Why are they adding such dumb casual shit to dota, talent trees? Shrines so you can heal yourself whenever...

Why are they adding such dumb casual shit to dota, talent trees? Shrines so you can heal yourself whenever? Even more runes? The fuck is this faggot shit

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Then explain how talent trees are inherently casual in your own words instead of parroting shit?

They add an additional layer of information you have to know, use and adapt to and thus make the game less casual.Sure they might kill any semblance of balance, but how are they casual?

>giving each char free shit for no real reason is a good thing! Level up? Enjoy your free cloak, movement speed, damage! Because reasons!

think of what games have talent trees, they don't add depth or real choices since they are all so fucking stupid. Nigga u da one parroting shit.

Do you honestly think picking a choice between two choices is some deep shit? Nigga kill yourself, WoW must be the hardest shit ever

>>giving each char free shit for no real reason is a good thing
So you consider Attribute Bonus casual and are glad it was removed, I assume?

So you dont have an argument at all and were just baiting all along?

>think of what games have talent trees, they don't add depth or real choices since they are all so fucking stupid

So before talent trees we had nothing, well except for stats. Talent trees add aditional choice and information in this case.

In casual games like WoW or Hots they give you a simple talent tree to make some limited choices because those games are designed for casuals.

But in Dota you have a talent in tree in combination with the old skillsystem. They didnt reduce the ammount of choice you had to make, they increased them.

Having a talent tree isnt automatically making something casual, thats a really retarded statement.

How can adding additional choice and knowledge you need to acquire be more casual?

Are you retarded?

The shrines heal you for five seconds and have a cooldown of 3 mins.

>tfw gained 600 mmr since 7.00 thanks to everyone being op

this is actually the greatest dota patch made yet, because of the ridiculous power some heroes have you can actually solo carry your shitty team to victory reliably

first time I've felt happy about playing a new patch

thank you icefrog

Man I wish they made the talents interesting at least, but only a very small handful are to do with your spells. +6 STRENGTH IS BORING AS SHIT

Just wait 2-3 months until they rebalance this shit in 7.01. Game is literally bug central right now

Games are fucking fast now, holy shit and I suddenly have a shit ton of money without really doing anything

>Man I wish they made the talents interesting at least, but only a very small handful are to do with your spells. +6 STRENGTH IS BORING AS SHIT

Yeah sure most talents are not interesting, but its still aditional choice in comparison with +stats, so i dont get the "its casual" complaint.

Population decline.

Funny enough, they solved none of the real problems with the game in 7.00.

I hope Valve goes to shit in the next ten years.

Out of all the heroes I play, it seems one side is the boring shit until level 25 and the other side actually benefits you (Like +100 Magic Missile damage on Venge)

>Game has age old meta shaken up to be more interesting
>But because ganks are now much, much more relevant it's "casul"

t."safe" lane carry

Funny thing is the biggest casual mechanic they put in is the comeback mechanic some patches ago and yet most shitters dont complain about that.

Mistakes need to be punished harshly, comeback mechanics are casual cancer.
Dota will never be good again as long as those killgold changes dont get reverted.

Comeback mechanics were in from the very beginning, good job not knowing anything until it shows up in a patch note with a big explanation for you to try and shitpost about.

If you are leading a game in gold, XP AND Towers but die enough so you manage to lose, that's on you.

Speak for yourself, I said none of those things.

the only people who complain about patches like these are safe lane "carries" who only know 1 sort of play style and cry like a bitch every time it cant be used

you don't have to play meta every single game, just play smartly instead

>If you are leading a game in gold, XP AND Towers but die enough so you manage to lose, that's on you.

Meh they give the other team way too high rewards for killing you though. That would be like counting the other teams goals thrice if they are back 4:0 in soccer.

In short, its retarded.

They werent as retarded back then though.
Killgold based on team networth is garbage tier, they shouldnt get 2k gold for killing your shitty supporter when you went 30:0 on their asses.

I've seen that analogy before.

No, that analogy would work if a building was destroyed if you died while they are leading.

The better analogy would be if you are playing soccer and you got cocky enough for them to steal the ball more times than before.

>talent trees
Making multiple meaningful decisions to your character is in no way more casual than mindlessly getting +2 stats 10 times.

>always want to quit dota
>finally quit it after 7.0 mess

>hink of what games have talent trees
>they don't add depth or real choices

But soccer players don't get supercharged every time they score a goal. Any game that has a snowballing effect like Dota needs to have some sort of a comeback mechanic, or else every game will be decided by the first big teamfight.

Besides, IceFrog has already reigned in the comeback mechanics multiple times since the comeback mechanic rework in 6.83 or whenever that was.

>The better analogy would be if you are playing soccer and you got cocky enough for them to steal the ball more times than before.

Thats a terrible analogy, since in soccer your own mistakes get punished the same no matter your score.

In dota the other team actually gets rewarded more and more the further back they are.


So really, you can't equate it to anything really, because most sports only have one objective, while DOTA has the main and side objectives..

>Any game that has a snowballing effect like Dota needs to have some sort of a comeback mechanic

No it doesnt, it worked fine without that 3 years ago.
If you got outplayed to the point that the other team snowballs to hard you deserved it.

I'm more annoyed how fucking nobody seems to know how to play against le tricky monkey man
>jumps away
>whole fucking team proceeds to follow him around while he jumps from tree to tree

every fucking time

And if you manage to die under those conditions, they should be rewarded for it.

If you are so far in front that one or two team fights brings everything back and die, you deserve to lose.

Hence why my play rate for Timbersaw and Storm Spirit has increased.

>Any game that has a snowballing effect like Dota needs to have some sort of a comeback mechanic

That would be fine if it werent a teamgame and they wouldnt get rewarded for killing the weakest retard in your team

Killgold shouldnt be based on team networth, but on individual networth.
It became way harder to carry bad players now.

Yeah instead of attempting to counter him they go on reddit to make memepost #1245642 on how OP he is, and the sad thing is the dota reddit impacts how the game is balanced

first pick him and rush rapier

if you do it fast enough you cant die because your q 1 shots people and your ult is no mans land, stick with your team and push towers and end fast

guaranteed approx. 25 min game depending on how fast you farm it

If you think he isn't OP then you are a fucking retard. Look at his fucking kit. MAYBE if he was the most fragile hero in the game he would be balanced, but he's not even close.

The game is balanced around the assumption that everyone is on an equal skill level and know how to play well. Meaning, it is balanced around having 5 stacks of people you know rather than complete randoms.

Maybe in the trenchiest of trench games where no one knows what a stun is.

The the cast range talent for Jakiro increase his spell range too, or is it only the cast range?

But 99% of the playerbase doesnt play with a fixed stack.

>complaining about the comeback mechanics when they haven't been changed from 6.88, the most balanced any game has ever been in the history of gaming

Shut up retard.

It increases the range of his spells.

I shut up when i want to and not when a raging casual tells me too.

The only thing that maybe a little op is his stun
That shit is pretty ridiculous
other than that he's pretty average imo

Well shit, I've been missing out. Now I don't have to get an Aether Lens.

Get both

They stack?

Of course.

Kill gold is based on individual networth. Haven't you noticed that killing Alchemist nets you a whole lot more gold than killing Crystal Maiden?

>choosing between two bonuses is less depth and choice than receiving +2 stats


Its a mix of team and invidual networth as far as i know.

It should only be individual networth.

6.88 wasa horrible mess of alchemist, OD and SD/Luna dumpstering every other hero all game long with a side of Omni still being a piece of shit, and heroes like Visage, WR, Brood and LD were complete garbage.

it wasn't 'balanced' at all

It's funny because the meme picks of 6.88 are still being picked over and over and they're still broken as fuck

Talents made these heroes even more broken and talents for underpicked heroes do fucking nothing.

The only new heroes worth picking every game are Sniper and Omniknight. Hoho, haha is back.

They actually nerfed gold killstreak bounties and aoe gold though

It is, but the formula is dominated by the gold of the person killed in all but the most extreme cases, which never happens in real games anyway.


His highest winrate is in sub 2k, you are another example of whining like a faggot instead of not feeding and countering him

Just pick bat lmao

>everyone is picking nuke-heavy heroes because if all five of you spam basic abilities on a single hero they have 0 way to survive
>farm and items mean nothing, just do this

But dont worry guys, the game is balanced

they want the lol and blizzard audience

omni is dumpster tier now and sniper is easily countered by any decent damage hero with a blink dagger or other mobility

most carries can be shut down with a solid necro player now as well, thanks to the 25 second ult and free ghost sceptre

you only see meme picks in low bracket games, the majority of the hero pool is viable now, more so when you counterpick or pick complementary heroes

>Leaving 4 of their team mates alive with all your abilities on cooldown



Not anymore!

oh this reminds me i havent played all day

>oh no my teammate just died i must run away

this is the average dotard

shitters on my team keep picking supports when only 5 carrys can win

Talent trees would have been great if they were well balanced. When there's a choice that is obviously superior to the other one, then the choice is just an illusion.

>collect 20+ custom HUDs over the years
>7.00 literally DECIMATED all custom HUDs into barren pieces of shit
Yeah fuck this patch and their UI designers with a 10' pole. And not the smooth kind, a barky one with thorns.

I don't see any mana cost reduction talents and the cooldown reductions are mostly level 15 and above, plenty of time to kick their shit in.

True, I forget about dumpsters that don't take advantage of heroes with no abilities available to use.

>public pickrates

Come on we both know only competitive pickrates are an indicator for anything.

Public pick and winrates for everyone are worthless data.

>walking around a teamfight as undying
>slapping decay on everybody as my zombies beat them up
>have 50 stolen strength and like 5000 health
>enemy team is spamming all of their Q's simultaneously on my team and they die
>walk in to do big strengthy damage
>they do it to me
>my 5000 health disappears instantly

The reason more offensively-oriented passives have a higher winrate is because players who pick them are more often ahead or at an advantage in their game to begin with, which is why they feel confident picking those talents.

Id take talent trees over +2 in stats any day desu

Βut is it better than +6 TREANTS? :thinking:

The game has progressed from very difficult to very casual

there never used to be easy instant regen items like mangos, or even arcane boots.
you actually had to conserve your mana and be very careful with how you used your spells early game.

items like urn didnt exist to constantly keep your hp up

you couldnt buy boots at the side shop.

things like TP scrolls costed 150g, observer wards costs 200 and there was no reward for dewarding

blink dagger had a mana cost

many items, even SnY was a unique attack modifier, making your item choices much more thought out.

It used to be rare to level up past lvl 17 or so in a 1 hour game

there used to be no aoe gold for kills, and the penalty for dying was much steeper.

This is all i can think of off the otop of my head, but they have basically put training wheels on this game and made it more casual than what used to be called "easy mode" in WC3 dota.

its really sad but it appears valve is turning the game to shit to appease normies.

That's where the money is. Praise capitalism!

Half of these changes happened before DotA 2.

It is pretty clear that IF didn't account for the -20 stats on all heroes.