Was Seifer a Christian man?

Was Seifer a Christian man?

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He is a KNIGHT


I love that intro

He just wanted to be like Laguna.

Is Quistis wearing leather pants?

Tfw we'll never have a cool rivalry like squall and Seifer ever again

>tfw seifer was a really cool character in disc 1
>tfw i was expecting seifer to be a permanent party member, fix his problems with squall or at least keep the rivalry aside
>tfw seifer becomes a brainwashed villain

So much potential. FFVIII disc 1 was so, so damn good, probably the best FF in the saga.

>We will never get VIII Remake
Fuck....Junction system will blend in perfectly with Action base combat

No because christianism is not real.

Deus Vult

It's called Christianity and it shaped western culture.

It's amazing how fast 8 shits the bed after disc 1.

>that dope assault sequence
>train heist sequence
>weird Laguna nonsense that doesn't make a lick of sense yet
>assassination sequence

It goes from being a story about a paramilitary group of assassins to anime space drama.

>FFVIII disc 1 was so, so damn good, probably the best FF in the saga.

The mercenary school setting with final exams, graduation, your first mercenary missions, was so damn awesome. Especially because Balamb Garden and the nearest town was beautifully designed as a comfy starter location.

Ever since I've been looking for a game to give me that same sensation. I haven't found it yet.

Trails of Cold Steel has:
>Military School
>Mercenary missions
>Comfy towns

Check it out

What would i do for VIII remake

>make rinoa = ultimecia canon
>Action base combat with junction system, with proper balance and no way to just break the game with enough autism
>remove norg as a character, let squall know that they tricked Balamb garden by other means
>Rinoa x Squall better developed
I want the orphanage stuff to stay, but make it become a little more believable. I dont know what to change though. Slowly remember? You always knew? like "Irvine? hey nice to see you bla bla"

And thats all. The rest is awesome.

How is PS3 emulation nowadays? I don't have own consoles.

It's getting its first semi playable games

You can pick up a PS3 for $100. It's worth it for the Cold Steel games and the rest of the PS3 library.

>a shitty falcom anine weeb game

>wanting a remake of any kind by modern Square

I don't own a TV though. Can I play consoles on my PC screen?

If your monitor has an HDMI port then yes you can hook up any console with an HDMI port to your monitor.

Well, they can not make VIII to be any worse if anything they can easily improve it.

A knight with a ROMANTIC dream.

Likely knee-high leather boots with tights/leggings under the skirt

If they made Edea's possession a slow process that she was aware of, she would have a reason to wipe the memories of her orphans.
She would know that eventually the SeeD students would have to kill her and that they would hesitate killing their matron.
Even if that's retarded and causes narrative conflicts, literally anything is better than GFs giving everyone amnesia.

I don't know if boots that high exist, but she's not wearing knee high boots; she's wearing pants underneath the skirt with normal shoes.


I'll never get to play it because I don't have a PS3 anymore, and they'll never make a PS4 port of it.

So fuck it, I've already moved on. They'll be coming out with a lot of good stuff in January and February anyway. Already looking forward to Persona 5, Tales of Beseria, For Honor, Nioh, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Horizon Dawn, etc.

XSEED and Falcom are a bunch of niggers who won't make Trials of Cold Steel on PS4.

I thought that 2 was still acceptable even though it had lots of filler, but 3 permanently shitted the bed in regards of everything.

Horrible ideas. Never get into vidya development.

I think they better rewrite that GF give you an amnesia part. Also, fucking Seifer and Edea should be playable and become a permanent party member.