I can't wait for Rise of Rajas, who else ?

I can't wait for Rise of Rajas, who else ?

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These DLCs have ruined AoE II threads for all time, haven't they?


how good are the campaigns in the other DLC ?
I'd consider buying it if there were good

The AI has gotten so bad and laggy that there is no point in me fighting it all the time.


>paid DLC for a 17 year old game
Fuuuuck yoouuu

>Actual support for a 17 year old game


More companies should do this. If there was actual new DLC fo Simcity 4 right now I would buy it.

Though I will admit it's a tad high. $6 at most it should be.

It's bad because they're basically milking it now, it's the third paid DLC after the rerelease.

Not going to lie, I thought AoAK was overall pretty good compared to AoF so I've got some hopes for this one. Though if there's any more after this they'll really be scraping the bottom of the barrel for more civilizations.

If this sells well I hope we might actually see a new game.

Yes they have.

Someone gave it to me as a birthday/christmas gift, I'm looking forward to it.

If I remember right, Forgotten Empires LLC does the new expansions and skybox does the updates, so I'm not sure who would exactly would go doing a new game. AoE II also sets a pretty high standard all-around so it's definitely going to be hard to beat.

Also related, that Star Wars Battlegrounds game which uses the same engine got an AoF-like mod that came out recently, called Expanded Fronts. Could be worth checking out.

>Tournament just ended

What did you all think of the civs?

Anyone want to play AoEII?

Surprised they didn't, easy way to be judaic.

Civ II, Civ IV, the various SimCity entries... mostly my stuff is strategy games and city builders.

I missed this tournament. I've read up each civ and some looked interesting, how do they hold up?

Is it wrong that I just like to build pretty medieval towns in Age of Empires II? I like the overall aesthetic and kiddy-medieval feels in the game.

Viper OP.

Pretty sure a lot of people do.

Thanks for that information, ive been wanting to play swgb since i saw rogue one

>since i saw rogue one

I got the name wrong, it's Expanding Fronts.


A new game from who? Ensemble is dead. Modders can't create an entire AoE quality game.

I'd imagine microsoft would loan them 343 or hire on CA like they're doing with HW2.

>would loan them 343
please no

Why is Age of Empires II so comfy?

I'm asking that seriously. I've been playing single-player games lately on increasing difficulty and it's just such a charming game.

Hey. Assuming 343 had absolutely no creative control I'd imagine they could model some knights armor without fucking it up TOO badly.

Also MS is smart enough to keep funding ensemble to make these DLC so I'd assume whoever made that decision would know enough not to give 343 any creative power whatsoever.

Soundtrack and god-tier spritework.

I've been addicted to single-player skirmishes against AI in poorly balanced AoE3 mods for a while now.

>tfw to intelligent to have any friends to play with

You should try Banished if you haven't already.

What mods? Why poor AI on purpose? I believe in you, user.

Never tried it. Tell me about it, what is it like?

I'd imagine a lot of it is nostalgia too. Everything that came out when you were 12 and all of that.

>Never tried it. Tell me about it, what is it like?
If you want to build a comfy village look for another game because banished is anything but comfy.

The original studio and creators are not getting squat for their original work.
$10.99 cad is a ridiculous price..there better be voice work in the prologues this time.

Wars of Liberty because it has like 45 factions or something like that. I fight extreme AI, the mod balance is just whack. Bulgarians are fucked because they can stack a specific troop which has an aura that increases max health. With 50 of them layered on top of each other you end up with hundreds of thousands of hp per soldier.

There are some legitimately fun factions, though. Shame the AI doesn't understand how to play the Kangz or Romanians.

What are some good build orders? Trying to get better at the game.

Basically, it's a town building game set in late bronze age/early medieval era.

The game is more like settlers than age of empires, but insteady of the cartoony feel you have fairly realistic graphics. There is no combat, the challenge is in making your town self-sustaining and not having all your inhabitants die from starvation or otherwise. It's easily good for 20-30 hours of fun once you get immersed and it's fairly cheap so I recommend you try it yourself.


You forgot to mention to kill off your elders so they don't cockblock your young men.

What makes you say that? Was the game too difficult for you?

>play the Huns


I never found any of that to be an issue. I don't know if it's something introduced with higher difficulty levels or if I just built enough houses to not have to worry about that though.

No, it was about the constant pressure on building new homes or else your young couples wouldnt make any children because that old ass faggot is watching you.

A lot of SE Asian cultures were knockoffs of Indian culture at first. This isn't wrong, actually.

Forgotten campaigns are just a little bit broken, nice if you can ignore that, a bit more cinematic than the others
African kingdoms would have fit in with any other expansions campaigns, the only thing they are missing is nostalgia.