How is your channel doing, Sup Forums?

How is your channel doing, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying I'm some 13 year old who aspires to be "Youtube Famous"
Every day. Fuck off with this thread, aspie.

There always has to be some asshole that comes into these threads and shits everywhere because he's salty that other people are making money doing something they love and you aren't. I just wanted to watch some videos made by Sup Forums users, but no. Thanks for killing the thread, you piece of shit.

Calm down

I think I'm more baffled at the fact that some autist can love yelling into the mic while they play video games. Making money off of idiots is one thing - but when it's a genuine passion?

You're definitely underage.

I fucking hate the term 'content creator'.

Haven't played anything since i made this pile of garbage:

too depressed to play anything and collect footage

Slow moving, but people really seem to like this For Honor Explanation video, I essentially go over all pf the core mechanics and explain how they play out into the overall metagame. Fun game.

Taking a first look at the SM64 rom hack Last Impact


Ok, I guess. My computer is getting very crappy so my last game review was Xcom 2:

I review other stuff though to mix things up:

It sounds pretentious as hell. I know, objectively, that's what they are - but anyone who produces entertainment to consume in any medium is a 'content creator'. I don't understand why Youtubers need to co-opt the turn except to try and legitimise the fact their '''''job'''' is talking about video games on the Internet.

You don't know the definition of the word "JOB" because you never had one.

What should they call themselves instead?

It's not possible dude, you ctrl+f "channel" every 5 minutes on Sup Forums don't you?

Holy shit this is great

No I just use very effective child labour.

Why not just call themselves 'Youtubers' because that's literally what they are.

Broke 16k subscribers recently, things have been pretty solid.

Our latest cover:

Not great, not getting many views, likes, or subs. My capture card comes in soon though so I can make mario maker videos.

Are there actually people interested in watching the content or just people with channels posting to each other over and over in these threads? is what I got

i watch other people's content, isnt it the whole point?

>literal 15 year old

This is the FACE of these retarded threads

I'm 18 but look 12 and that certainly doesn't help matters.

it's something
have piles of shadowplay footage but no time to do anything with them
bit of column A, bit of column B

Shilling for this guy, I really like his style of reviewing games. Hopefully he makes more content.

I'd be interested in good content, it's just usually 90% Let's Plays in here.

Really good.
Been doing a bit of streaming and I just hit 150 subs. I haven't had as much time as I wanted to do things because of the holiday, but it's really fun to do.

Crazy bad, but I just do it for fun anyway.

I'm enjoying that Trends in Game Design video. Some editing fuckups but that happens. I think you gotta shill places some more m8, you should have more subs than you do.