Make a new account on steam to escape your past

>make a new account on steam to escape your past
>tfw you have to pretend dumb every time you get to talk about games you've actually played for thousands of hours
>tfw you fuck up once and have to make a new account to escape the shame

Other urls found in this thread:


>>make a new account on steam to escape your past
Care to give a bit of context OP?

I would, but I'm afraid someone would recognize me.

Then fuck off

What the fuck's the point of the thread if it isn't an excuse to tell your story you dumb fucking faggot.

It`s OK, user. You can talk to Sup Forums; it's safe here.

Why not just be friends with Ilexa?

She doesn't care about your past!

>being afraid of being recognized on Sup Forums
you know how many people browse this place? don't be a vagina

He probably has tens of thouands of hours in weebshit judging by the OP image.

Steam thread, user?

>my old account was hacked haha
>they changed the name I can't even find it anymore this was years ago
there, you fucking autist

Well I used to do a lot of fucked up ERP (I still do)
And I was into MLP around 2011. I was also in a steam relationship with two guys once and ended both of them because I was too afraid to meet them. I also had IRL friends on that account (no longer my friends, I have 0 now both online and offline). I've made some new ones on my alt accounts but always fucked up and spilled my past. I've bought GTA 5 3 times,DAYZ 2 times and OW 3 times because of my fuckups. My old forum posts are still out there and everyone can see what a huge autist I was around 2009-2011.

You still sound like a huge autist.

what the fuck you degenerate

typical Sup Forums or /r9k/ sissy white boi poster

probably had 10+ thirsty beta virgins messaging him per hour

>girl who is rightwing, uses Sup Forums, plays Dota2 and likes warhammer

Yeah... sure not falling for that trap.

>Well I used to do a lot of fucked up ERP (I still do)
>And I was into MLP around 2011. I was also in a steam relationship with two guys once and ended both of them because I was too afraid to meet them.

That's... Definitly fucked up.

But I will say this: If you keep """"""""""""""spilling"""""""""""""" your past, then you enjoy having others know about it. No 2 ways about it.

So, OP, I'll just go ahead and tell you

Tell the truth. You LIKE your past, and you're not looking to escape it, you're looking for other people to accept it.


>buying games again
Why? Why not just wipe your friends list like some ghostly autismo and just change your online identity? Why go through the trouble of making new accounts and buying games again?
add me up losers

>I've bought GTA 5 3 times,DAYZ 2 times and OW 3 times
why couldn't you just change your name and shit?

Here you go again.
Fuck off already. Nobody cares about your ""intimate"" garbage in an anonymous board.

Why not just change the username on your old account.

No one would recognize you, and there are so many people playing video games, the chances of running into someone you know is abysmal.

Even if you did, they would have to check your profile and learn what your steamid is, and then fucking remember what yours was.

Literally just change your display name on your main account and you will be fine.

This always pops up, in every single anime thread. I don't fucking get it. What's your endgame?

add me up loser

Traps are too stupid to like warhammer

>this whole post
Reddit is the other way friend.

>white *****************people*********************
I-I'm clingy and don't have friends, I don't ERP don't be biased by the anime picture

fucking wipe your friends list and change your display name and stop being insane

this is borderline things that never happened posting

>Want to restart mmo.
>Server selectings are sparse in terms of country.
>Knows that if i appeared again someone would recognize me instantly due to my nature and persona.
>Was fairly known in the community.

But they would never know if i didnt speak right? Though i know it would leak at some point and i would relapse into old habits


>Posts a private profile

Are you just mentally retarded?

I'll only entertain you if you like Soulstorm as much as i do

>profile is private


lil bit of ace attorney RP never hurt nobody did it

>Well I used to do a lot of fucked up ERP (I still do)


Some sites archive steam profiles and old names and avatars so I had to abandon my main account. I'm afraid that one day steam will show who family shares games with who. Also those old forum posts of mine still exist, even though I tried to get them removed back then by posting gay MLP with racial slurs all over the place. They just permabanned me and kept my posts on display.

>I come to the anime website to gay roleplay with grown men

I bet you I like it more than you do

>Literally every single word of this entire post
>Being this much of a paranoid retard

Holy fucking shit my sides. You have got to be the absolute most stupid mutherfucker to have ever posted on this board. You are simply astonishing, and not in a good way.

Please do consider the rope, and if upon consideration, you decide not to do it, reconsider until you do. This is too much.

Look user, why don't you just show us some of those forum posts? You're probably not as fucked up as you're trying to make yourself sound. Who know's, maybe you can be the next tile fucker

>Some sites archive steam profiles and old names and avatars so I had to abandon my main account
user, I think most people won't care. If you meet someone new that somehow finds out about your post then just own up to it and tell the truth. Tell them you're over it and it was just a silly phase. Why do you care what people over the internet think? It's not like you'll meet them in real life, having one account and changing names constantly is much cheaper than buying games you like multiple times.

I doubt anyone will hold enough of a grudge on you to dig up your past, you fucking autist.

That's some new level of autism friend

Whoops I meant past

Ow yeah? Did you even play ladder and shit back then?

I even commited crimes against humanity I mained necron

get a room you young lovers!

Now that I look at it again, I guess I was pretty stupid. But I'm still hesitant because I'm afraid that people will still be able to find out about me having done snuff MLP ERP and giving away my house address and name. That info is only available through certain people, but they could've saved it on chat logs or something. I'm going to try returning to my main account. And I'll invite all my friends from my alt accounts on my main to be at peace. I hope this doesn't go south.

99.9% girls are dumber than average trap
And more insane

>And more insane
>more insane than a trap

>more insane than a woman

Anyone that's not legitimately interested in anything and pretends to like it for attention for sure will sound like an idiot. My friend's GF beats my ass in FPS games.
Traps are attentionwhores, only thing that would make them "insane" are the extremes they take to cry for attention and pretend to be girls. That aside they are harlmess crybabies.

I'm gonna go on a date with a boy I met on Sup Forums!

I dont fancy other man sadly

I mained marines :^)

About the same insane level
Traps are better at vidya tho

>having friends on steam

This is it, the most autistic post on Sup Forums yet.

Jesus Christ, OP.

Shut up cuck shill nigger!

>Well I used to do a lot of fucked up ERP (I still do)

I fucking knew this would be the case. And the best part is you don't even learn from your mistakes.

You're still a stuttering faggot.

Pretty vanilla, they were atleast viable in every expansion i guess.

Necron went from OP, to shit, to okay, but some matchups were still hard.

But atleast i got freewins against IG

>trigger sissy bitch with no firends


We all need a bit of /autism/ here and there, good to see you join us.

You sound like me a bit. Ive never made another account tho. My friends dont even say anything about it to me, but they know i do it.

>Well I used to do a lot of fucked up ERP (I still do)
>I was too afraid to meet them.
Fuck you, you blueballing faggot

It wont matter anyway. Just use your account. No matter how much you try to escape your past, a AOLtier data leak is all that is needed to fuck up everything you've done to hide your past. Just get a bot to flood your steam account, messsages, forum posts, and try to make noise. Afterwards keep your nose clean.

>liberal cucks
>calling anyone sissy bitches without friends

fuck u

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Thank you OP for posting this, now I know I'm not the most insecure faggot out there. Keep up the good work, don't kill yourself yet!

>AOL Tier Data leak

Just imagine someone would know all Sup Forums posts and google searches you ever did.

Some people would have lynchmobs in front of their house.

Stay triggered, senpai.


not bad

Anyone who gay roleplays needs to be shot.

oh dont underestimate Sup Forumscuckolds.
>start of university
>not social
>have to befriend someone or else I will have huge issues when it comes to group projects
>front row, fat guy with beard and was small
>all alone
>yes, another social reject! We will get along, surly!
>everything was fine
>he ask if I have steam
>I have a Weeb name and weeb avatar, hesitated
>shit whatever, just state it
>yeah its YXZ
>come back home, saw that he added me
>we talk a bit
>next day
>"Hey, Nice YouTube channel you got there YXZ. Also why do you have a reddit account if you dont use it. And you played FFXI, considering your name it was probably this cat girl class, ha"
>I use a different name for each account
I was a bit scared of him.
And you can trust me on him being a polcuckold, everyone who unironically believes that Hitler did nothing wrong and that the jews kinda deserved what happend to them must be.
So yeah, any bit of information can lead to things.

I'm somewhat parnoid of a facebook leak. I didn't do anything weird, but there was a facebook group I ran that had two warped people. One was a crossdressing degenerate faggot who got off to tranny porn. Another was a brony who spammed his facebook with clop, with his family and school friends on it.

Its guilt by association I fear. But then again it was an edgy no rules allowed facebook group and we we're all teens.

It's actually almost 14 years now but they wiped all accounts when they went from beta to release.

Yeah its very easy to find out a lot about a person, with their name and a little bit of extra information.

Some people do really underestimate what you can get with that.

>le triggered XD

Not an argument

But Hitler did nothing wrong and the Jews do deserve a second holocaust. But that's another conversation for another board, it is very easy to find information about someone especially if you use the same name for a plethora of things. That guy just seemed like a genuine creep.

I stayed away from the beta because I didn't want WON to die

That's an awful thing to say about your friend and you should be ashamed.

>wanted some friends
>posted my steam id on Sup Forums
>things went fine, jumped up from 3 friends to 22 friends
>talking daily, happy
>someone finds out I'm a girl
>find out about this because everybody starts acting creepy towards me
>start to ditch people trying to woo me
>angry autists who think I lead them on when I just wanted to play vidya start shitting up my steam profile
>back to 3 friends
fucking Sup Forums i just wanted some friends

picture related was my steam avatar before I changed steam accounts

i didnt ask for this shit


fucking idiot


what did u expect though

i am probably in the minority but i hate playing with vaginers because they always suck at the game lol

Anyone wanna play video games with me?

Who the fuck cares.
Delete ALL of your friends off your original account's friends list.

When someone messages you, respond to them in Russian


What game, when?

Now way. Traps are far more insane than most girls and just as big of attention whores.

The only benefit of traps is that they're way thirstier than girls and (usually) have lower standards.

What games do ya play?

Depends on what you wanna play.

Jesus you retarded negro, just set the old accounts to private and play on Family Share'd new accounts so you'd stop buying the same shit over and over

also make a new moniker and stop worrying about being a potatobaby on gamefaqs almost a decade back

>someone finds out I'm a girl
_ _ _ _ OR _ _ _ _

>telling people to accept their autism
>never hurt anybody

I'm willing to play any game but here are some games off the top of my head

3DS games
Fighting games
Killing Floor 2 (never played)
WoW (never played)
Dota 2 (never played)
CSGO (never played)
Civilization V
Any free MMO
Metal Slug

not them but I'm going to play TF2, what about you?

I'm up for some mmo, playing solo is always terrible, gimme dets boya.

Playing Dota with new players is the biggest pain in the ass.

In fact playing dota with anyone below 5k mmr is horrible either way.

I kinda wanted to pay TERA again, I busy didn't wanna play alone.

I'll play with you! I need to install it though.

I always wanted friends to play mmos with. Some other MMOs we could play: maplestory, ragnarok, tree of savior, trickster online

I'm not sure why I listed dota and csgo I hate those two games

I'd join a MMO as well