Blizzard wins ag- Woah holy shit!

>Blizzard wins ag- Woah holy shit!

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How do you get from this...

>meanwhile on nost


to this!

What's with all the Vanilla titles if there's Christmas decorations? They didn't start doing holidays until TBC

T-thats fake, right?

what am i looking at?

are you dumb?

if only it wasn't laggy as shit, i can't even fish

I dun geted

to THIS?

>literally everyone already has 1 thousands of gold and mounts and several lvl 60's
The true vanilla experience... wow...

Kiss my buttocks.

Hey Beanis you faggot
I was in Thundercats and your guild is thrash. You're not a good leader and Reggie has the gayest voice I have ever heard on vent. Peace out to Sweatyhong, Under and Mentor though :^) krovs were cool too


why are black war mounts in the game? I thought those weren't added until bc.

why the fuck are there people with rank14 gear already? what a shit server
also are you people THIS insufferable that you have to make threads about your dead server where you circlejerk for days on end until your lonely deaths at 30~?

I'm crashing this thread

bc they got their old nost accounts back

>people afking in ironforge already on the first day

Woah.... so this....... is vanilla '''''''content''''''... ... ..

>why the fuck are there people with rank14 gear already?
Because these are the old servers with the old character database.


with no survivors!

things you wont experience on retail people online

kys cuck

>Ban them on retail


I refuse to believe this is a serious post by an actual human being playing retail

He truly is a troll druid

i thought private server got shut down


Right, you won't see people spamming trade chat because there's actually content to do in Legion, glad to see nostfags are waking up.

wow, another fotm
wont last past feb

Truth hurts, doesn't it

theres no chinese on retail because theres no one sell this gold to

What a wonderful image. Holy shit!

Meanwhile in retail, people are afking in their garrisons? Or class halls or whatever it's called

When is the 2nd server gonna launch?

There are like 500 wow private servers out there spanning every expansion.

I don't know why Nost got special attention

>what are tokens

Are nostshills stuck 12 years back in a mental sense as well?

The fresh one? Some say janurary but there's no set date yet

Nope, they're doing mythic plus or raids or suramar questline or pvp or world quests or the dozen other things that makes vanilla look like Pong in comparison

>gold sellers on day 2


>the dozen other things

>dungeon grind
>raid grind
>reputation grind
>pvp (grind?)
>daily quest (grind?)
>dozen of other things (name two and I'll buy legion right now)

Are you even listening to yourself?

It wouldn't be vanilla wow without goldsellers.
Also, during patch 1.12 the going rate of gold was 100g/8.95.

true retail experience

>'vanilla was great because of the community, it was so good!'
>actually filled with memeing underage retards



I've been playing since release and if anything current wow is more pong like than vanilla. In vanilla I had to work for my gear, now I just have to log in twice a week when my guild raids and a third time when they want to do the weekly mythic.

>I refuse to believe this is a serious post by an actual human being playing retail
No its real alright. You gotta understand these losers could only play WoW after they shitified it.
If retail dies because there is a superior version to play, well they have suck at the fun version so everyone must be stuck on the shit version with them.

>I don't know why Nost got special attention

Because there is this one little detail that always gets forgotten. And that one detail is that they were gold selling for their private server on their OWN WEBSITE.

>mmos never have grind
>now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go play vanilla, the single grindiest phase in wows lifetime

Dumb nost poster

>if only it wasn't laggy as shit, i can't even fish

Retailcuck detected. Stop trying to false flag, the server is fine.



>Never played WoW before WoD
>Enjoying Legion so far
>Wanna try Nost, I'm curious about Naxx and An'qiraj gates event
>starting zone is filled with people and can't complete a fucking quest

It's amazing to see the starting zone filled with people, but the terrible lag and being unable to play the game because there is so many people isn't just my kind of fun.
I hope someday Blizz make their own Vanilla servers so maybe I can try them without shitty lag or being afraid of lossing my progress because devs can't fucking pay bills or something.

what the FUCK

stop giving these criminals money! I bet retail sub is cheaper then nostalrius sub also

>'legion is great because there's so much to do™'
>actually filled with the same grindy, boring trash wow already had for the past 10 years

It really makes you think.



The server will get better over time, it having just re-opened it's flooded.

>server capacity is like 5k at most(and still has 300ms minimum) and half of those in queue are chinese gold farming bots


What is it about Nostalrius(and private servers in general) that brings up so much hate/shitposting on Sup Forums and the Blizzard forums?

>and still has 300ms minimum
You people are fucking hilarious! Seriously everytime I read this it makes me laugh, latency is absolutely fine, I played for 12 hours straight yesterday from the opening of the server and my latency was never more than 50ms, Irishfag if it matters

>Vanilla grind is bad because i said so
>Legion grind is good because i said so

If anything you are just making the point that your game now is just as shitty as it was 12 years ago.

For the record, I want both nost and legion to die in a fire, the only reason I'm even replying to this trash is because nost fags seem like they just want to enjoy the game on its prime, while legion retards seem spiteful that they are being forced-fed shit but they already invested way too much time, and money, to just stop giving money to blizzard and refuse to eat even more shit.

stop living in the third world
I get 30ms, same as on retail.

Not that guy, but my ping on Nost was 60ms and there was still lag, probably because there were so many people in the starting zones.

addicts arguing about which drug gives the best fix

The entirety of Nostralius raid gilds afking in epics.

Not him, but Legion grind has always some form of advancement (Artifact Power, Blood of Sargeras, Order Resources, Gold, Gear etc.).
Meanwhile you could run the same dungeon 20 times in vanilla and get diddly squat.

How the FUCK are these criminals getting away with that?

Madame President... FUCKING STOP THEM NOW

I've never played WOW, just Runescape

Should I try this out?

WoW fucking sucks cock and only braindead retards play it

>needing a reward

You are what's wrong with nu-WoW.

user it's common fact that Nostralius had shit MS. It was one of the reasons why people prefered other non-reddit servers.

Wait so why do current WoW players hate nost? All I know about it is that it's essentially wow before any expansions. Why is it so hated?

>Nostbulls won

I can't believe this is happening, Blizzbros.. why coulnd't we stop them? Why do they keep getting away with it?

>haha i did all of that for literally nothing, so much fun!

>using grind as a defense when you're playing vanilla
You just keked yourself.

>back in my day we had to grind 20 hours a day for no reward AND WE WERE GLAD TO GET IT
time to head back to nursing home gramps.

Well I got my 60 up on Kronos and asked myself "Do I really want to run UBRS 50 times, having to look for a group for 1-4 hours every time, to get that fucking turban and then repeat the process for all slots until I have BiS and can raid"? and thought "Nah". Not to mention that PvP isn't an option for non-NEETs.

My younger Brother has been telling me about retail and I thought, why not, I can always quit if I dislike it. After not having played since the end of BC and expecting the worst, I was actually pleasantly surprised.

>[cockcage rattling while typing]

>create an account with his name on nost
>report it to blizzard

yeah? and if legion is so shit as you claim doesnt that make vanilla just as shitty?

>vanilla has so little content people just stand around capitals doing nothing

Sounds about right.

Pls respond

retail wow is fucking disgusting. it is so brain dead, hand holding, and simplified that there are not even classes anymore. there is "melee dps" "ranged dps" "tank" and "healer", and you could literally roll your face on the keyboard and do as good as someone who is actually trying because the game is such dumbed down shit

even ghostcrawler (who quit designing wow because it is fucking garbage) said that retail wow is designed around "your grandma being able to play it"

>general full of shitty teenagers spamming Sup Forums memes

That's why i'm holding off playing right now

So all these WoW threads recently is making me want to go back to WoW.

Should i resub now or wait for patch 7.1.5?

>I was actually pleasantly surprised.
yes nothing is pleasantly surprising like playing a game that a mental retard can play just as well as you giving it maximum effort and thought, because it is so fucking simple

you would literally have to pay more attention in tic tac toe than fucking retail wow nowadays. they even removed FUCKING BUFFS

also look at the new character panel. lol...

>unironically playing retail

Take this (you) and fuck off

There are two sides involved.

On one hand you have blizzdrones that are mad that they have to pay for the game + expansions + monthly subscription and there are people playing it for free on a private server.
Much more people, actually.

On the other, you have the guys playing on the free servers that can't play because there are 10k long queues to be able to enter the server or the guys that do it to stick it to blizzard for not giving them what they wanted and even fucking over nost staff so they'd go away quietly, so they shitpost.

Mostly because vanilla was garbage

>day 2 of server
>already people in full BWL and HWL

Cool p2w

WoW players don't hate nost. It's a whole lot of false-flagging just to have a discussion of a topic that's already been beaten to death.

nice bait user, so should i wait for 7.1.5 or not?

WoW has always been braindead easy, the only thing you needed in vanilla was endurance because you had to do everything 100 times to get what you want. Not to mention half of the classes being absolute trash compared to others.

I unsubbed two days ago.

It's not the same game, nor the same feeling. Playing through the call hall quests is a lot of fun but it was too short. Invading the paladin area was the god damn high light.

But classes feel so stale, I'm literally pressing three buttons, there's not choice or careful resource management anymore. Gear is boring, and doesn't add anything, and unless your autistic high end raider the min and maxing only goes so far.

Legion isn't bad just too different from the better times where you had to really invest time and effort for every little thing. Plus, there's MMO's out there that do it better and are more focused. GW2 is PVP and causal friendly to the fucking max, still allows you to invest time into something but it 's more about what you want to put into it. Not to mention the classes are fun to play and you can customize your play style. Want hard core PVE with rigged class roles and the opportunity to make it big on a server? Play FF14 where server identity and raids are king.

We need Nost.


I'm not rewarding your weak shit with another (you), user. Stop it.