Did cultural diversity kill retail WoW ?

Did cultural diversity kill retail WoW ?

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there was no money in making a better product.

WoW killed itself.

As shitty as MoP was it was still far better than the last two shit expansions.


No. Best expansion after WotLK.

diversity you say?

Nah MoP was fun as shit

this is why we're all here.

keep posting, please.

wow died with the lich king

Expansion: BC>Wotlk>Mop>Cata>Wod. I haven't played Legion so I don't know.

I mean, it's not hard being the best expansion after WotLK if you are competing against WoD, Cataclysm, and fucking Leejum, the three worst expansions this game has ever released. No wonder mop is the best after WotLK, and this is coming from someone who actually enjoyed some aspects from mop.

Sorry, I meant it's the second best expansion out of all expansions.

>nu-Sup Forums pretends WotLK was good epsiode rerun

love these.


Sorry for your shit taste user.

WotLK was basically the expansion where the game became less exploratory and social and more grindy and mindless, so unsurprisingly Sup Forums finds it appealing.

>best raids
>Great Class design
>Average daily content at launch and then two great additional zones
>Best story in WoW
>best Villain in WoW
What an expansion Mists ended up being

I mean, besides nostalgia-fags who think vanilla was 'teh best evah', and the clueless retards who raided Karazhan only and think TBC was the best one, it's not a surprise to see mop above every other mistake that they call of expansions. I still can't forgive mop for what it did to professions, and the norm it solidified with forced reputation grind bullshit, but if there was still some trace of vanilla's passion left in this game it certainly ended there.

MoP was probably the "last" expansion this game has seen, after that it was all just experimental bullshit and just plain mistakes.


>cultural diversity

MoP is less accurate and pandering to chinese culture than Big Trouble in Little China.

If you honestly think MoP was to capture the Chinese fanbase (which they already captured by that point), it's time to drink what's under the sink.

>it's time to drink what's under the sink.

Bleach ?

MOP was a good expansion barring the huge time SoO was out.

I like Pandaren women

MoP was so fun, maybe i was just new to the game but there was something special about it campared to WotLK and bc content that i leveled by.
It was... Relaxing.
I even forced myself to like WoD but that was trash all the way

Finally a reason to post this

As far as expansions go, MoP wasn't horrible. It was better than Cataclysm.

Blizzard really should have had a better theme though. Pandaren were always the joke race in Warcraft 3, they should not have gone kung fu Panda, that was just dumb.

Pre-3.2 WotLK was good.

Ulduar is my second favorite raid, right under Karazhan.

Glorious post, friend.


t.2005 fag

This guy gets it, Call of the Crusade was an awful fucking patch and everything after it.

I avidly remember how much i ended up disliking WoW after ulduar in wrath, toggled difficulties like the ones introduced in ToC felt really out of place.

3.2 was shit, Blizz was testing out how much effort they have to put into raids. Luckily even the fans pushed back on how dumb ToGC was.

Then we get 3.3 with dungeon finder that literally destroyed server communities. After that point, the only people who you really interacted with were people in your guild. They killed the massive multiplayer part of their MMO.

>missed the zombie outbreak when I first started playing
I'm still fucking mad.

Alright. Red pill me on why retail and legion are bad plz.

I doubt anyone here actually plays Legion anymore. Wow died a long time ago with wod

It doesn't play exactly to the T like Vanilla, so nostalgic players who can't get their fix anymore bitch and moan that the games suck now when they're just mediocre at best. Watch them try to refute this with:
>muh community
>muh social interaction
>muh tediously long grind
>muh memories I can never recreate
>you're just a wrathbaby, catababy, MoPbaby etc.

wod had literally no content
legion's few content is artificial content - it baits you into doing the same shit over and over again with the hopes the item might roll with absurdly higher stats

WoW was never good.
People were just young and very impressionable. Nowadays people say "Legion is SHIT!!!" but when others point out similar flaws in vanilla they go instant denial and immediately resort to "b-but it was not that bad!! it was fun!"
People grow up. Unfortunately we have raised a generation of socially autistic retards, which reflects itself in WoW as well because if you even attempt to talk to anyone in that game you either get a "check wowhead noob" or just rage.

WoWhead and performance sites killed wow. Metafags killed wow. It wasn't Blizzard. The community was fucking aids from the start.