Blizzard in charge of balancing

>Blizzard in charge of balancing

With Ana in the game as she is OW if fundamentally broken. Blizzard has always been shit as balancing their games. Anyone who knows SC2 has known this pain for years

I dont get how it can be so blatantly bad. Yet they buff Sym, literally the highest win rate hero the in the game. Dumb shit. Plus the Mei skin is garbage. Fuck blizz

Her winrate meant fuck-all. She was trash.

>Sup Forums in charge of balancing

I'd rather have a game filled with OP characters instead of UP characters.

>Sup Forums in charge of not giving Activision money for TFJew

Play something good then. Your cuck privilege is worse than a Nintoddlers.

>playing blizzard games

>he bought overwatch
>complains about it
If you go out of your way to lube up your asshole, you might aswell take the dick.

>competitive overwatch

>le Ana meme
The nerf to Lucio's healing is what brought about the tank meta because it a) made non-tanks less viable since Lucio can't heal them as well, and b) made Lucio players use speed more which is what brings tank characters into close range so quickly.

>It's another non-argument episode.

I actually watched a couple of games, the current meta is so fucking boring to watch, I wish there could be varied team comps and play styles at these sorts of tournaments

>nobody using Junkrat
>tfw your favorite characters in every game will always be low tier shitters

>top 6 characters are tank or support

Feels bad man. Why is Reaper so underused now in a tank heavy meta? He's a tank killer

Glad Mercy is shit now though, her res changes the way the entire game plays

He doesn't do enough damage to kill three tanks, and gets ganked at close range

Zarya is way higher than I expected

>tank killer


Ana outheals him with bio grenade unless almost all his pellets are headshots. Also soldier 76 got buffed and tears reaper apart at range

Almost every single team was 3+ tanks ana and lucio

If you also were surprised that Mercy was the least picked hero, I am pleased to inform you that multiple heroes were not picked at all.

>4 tank meta
How is this fun for anyone?

Lmao, just because teamliquid used that comp doesn't mean shit, they also lost to a 2/2/2 team, you fag.

Look at the usage, its tanks/healers clumped in a deathball waiting for the other rhine to blink for an earth shatter.

Reaper is all about flanking and catching out people, not trying to out dps a Rhine Dva double barrier pain train with an ana jammed up their ass.

Yeah but Zarya specifically is garbage this patch. Shields give max 40 energy instead of 50 and firestrike only gives 20. Can't even 1v1 D. Va anymore. I expected something more like rein/dva/hog/ana/lucio/s76

>2 heals

Blizzard cant into balance and there is no point in picking defense / dps characters when a tank does as much if not more dmg as DPS characters while also being able to stay alive longer.

Either blizzard nerfs all tanks or they will have to completely re-do everything or the most likely case they make offensive characters op insted

> Junkrat not even appearing
> retards think he's overpowered

sounds like someone needs a buff!

> blizztards buff mei instead

She had the highest win rate because literally 2 people play her, and they won once

What did he mean by this?

Her beam is fixed, and now doing damage is easier, especially on high value small hotbox targets like ana and lucio, and getting charge has never been an issue, my average charge per match is still over 40% and pros will have even less trouble getting charge with rein and dva and roadhog on every team, honestly she's better now than before

>Keep buffing mercy to make her more useful
>Still useless
She's only good for her sex appeal and regenerating hymen

>bastion so fucking bad hes not even on the chart

why must the coolest characters always suck

A metagame almost as healthy as pokemon, well played Blizzard.

>Mercy: 0.45%

So you could say in the world of competitive Overwatch, you should expect no Mercy from your enemies.

>expecting bastion to see usage in 'competitive' OW
What's it like in the trench user-chan?

>Start a game
>No Reinhardt
>"Uhhh...can we get a Reinhardt?"


he was at least in the 1% range at the world cup, this is a new low even for him

>2 support 4 tank


lmao winston is so ass compared to the other tanks

This is the worst patch so far. How has blizz not taken soldiers damage down by 1 yet?

Why do people hate my waifu Mercy?


Because her ult is fucking cancer

Reminds me of the Team comps of every Pokemon tournament.
Overwatch is as competitive and balanced as Pokemon.

>blizz are forcing this overwatch is esports meme
>it's more boring to watch than hearthstone, a shitty card game

The irony is that even your post is a non-argument.

The problem with trying to balance too many characters is that at a certain point matches become less about skill and more about who happens to get a lucky guess on character switching. Overwatch has divided characters by theoretical skill ceiling with the star system and should balance based on that.

I'd assume the problem is trying to balance for shitters as well as competent players

There's only 1 good competitive player who uses Bastion and that's an Aussie cunt named Zylbrad

and fail at both

>only good by virtue of being a laggy shit

is this the first game where no one plays the primary healer?

So lets predict Blizzards next move

>nerf tanks
>buff dps classes
>buff junkrat
>buff mercy

pick one and only one

Nerf heal grenade

junkrat is shit tier, and youre shit tier for playing him cuckfaggot

roster is too small to see any proper balance. needs like 70+ more heroes before the game is gonna be even close to balanceable

Nerf Lucio, rework Ana, buff Widow

This is why they should divide it by stars. 1-star characters should be the easiest to pick up but with a very low skill ceiling. 3-star characters should be the hardest to pick up but with a very high skill ceiling. Tourney players should be using 3-star characters exclusively, but a newcomer will get stomped if they pick up a 2 or 3 star right away without learning the game.

ungodly buffs to the dps heroes that make the game awfull in a completely different way

>meifuck btfo


buff D.Va because that's what they've been doing for a while now. perhaps giving her an extra mech every time she survives more than 30 seconds? or extending her ultimate range and damage even further?

She is an unbalanced p.o.s and her fans, like you, are pathetic as fuck

His biggest problem is his grenades don't travel fast enough and arc way too much.

T.goldshitter that cant avoid a grenade

Symmetra was pretty underused before the change, you saw her maybe on the first point of a map then after that she was just a liability to the team. I think they need to change the range of her gun down a bit or maybe lower the damage some. Her shield generator is quite strong, but I think it's a bit too early to say whether that should be lowered.

Ana should have something nerfed to her grenade, that grenade does way too much especially when it's on a 10s cooldown. Revert Dva's health change, she was already at a good point with the change to defense matrix and now with the increased movement speed while firing, she doesn't need the extra health.

>tfw Mercy is my most played character by far

The entire reason tanks are so fucking good is because of Ana's grenade.

What if tanks granted supports less ult charge than non-tanks?

Nerf Ana and all of this shit goes away

Ana needs a counter that isn't Ana.

Overwatch is better than Team Fortress 2.
There. I said it.

>76 and Dva in the meta
I'm so glad I stuck with them until they got good buffs

Overwatch needs the ability to create custom maps and servers before it can be better than TF2

Because she shit. Ana outclasses her in everything. Better to stay alive than die.

Buff Mercy

>23k damage in one battle
>pros dont like him

"pros" just pick what the other team pics because "if they are using it, it must be because its the strongest"

I love Overwatch with a passion but I really don't think it should be treated as a competitive game and don't like the idea of it going in that direction desu.

>I've been saying that Ana has a very overloaded kit, and is way too powerful overall for months
>people are finally starting to call her out on her bs
feels good, man
Ana straight up needs to be removed from the game

>giving the other team's healers' even more ult charge
good job being a detriment to your team

what if you take your terrible opinions and go walk into the ocean with them.

mercy needs her staff beam to cause slow/damage on contact depending on mode. she needs to be more active and not a -1

That's where the money is so that's where it goes.

But "competitive" games are the new flavor
Just look at how successful league and dota 2 have been over the last few years
Most new online games are gonna have a competitive mindset, and us people who play for fun will be swept under the rug, as games will be designed and balanced around pros, even though 99% of the playerbase isn't close to their level of play
Even better, people will forever parrot what the popular streamers/players say, even if it has zero bearing on the matches they play in
tl;dr it won't get any better

Mercy needs her ult gutted before she gets any buffs.

Her winrate is high because once you start losing you switch to someone else.

>Biotic grenade should be reworked into her ult, as it stands it heals for too much and its the only source of mortal strike in the game it also hard counters zen.

>Needs to be nerfed simple as that as it stands shes half the reason for the death ball meta because she can artificially extend rhinehart's barrier's uptime. She also removes flanking from the game now its impossible to 1v1 her because of the 100 hp buff and she can match their mobility.

Needs to be reworked, free aoe heal can never be balanced (you would have thought they learnt that with BW) no matter how much they nerf it he will always be a 'mandatory' slot until its gone.

I'd go for those specific things before I did a pass on healing as a system.

>now its impossible to 1v1 her because of the 100 hp buff
I haven't played in a while, but why the fuck did they think giving her 100hp was a good idea.

Not only did they give her 100 more health, but they gave it to her as armor
Nobody else knows why they thought this was smart, either

No they gave it to her as normal health, she has always had 400 armor.

Unless this is just ironic shitposting you're legitimately terrible at this fucking game and need to just play more until you get better, christ.

I'm assuming Widowmaker isn't even on the list because she's at 0%.

>buff junkrat
What are they gonna do, increase shield damage and let him hold multiple traps/blast charges?

I could have $60 right now if I didn't buy into it a couple of months ago to play with friends.

>tfw all friends stopped playing this game

I don't know how anyone can expect balance from a Blizzard game at this point.
They've proven again and again that they are not capable of balancing their games and if they do, they do it way too late.
Both WoW and SC had classes/races that were objectively superior by the time I quit and I wouldn't be surprised if that is still the case.

>Someone above Lucio


whats supposed to be the use of bastion?

>tfw all your friends are still playing comp
I just want to have fun with my friends again

3 claw traps at once

Niche use on the village part of Napal.

Damage doesn't mean anything if you can't kill doods.