Sup Forums what is your opinion of Aranea Highwind

Sup Forums what is your opinion of Aranea Highwind

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Best girl. I want her to play with me.

Does she JUMP?

please join my squad!


She slides on the ground. Like a seal.

>when she randomly jumps out of a ship in the middle of the night to fuck up some daemons with you

I want to smell her boots.

>that mental image
my sides

DLC when.

They should make other guests do that as well. Iris could show up in the field during the day while Cor pops up in dungeons. That or let you call whoever you want on the phone.

how the fuck do i level up gladio's skill? i have every other trophy but his. he's level 9 right now, i ran back and forth from meldacio to steyliff grove three times and his meter barely budged after resting

i did have aranea show up to kill daemons for the first time though which was sweet

which one though?


I don't like her helmet.

But she's kawaii.

reminder that you can glitch the game to have her as a permanent companion

she looks like Anri Okita and that makes me HAPPY

I just got mine to level 9, I half tempted to just get an elastic band to bun for me in circles especially since the end game dungeons are horrendous, all just the same cave

Only even remotely memorable character from the game. Too bad she's barely in it.

>Don't talk to me or my daughter ever again Noct
