These are actual graphics running in 4K60 on a PS4 Pro. Can your PC do this?

These are actual graphics running in 4K60 on a PS4 Pro. Can your PC do this?

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that's also the actual framerate LMAO

Yes, it's called Crysis and it's a 9 year old game

I have a pro but have no idea what it is and it looks so incredibly bland I almost couldn't care less.

Paragon doesn't support 4k on the Pro though.

Ambient occlusion looks like complete shit in a few places, geometry looks like a PS2 game.

No. Just no.
Everybody who thinks that this overpriced POS can do anything closely to 4k let alone 60fps is in full denial mode.

Maybe, I'd have to try. Probably would need to run a defrag first. Looks pretty good though, graphics are getting more and more realistic.

why can't you handle this? it's time to accept the fact PS4 is better than PC in every way, even in waifu games [/spoiler]xD[/spoiler]

That screenshot looks like shit and since the games don't run at 144 FPS at all times they're basically unplayable trash. 60 FPS is a joke and the PS4 Pro can't even maintain that on terrible looking garbage like FFXV.

>can't do 4k
>20 fps
>textures on low
>overheats and sounds like a jet engine

What is even the point

>would need to run a defrag
>post 2010

u wot?

Oh okay so you're just memeing. Probably not even a sonypony either, just false flagging.
Shit thread OP

Can this meme die?
Vanilla Crysis is fucking ugly by today's standards.

Every time someone posts a screenshot, it's of the heavily modified ENB overhaul.

>post 2010 hardrives dont fragment

>spoiler fail

I've seen enough.

>t's time to accept the fact PS4 is better than PC in every way

That's illogical buddy, the PS4 is merely a low budget PC.

Eh, the Pro really isn't overpriced. However it generally isn't strong enough to run native 2160p unless it's 7th gen or an indie game. It's a good 1440p machine though.

>on pc you can mod a 10 year old game to look better than most new releases.
And peeass4 can somehow compete? Consoles are now just pcs without all the things that make a pc good

>interpolated, upscaled shit
>real 4k
Sure, I could do that.


>more than 1 quotation mark
You're more annoying that sonyggers.

Post 2010 hard drives that you use for gaming are SSDs, and they don't gain anything from being defragmented, and you're just wasting its lifespan by defragging it.

>say it's 4k60
>user proves that is factually incorrect
>waaahhh why can't you handle my ridiculous lies??!!

works on my machine

>calling ssd hard drive
Retard, everyone's still using hard drives on the side for storage and most games wont benefit enough from ssd to matter.

>ITT: OP is on drugs

Can barely run games at 60 at 1080 this isnshit at 1440

>Play The Last Guardian
>literally trying to keep myself awake to play
Is there a syndrome for this? EDF3 on the PS3 gives me this feeling as well


Not 4k

The PS4 can't hit 60fps in a lot of AAA games because it's CPU-bottlenecked, that has nothing to do with resolution, which is 100% GPU-dependent. It's actually easier to hit 1440p/30 than 1080p/60 with console hardware. (Same applies if you have a good GPU with a toaster CPU in a PC)

>le CPU bottleneck
The whole machine is just shit

That's not a 4k resolution, and even at that size, what FPS are you getting, like 5? My PC's old as fuck and I get 144fps at 2k

looks like shit

And certain part is even more shit.

tis 2016, who the fuck wants to play skyrim on a console anymore?

Paragon on PS4 isn't 4k, stop being a lying little shit.

Where's the actual gameplay though?

>paying for windows
>dat overpriced ram

Stop being retarded, putting a 470 on a SoC without it melting is pretty impressive technology regardless of how you feel about consoles. Like I said, the PS4 will never hit 60fps in a lot of games but it CAN reach a high enough resolution to effectively upscale. Checkerboard upscaled 2160p is about the same performance impact as 1527p, and checkerboard upscaled 1800p is 1273p. 1440p is right in the middle of those two targets.

The next problem is that what it can't do is use high quality textures. Sure, high resolutions are nice, but if the textures don't match that, it's still going to look bad. And 8GB combined RAM just isn't enough anymore.

The system can only use 3 gb mad for vram
The rest is for the game and system processes

Consoles seem to use less VRAM for textures than PC. For example DF said that RotTR uses the PC high textures, but they use about 4GB of VRAM on PC. Very high uses 6GB which is out of the question for the Pro and most PCs in general.

DF was wrong about that too
It doesn't use high textures it uses medium

I used high textures back on my old 3 GB 280x, and I had no problem.
Pretty sure they only require 3 GB of VRAM.

It doesn't, it can hit 4038 at times

Don't know what to tell you user, I never had any issues with VRAM usage on high textures.

>Consoles are now just pcs without all the things that make a pc good
Viruses, cheaters and overpriced underperforming HW with neon lights slapped all over it?

>works on my machine


Consoles are overprotective fed underperforming hardware

looks like you fellas have managed to catch up to 2014.

Good for you, keep at it.

I mean you can see the VRAM usage right in my screenshots.

1070 masterrace

Doesn't matter senpai
The developers aren't wrong


Developers tend to lie though

I've got a Fury now, but my 280x served me pretty well, thing was surprisingly capable, even in newer games.
Sometimes developers over-estimate the hardware required for their games, usually just to cover their tracks so people don't get upset when their 1 GB GTX 750 can't max a game out.

Do you have 4x ssaa on?

The vram estimates come from having the game completely maxed out
What are your settings?

71C nice amdude
My MSI 1070 barely breaks 65 a 99% and plus you need a god damn 700w power supply for it my 550 gold seasonic is golden for a long time

The user in implied that the game requires 4 GB of VRAM when using high textures.
I ran the game on a mix of high and very high settings on my 280x.
I can't recall the exact settings, but IIRC it was
>Shadows on high
>Sun soft shadows on, but not on high
>AO on
>DoF off
>LoD high
>Tessellation off
>SSR on
>Foliage on high
>Bloom on
>Blurs all off
>Purehair on very high since performance is the same as having it on normally
>Everything else on
Though I'm not entirely sure, I believe those were my settings.
Congratulations on having better temps than a 5 year old GPU.

Congrats we now figured out why you aren't using more vram
Your game isn't even close to being maxed out

>Reading comprehension
Jesus christ user, I literally pointed it out in my post.


What the fuck are you talking about?

He probably bought it y'know
5 years ago

Shit you 1070 fags are annoying

>These are actual graphics running in 4K60 on a PS4 Pro.


He just said he just got it retard AHHHHHHH
Angry poorfag.

Thats a screenshot.
"Graphics" and fps move.

PC games look even worse than Nintendo games

>He just said he just got it retard AHHHHHHH
You dumbfuck, I said I just got an R9 Fury to REPLACE my 280x.
Fucking hell man, reading comprehension on this board is atrocious.


Nice photomode you got down there buddy

Only if you're a stupid dumbfuck.

Yes. I use a GTX 1080 with an i5 6600K. Consoles will be dead in the water before they can catch up.

I have a pro but I still play my pc most of the time desu. Its a nice system but I buy shooters on my PC because its way better.

So you bought a five year old GPU just like i said hmmmmmmmmm

Crowbcat Ps4 Pro video.

Are you a nigger/spic?
Those are the only 2 groups I could see being this stupid.

An anti-virus hasn't been necessary since XP.

Photomode doesn't improve the graphics.

Ok pal

Boredom, I think

It only improves the LoDs, Antialiasing, Texture resolution and shader, but not graphics alright

Is that a yes or no?

No and you're a doublenigger.

Fucking retards actually think photomode doesn't improve visuals

I don't see a difference

Newfag spouting as many buzzwords as he can to fit in

Says the spic.
It's okay user, I know that 1070 cost you an entire month's salary, but it's okay, maybe you'll be reincarnated into a country that matters if you believe in that shit.

user, you might want to make an appointment with your ophthalmologist

Of course you wouldn't

Doublenigger is now a buzzword
>modern le 4chinzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Damn nig I bet you've been here since '13 also literally one word is many hmmmm
Also who the fuck are you? Fug off.
I actually got it from newegg for 340 during black friday nigger/spic/womp/wetback/fucking faglord

>I actually got it from newegg for 340 during black friday
Spoken like a true poorfag.

Fucking newfag

Checkerboard upscaled 4K is not real 4K.
And why did you multiply your FPS by 3?


Hear that?

No, it's not a jet engine, it's the PS4 Pro!