Any good F2P games?

Any good F2P games?

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Pick one.

F2P games are always shit/fun for no more than an hour or pay to win as fuck

I pick F2P. What stands out from the crowd?

yes the one you just posted.

Some people seem to like Paladins which is an overwatch clone if you want to try that.

Path of exile is f2p i think as well which people seem to like

>tfw when i bought a bunch of gaymes for my ps4 and i only play warframe

If you can ignore those minor cosmetics that you'll only see when spectating others then you've just posted it.

Warframe is pretty fun

Warframe, best destiny. Don't bother playing Firefall, that one died by the devs after the last update and there is no way the game is coming back since the devs shut the servers for no reason.

Pre 7.00 Dota 2

Let it die

I have 200 hours in that grinding simulator

I stopped after farming T4 Keys with immortal kitty for an hour and asked what am I doing with my life

The gameplay is pretty fun though when you're first starting out

I've been playing Path of Exile a lot lately and really enjoying it.

Did Hillary "Fucking Badass" Clinton make that game?

This game looks cool, but it seems like it's become trash from recently shit updates or something?


>Very high skill ceiling
>Multiple different classes with multiple ways to play since different load-outs
>if your into cosmetics they got that if not you can just ignore it fine
>So many mods and community game modes it's not funny over 100 something maps
>fast paced rocket jumping,double jumping, sticky jumping
>Stock weapons are 99% better with only the Sandvich,ubersaw, being arguably better and even then you can easily play without these items. You can trade these for real cheap,craft them with other weapons you get random dropped or spend like $2, so not pay to win.

>depending on which server and map you play and how brain dead your team is you'll either have a amazing time or a frustrating time getting rolled. 5 capture point maps then payloads are the best followed by attack/defend then ctf.

Don't play sniper or spy,

>Paladins which is an overwatch clone
its even better than the "original" is more fluid and balanced

also ow its a clone of other games tho

Team Fortress 2 isn't free to play.


My two cents is to get good with the default shotgun and learn when to use secondary weapons in general. You'll be a cut above if you get that down.


Did they ever release any new fucking maps?

The Stand Alon Complex F2P game is genuinely great and not p2w

the original shadow warrior

Yes it is. Where have you been for the last 5 years or something

I distinctly remember buying it in 2007. It's not a free to play game.

You're welcome.


Confirmed for trolling or living under a rock.

they scammed all the people who bought it full price by making it f2p when they thought they couldn't squeeze any more shekels out of it

Gigantic looks fun but you need to be on windows 10 or xbox to play it.

It's ok but the gameplay is pretty shallow and thus it gets boring quickly.
I just started playing Hawken and it's loads of fun but I don't know how P2W it is, I'm doing ok with the starter mech though so it's worth a try.

What the fuck? I genuinely didn't know it went F2P. Am I entitled to a refund or something?

>2007 was 10 years ago

you start, OP

lol the /vg/ general for this piece of shit died

Planetside 2 is pretty fun, user. It's pretty crowded during peak hours and you can be just as good as a BR120 fully fitted with the starter weapons.

You also get 100 certs per level up to level 15, so you can pretty much get a decent amount of upgrades in just a few hours.

Playing medic in a platoon with a decent leader, you can earn mad certs fast by just healing and ressing shit.

It's basically Battlefield 2, but an MMO.

I unirinically love Dirty Bomb's post-ironic self-loathing.

I love how they filled the game with swears, but the censored the Britbong character.
I love how the Nip character goes "Ara Ara~"
I love how they created Punished Proxy and Punished Coaly the month Overwatch came out
I love how they listened to /dbg/'s trolling and made a meme event
I love how the only peoplecto post rule breaking porn on /dbg/ was a DB PR rep abd a Russian

So many new players this weekend though. I've been wiping out entire squads because no one can aim.

>Very high skill ceiling


Gems of War once you get past the mobile game-ish aesthetics

I'll bring it back

Yes it does leaning how to rocketjump,ramp slide hit airshots as soldier, dodge gud and two shot people as scout, airblast as pyro, get god like player awareness as Medic and surf incoming rockets, hit pipes consistently as Demo, hit headshots with Sniper and amby spy consistently.

Don't delude yourself you can easily play the game fine running around like a retard on 2fort and never improve, but there's a high skill ceiling there waiting, it's what keeps me coming back to tf2 instead of overwatch.

Most people won't ever enjoy the feeling of airshotting a bombing soldier in a fast paced 6's match and being able to absolutely destroy any pub you enter.

what are

>trickstabs and mind games
>advanced rocket jumping
>sticky jumping

>Still no based turtle