Get PS4 with uncharted 4 bundled in

>get PS4 with uncharted 4 bundled in
>setup everything and pop disk in
>first thing it wants to do is a 12 gig update


>buy PS4
>try to play online
>wants me to pay 60 dollars for features I already paid for

I tried launching Let It Die a couple days ago and it had a 17gb update. I tried the following and it had another 3gb.

I only want to play singleplayer games. I hate this forced online shit games do now.

i have 60 interest in playing online now go away console war lover

Hope you like paying for playing online.

>I hate this forced online shit games do now.

You mean patching?

No I mean shit like Let it Die kinda (but not really) being a multiplayer game so you always have to be up to date and online.

And also releasing a game needing 20gb of patches in the first week isn't acceptable.

Why are the patches that big in the first place?

>console fags brag about gigantic patches like they're features
>consolefags brag about having to pay for online
>consolefags brag about "I bought this thing 5 years ago build me a PC for

>consolefags think the PS4 isn't full of DRM and the Sony EULA doesn't count but then try to shit on PC for being full of DRM and EULA's and how they don't own their games

Consoles pay for online and you can resell your games. PC has free online, but you can't sell your used games. I don't see what idiots argue for either side. As someone who plays on both, they both have downsides.

Consoles tried to circumvent people buying used and still playing online even though the developer got no money by using online passes and people bitched. Paying for online is the result.

>resell your games
I don't ever see how you think this is a feature when you lose SO fucking much on it. Buy a 60 dollar game and get 10 dollars back is a huge investment loss.

Used games go for 66% of the price most of the time.

You can skip any patch, just press O.

>first thing it wants to do is a 12 gig update
Just skip it. You don't the 4K patch anyway.

>Skipped the update and started playing
Why do people wait when they don't have to?

Are pc games any different?

Paying for online is complete bullshit though.

At least you can still play while it downloads.

I picked up Overwatch but since it's totally online centered I had to let it download the endless fucking updates overnight.

Also this It's complete bullshit and they "free" games offered right now are like little indie-shit games I've never heard of. It's a complete rip-off.

60 dollar games go for ~50 dollars easy. Unless you sell it when the game has already completely declined in price, you can't expect anyone to buy a used game more expensive than a new one, no matter how much you paid for it.

Usually for new releases you can take like a month to play it and sell it for 70%-80% of the price without any hassle. At least online, gaming shops probably jew people a lot since they want their cut too.

They're worse actually. You can't play a PC game while it installs/downloads. At least not any that I've come across recently. 60GB game? You're waiting for that bitch to download or going through the silly act of having to install it off of like 8 DVD's worth of content which is just as slow.

>living in Clapistan
>amidst the planned communications regional monopoly that give you 100 Mbps residential at best
>Korea and third world shitholes could get 12GB in about a minute with their gigabit lines
>low-tier residential plans in those areas could easily supply an entire American university

There is a more important matter at hand.

Fuck you complaining about downloading 12GB of patches and blaming video game companies for supporting their product.

You don't even have to skip, you can download in the background as you play.

Also, that's just to get to the meat of the game. Guaranteed to have the same day-1 fucking 10GB patch on top of waiting all that time. It's about the only thing these consoles have gotten right. PC is truly stuck in the past on shit like that.

Fuck I hate Comcast throttling my shit. I hate them so fucking much.

What's to be done?

I still can't believe we have the slowest internet ever. What the fuck is even viable? everything is so shady and the latest shady thing is AT&T Fiber. I just want fast internet.

>>buy PS4
>>try to play online
>>wants me to pay 60 dollars for features I already paid for
>cancel internet service
>buy PS4 online service
>surprised it doesn't let me connect to the internet
My uncle did this.

>mfw I'm actually lucky enough to have an ISP near me that's fairly localized and doesn't throttle speeds/give you bandwidth limits

Based fucking Fidelity. I'd hate to have to rely on AT&T or Comcast. It's only going to get worse too. They an army of lobbyists and litigate at the drop of a hat.

>have roughly about 9 games
>can't keep them all installed because of update files and install size
What's the point of the cds again?

Do you have the 500GB hard drive? I switched that shit out the moment I got my Slim for a 1TB. I'm hoping it lasts a while. I knew that 500 GB wasn't going to be enough just from posts on here mentioning the gargantuan constant updates.

you think you niggers know about slow internet?

Yes and?
Start playing and let the update download in background.


>wants me to pay 60 dollars for features I already paid for
You already payed for free games, cloud storage, auto backup / patching to your ISP?

>p2p and dedicated servers do not exist
>paying $60+ a year for a service that you already pay for in the first place

>60 interest

Woah dude. Calm down

In a world of people who still pay for Netflix religiously it's never going to go away at this point.

At least you do get some perks from it. Not trying to justify it but it is what it is. It could still be static like it was back when paying to play online on the 360 where it was literally just paying to use your internet to play.

>get ps4 uncharted bundle
>wtf 3 hours to dl 12gb patch
>can skip it wew
>play uncharted
>first hour is talking and just climbing shit
>realize you dont get rope swing in the first 3
>goddamn they must have been bored

What should I buy?

inb4 bloodborne

>missing reading comprehension while repeating same inane bullshit

Yeah, I got it cheap off my uncle. I've been meaning to change to a 1tb sshd but considering the file sizes it feels more like the Blu-ray is just there for install set up and pirating protection.


Last Guardian if you liked ICO/Shadow of the Colossus.

Bloodborne of course.

I also got it to buy used EA/Origin games since fuck installing that shit on my computer or supporting EA overall and they're always kind of shittily optimized anyway. Basically for Overwatch and Titanfall 2.

I can't see myself owning more than 10 games on this thing though. Got it because it finally had enough games and was 200 dollars.

>bought a console to play fps
get a load of this retard
how people can play fps with a controller is beyond me

Why wouldn't you play with a controller? it's a lot more comfortable.

If you had said

>how can people pay to play online

You'd have a fucking point. But nah, you're just an umpteenth KB+M purist cocksucker.

Netflix is nothing like PSN Plus. You don't own the movies you get off Netflix. I already own games like Call of Duty and Overwatch. Why should I pay ANOTHER SUBSCRIPTION fee when I already get a monthly internet bill?

If you like slow and inaccurate aiming

KB&M is objectively the superior input for fps. If you disagree you're literally retarded

I'll admit I'm shitty at FPS. Probably years of playing Perfect Dark and Timesplitters.

I'm just more comfortable with a controller than kb/mouse in that genre. My entire teenage life was console FPS. Hard to get that out of your system and adapt.

>non analouge movement

>Why should I pay ANOTHER SUBSCRIPTION fee when I already get a monthly internet bill?

Don't give the ISPs any ideas. If they start absorbing costs like these, they'll just abuse their positions even further.

I don't know what you're smoking but my aiming is never slow. I perform a lot better than your shitty WASD keys.

I never defended it. I simply stated that in a world where people are more than happy to throw down 60+ dollars a year on a subscription service to watch what is now a dwindling number of movies that they continue to get rid of and are more than happy to continuing to do this then you're never going to have a free-to-play service model on console ever again.

Most people just don't give a fuck enough to not pay it.

they've tried it before and it didn't go so well, who knows if they'll try again


that's a mock-up you fuck

I don't think there's ever been a paywall blocking sites like shown in the US at least, not sure about Russia/China/etc. though

That has never happened thank goodness. Quit posting bullshit.

It very well could considering the congress we just got let alone the president.

What's stopping you from using an analogue stick for movement on PC?

Didn't know you aimed with WASD on PC. Mouse aiming is infinitely more accurate than aiming with a analogue stick. There's a reason console FPS usually have aim assist.

>Have Comcast
>Hear everyone talking about throttling
>Never get throttled
>Stream Netflix at 1080p at all times with no problems
>Torrent FUCKING EVERYTHING, 100gb downloads done in 15 minutes

Am I a wizard?
I live in Portland. Maybe being near a city center is the trick?

It won't.

And if it does, there will be a literal and actual civil war on our hands.

The US is pissed off as it currently is. Being able to call people Nigger on Facebook is probably the only thing preventing this country from literally tearing itself apart.

No problem for me. Feels good not to be poor.