177 days until E3

>177 days until E3

the fuck

>Hoping for:
Switch Games
Vita Successor
Great Nip games from everyone
and until then, I hope P5 comes out before E3

i dont think i will ever understand u guys. you post this literally everyday so far that ive seen, the past 5 days ive been here. what are you ging to do after e3? post 365 days till e3 again?
fucking losers

You're no fun

It's tradition

I hope KH 3 will finally be here with a message at the end of a trailer : Coming out in October 2017

Wonder if MS will have any big announcements to show off the power of the scorpio.
Like I doubt any 3rd party will take full advantage of it so if MS doesn't then nobody will.

Why do you fucker like watching game trailer more than playing video games?

Just play your backlog, stop worrying about what's gonna come next.

literally killyourself

>post 365 days till e3 again?
Dude, that's EXACTLY what was posted when the last E3 was over.

I don't know. Why do you like watching porn instead of having sex?

>playing video games

Where do you think you are?

god damn user


That's what we've been doing for the past couple E3s, yes.

And it's always better than the actual event.

user BTFO

How will he ever recover

Will it recover after that boring E3 demo?

Is that not out yet?

New FROM game

Re2 remake

>has dragons
>calls it boring

is this xbox one's NEVER EVER? As in it will NEVER EVER get released?

Nope, looks fundamentally fucked.

Well, there's Skyrim

Lurk two years before posting

Do we know who all has shows this year?

Best game of the decade so far