What do we mean by this?

What do we mean by this?

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in b4 everyone who picked empire gets outed online as fascists and fired from their jobs

We are all racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynist.

It means the potential to be conservative. Siding with the empire is subconsciously admitting that nationalism > globalism.
Now the trick is making people then accept that fact on a conscious level.

Empire is cool as shit.
Rebels are just pissy rich kids

The only cool rebels are a smuggler, his alien dog, a robot trashcan and the only black dude in the universe.

I'm actually surprised france is more for the rebels. You'd think after Napoleon they'd only want the empire back.

And people wonder why Trump won!
Sup Forums shit aside only fags pick rebels

>pissy rich kids

Yes the guys who fly spaceships that are the galactic equivalent of technical trucks in Africa and doesn't even have a standardized uniform policy are the rich kids

Boot lickers.

No, the players are. A bunch of special snowflake wanna-bes. Rebels a shit, troopers a best.

X-Wings are actually made buy one of the best aeronautical corps int he star wars universe, and they have an exclusive contract with the Rebellion.

They're the same company that made the Jedi straighter, and the prototype X-Wings.

TIEs are so shit because they're made by the equivalent of a chinese knock off motorcycle manufacturer.

Places with obviously corrupt governments/leaders are more likely to pick rebels. I personally prefer the Empire because I like the way they look

Tie Fighters are shit. The Interceptor class and above are all far better than the X-wing. The A-wing was actually the designed successor to the interceptor until the Rebels stole the design. Defenders are canon again though from the cartoon, and they're by far the best single pilot ship in canon


Terrorist scum.

>and they have an exclusive contract with the Rebellion.

That makes no sense, The Rebels have no bloody territory or planets or a tax system to get revenue. What prevents the Empire from just going to this Company's foundries and glasssing it?

well that explains Trump winning at least

As much as these edgy tryhards are trying to take some huge political message out of this. The empire has cool ass uniforms and the rebels look like straight up dorks. This was done in the movies to make the rebels look more like underdogs. The countries that have a high instance of rebel over empire REALLY need that underdog anthem right about now. And France has just always been a contrarian cunt since the French Revolution


Because the empire wants them to keep using their slow as fuck x-wings.

A lot of people in high places were sympathetic to the rebellion due to the Empire's godlike choke hold, so deals like this would happen.

TIEs are considered shit because they have no shield generator in exchange for greater manuverability and speed. Plebs needs shields, so they shit on TIEs - the reality is that TIE fighters are more experienced pilots by far.

Uh, The rebel alliance is made up of entire governmental bodies of the empire breaking off. Not just a bunch of no government nobodies.

Fuck the Alliance.

TIE pilots are a hundred times better than the sissy x-wing pilots.

It's a simple choice between Han Solo and Vader, and Han Solo is miles ahead a better character than Vader so I can totally understand why you'd go with Rebels.

That and wild parties at Kashyyyk baybee.

>3rd world shitholes and new caliphates are pro terrorist rebel scum

rly makes u go hmmm

Why would you party with the muslims of the star wars universe?

I like the Empire dude. But regular TIE's are crap. Give a TIE fighter pilot an A wing and he could take on the Rebellion all by himself

You mean the Sith right? I'm asking myself the same question.

Vader is cooler than Han.
Vader is sitting in his Eagle's Nest on a mountain sipping the best wine in the galaxy while Han Solo drinks piss from a wookie's dick hole to survive an Imperial scan

Jedi are pretty much KGB/NKWD agents who kidnap children to brainwash them into emotionless killing machines who instead of beating you with pipes and using torture use literal brainwashing through "mind trick"

t. edgy bootlicker

I didn't like the rebels until rogue one went full vietnam with AR-15 blasters and space hueys with space m60 door gunners

Empire has way cooler capitol ships though, rebs have cooler fighters

Yoda was a pedophile.

The tie defender is better than an A wing, or any other Rebel ship for that matter.

Basically new recruits start with fighters.
They survive so many combat missions and they get interceptors. Interceptors may be a tiny tiny bit worse than an A wing (about the same speed and maneuverability, but no shields. Though it has more firepower), but any interceptor pilot will fly circles around any A wing pilot because of what he had to go through to get there.
Enough combat missions in an interceptor complete and you'll get your own defender.

When the empire sends in the defenders, the rebels get fucked hard every single time.

The sith are the jews of the Star Wars Universe.
The hyperspace war that killed them off was the shoah.

>Vader is cooler than Han
Not after the prequels. And not even before.

>space It ain't me starts playing

Childhood is admiring the rebels

Adulthood is realising the empire is right.

you mean before, you had an opposing idea

when you grew up you blended with the society

More like accepted conformity. Became just another cog in the slave machine.

Childhood is all about potential. Adulthood is the opposite - no potential at all, just what you have made (or was made/forced for/on you) and how far will you carry that on.

Preference for authoritarian regime.

Besides, having high IQ is one thing, utilising it in a meaningfull, beneficent way is another matter.

Easy, rebel has spics and blacks and the empire doesn't, the only black empire guy joins the rebels, why would those 2 groups play the side that wants them dead?

t. a slave

Not just yet.

this is why we need feminism

Empires are better than anarchronistic rebels who have no idea how to run a civilisation.

The empire was nice and peaceful until the rebels came along and started killing people.

go away Palpatine

Just look at their uniforms.
They've got the same style as the NS back then. Rebels are just SJWs that want to expand their safespace in the universe

>the only countries predominantly Rebel are countries that actually suffer under fascist regimes

Really makes you think

>under fascist regimes

>All the empire players get fired.
>Have nowhere to go.
>Eventually turn to each other and begin building communes in the middle of nowhere.
>An actual fascist imperial state is formed.

Alright, just shitty places then?

I thought it was randomly assigned when the game started, however:

>Countries with at least semi-stable government enjoy law and order characters with a good military
>Countries with shit government with low law and order enjoy characters that rebel and are basically a militia

>only degenerate countries on the left


Modi just made it law that before any movie plays in a theatre the national anthem will be played. If you do not show adequate respect for it you will be jailed

India and Argentina and Portugal and possibly Brazil are pretty close to getting fascist

Brazil had a military dictatorship for 20 years
Salazar was the Portuguese Franco for over 30 years
Argentina has had regular dictatorships

those were literally decades ago, user

A mix of imperial and Rebel tech is my dream navy.
>Imperial capitol ships.
>Rebel starfighters like the Xwing and B-wing.

That's not how IQs work in any way shape or form.

The average IQ of any country is 100, because the score is adjusted to ensure that it is. IQ tests are designed to rank people within a specific group, not compare different groups to each other. They are useless for that, for a variety of reasons.

So how do we test godless mud countries to prove that they have low intelligence?

>it ain't me
people are really still doing this shit, huh? The song is called 'Fortunate Son' by CCR, you dumb fucking cunt

I appreciate nationalism senpai.

no one asked you, grandpa

Get educated you fucking pleb

And this case the group is the entirety of humanity ya dumbo


Literally not how they work.
Don't be mad because you don't understand something.

It doesn't matter how big the group is you're testing. There is no arbitrary amount where the method YOU described doesn't work anymore. If you can test a country you can test the world

>force that crushes individual identity in favor of ruling the galaxy with one culture

Are you retarded?

>If you can test the country, you can test the world.

Dumb nigger.

>my country is pro-Rebel scum
Kill me

found the white argentinian

Close, but no dice


that huehues are the true protectors of liberty and freedom on this earth

Stormtroopers are more /fa/ and I prefer their voice overs too. Rebels sound too cheesy and their outfits are downright ugly. Plus the empire has better heroes, I mean does anyone really want to play as princess leia or han solo instead of darth vader or palpatine?

>yfw you realize Rebels were terrorists all along and the empire was actually building up strength to fight the Yuuzhan

>ROTJ Luke, R2, Obi-Wan, and Finn aren't cool


>top is 106
>bottom is 56
thats not how IQ works

If the Empire is so great, why
>Did its coolest Sith turn against it and kill the Emperor
>Are all Stormtroopers such jobbers
>Are AT-ATs and AT-STs so poorly made
>Did they build two multi-trillion dollar space stations with the same damning flaw
>Did they lose

rebels had plot armor

t. edgy "fuk da police" anarchist

Africans and Middle Easterners have access to vidya?

Chile here- u mad fucking fascists?

People are actually siding with a faction that blows up entire planets killing billions.

Really activates my almonds...

Thank Sheev that monkey died.

fuck you, dice. I will never not be angry about battlefront being a load of horse shit

stormtroopers look cooler so I always chose to play as them in the good battlefront games.

Isn't the Tie-fighter based on this? Which is also the advanced Jedi Starfighter.

>same damning flaw
Woah there buddy, the 2nd Death Star was going to be flawless, they just caught it in construction.
Also, we mostly saw the rebels when heroes were around with their plot armor meaning everything imperial had to fail to kill them or there wouldn't be a story. The time we don't see heroes in play during the invasion of Hoth in the Empire Strikes Back is the exact moment when the Empire kicks major fucking ass.

>That ship that just fucking crashes into the star destroyer

>Rebel scum calling Empire bootlickers

I played enough KotOR to know how to be the one getting his boots licked in that universe assuming I had any potential as a Jedi.


Weren't tie fighters just cheap tin cans so they can be mass produced?

t. sellout commie


That edgy 15 year old kids broke the balance, muricans are known for being bootlicker edgelords so of course they'd go for the empire

Rogue One, was leagues better than Force Awakens.

I didnt hate the protag half as much as the trailers made her seem like a total shit bag.

Maybe Im just a sucker for Pyrrhic Victories.

finally, spaceship door gunners