge.

>SK cast is bloated enough.
Just you wait.

Why does it need to be this skin cancer out of all the other SKs...ugh. Del.

then hide it and move on.

its video games, get over it fag.

fuck. i fucked up my spoiler.

>gays are actually allowed to browse

and what her father will give her for Christmas?
her place beside Asuka back?

What father?

And what do you think will happen when all people that are bothered by this filter the threads out? All people that care about game discussion leave and let rp-fags run the threads? Will it get any better? What will we come back to when the new game releases.

If we let the rp fags run the threads like they are doing it now, there will be no more SK discussion ever.

This shit needs to stop now, we need to take a break from daily imagedumps.

I'm not saying that gameplay will be bad. I'm saying that this thread is not about discussing gameplay. OPs post clearly shows that he doesn't give a fuck about discussing the upcoming games, or released games. Clearly, what he is interested in is imagedump and rp shit.

Not sure when exactly it went all to shit - I tolerated the rp and imagedumps for a while hoping it would eventually get better. But then after a while I got tired of seeing same shit every fucking day.
Let's face it it's not getting any better, SV and EV had terrible stories and are only good for fanservice, most of current SK thread poster haven't even played Burst or SK2, they are here just because of their waifus. The series went to shit with more focus on fanservice, and so have the threads.

sk3 when
i dont like this spinoff universe

If you don't like it you can always leave and hide the thread. No one's forcing you to look at or partake in the thread.
You're getting upset over a situation you have complete control over in avoiding. No one cares about your whining man, the threads will continue to be made and people will continue to enjoy them. Get over it.

>implying there will be a SK3 when the 3DS storyline has already ended
Enjoy your eternal summer festivals and balloon tits mobage

>sk3 when


Never ever, because Japan is full of whiny, shit taste babies.

>sk3 when
After PBS following the Versus timeline.

why is it allowed
everything wants to be the new Im@s? the new touhou?

We'll get SK3, but only in name.
Not in spirit.

>eternal summer festivals and balloon tits mobage
This will be SK3.

It was already confirmed that the next action game will follow after PBS """"story""""

Can't wait to play as the new waves girls

She accidentally fell in a cannon, someone can please help her?

BTW she just ate a lot of beans with beff, so watch out when you pull her.

Just fire the cannon.

Sure, I'l help!

pbs as a spinoff is alright but why in the everloving fuck would you make it canon when everyone knows its about bitches getting wet
there aren't even nipples anyway so the shole fanservice thats being pushed is completely ass backwards

I fired her out of the cannon instead

if you're just having an /e/ thread again atleast leave out those trash describtions

>pbs as a spinoff is alright
too bad IT IS canon.

>Here are some highlights from the interview with Kenichiro Takaki:
>Peach Beach Splash’s story is part of the series’ main storyline. They plan to continue developing new Senran Kagura games from this point on.

Remember that even Im@s started with only like 10 girls compared to the dozens that exist today.
I think it's mostly the need to fill up every possible existing niche, even though they know only like 5 or so girls will always be the most popular. In most mobage it doesn't really matters, but when it's translated to an actual game like SK both the gameplay and story will suffer if not done well.

>the shole fanservice thats being pushed is completely ass backwards

They don't care. This is what Japan wants.

Blame Japan literally thinking nipples are as racy as spread pussies. Can't show them ever on consoles

just report and ignore these fags
I started playing Shinovi Versus less than 3 months ago and I have had enough about them because somehow they can make Senran look even more bi-dimensional and shallow than the Versus games


pic related

From the thumbnail I really thought blood was gushing out of her cunt.

Oh, right, spiritual father/creator.

Cuz her birth parents abandoned her for being a failure.

I'll give New Wave this; They actually remembered they could use cute girls in cute ways instead of taking the easy route for the new event.


I suppose theres no point in bringing it up, but in the real world they would all be dead from hypothermia.

Imagine the fell of their crotches and asses when they are sliding in that thin.

You're right, there is no point in bringing it up.

>instead of taking the easy route for the new event.
Becuase they did that already.

To be fair, most if not all of the battlefields are created by ninja magic.

they've already done the "gift wrapped"
that hat is adorable though


What I meant was that they could've twisted the event to pretend it's a cute date and then kill that vibe in a second card like some of last year's winter dates.


you talking about domestic abuse yumi?

I wouldn't mind getting an Asuka for Christmas.

I was referring to two cards of getting Yomi cute gifts and jumps to the bedrooms in a third card.

I'm ready for that ass

Look at all this gameplay

Gotta give something to those people who want to self insert I guess.

You can't even haul around a bunch of boxes?


Same. I also wouldn't mind getting a womanlet for christmas

Go easy on her. These boxes have 12 liters of juice, and she's already carrying 4 liters of milk

Only thing I need for Christmas is my wife.

Lol look at that gross boy haircut.
Now where's your wife, user?

>tfw no wife to unwrap

I want to impregnate this womanlet on Christmas day

>my first though was the lighter setting her fart on fire, not lighting the cannon

fuck all you fartfags who post 'brrrrpppphh' or whatever

Friendly reminder that these girls were shinobi

I want to expose Yumi's tits in a crowded public space.

reminder that Yumi was the first ever senran to expose her nipples in official media

a little price to pay if you want Fame

I want to rip Yumi's top off in front of a crowd of people and hold her hands behind her back so she can't hide her bare breasts, while the other Senrans bully her for having her lewd nipples exposed to everyone.

Then I want to turn her around and strip her bottoms off so she is completely nude and helpless. Then I want to push her down onto her hands and knees and command her to spread her cheeks in front of everyone so they can see her naked pussy and asshole. I want her face to turn bright red from having every inch of her lewd body exposed to everyone, including her friends


What a slut.

