I only see three or four good games here. What's the big deal?

I only see three or four good games here. What's the big deal?

When they came out all of them were legendary games.

All those games are good
Silent Hill 2 and MGS 2 are arguably some of the best games ever made
Stop shitposting

member when consoles had games and not re(hash)masters and movies?

There are 6 good games if I'm being super harsh.

The PS4 has like 2 good games both of them took forever to come out.

I count 7 titles from the pictures I enjoyed on my ps2.

Objectively there are 10 great games there

Remember when you used to play video games and not just shitpost on an image board?

All of them are great.

why did Japanese game development go down the shitter?

Baldur's Gate: dark alliance is some top tier technology shit, and it's fun as hell. Shame it never gets talked about here.

i member

>Fur Affinity
Oy Vey

gooks are very closed minded

First month on Sup Forums?

>Gay sex with hats on

retard, clearly "how to take a screenshot" is the most controversial tab

The only game on there that isn't good is Ico.
9 games, that's more than the entirety of games worth playing on the Wii U, and that's 9 more games worth playing on the PS4/Xbone

I've played all the games on the bottom row and they are all fucking amazing except for Ico which is overrated proto-indie shit. But it was still a first of it's kind at least.

I've heard the stuff on the top row is very good as well, I liked GT1 & 2 and 3 is likely better than them. Dunno why I never bothered to pick up 3.

>people still post this inaccurate image

>no rehashes
>final fantasy fucking metalgear solid 2, silent hill 2, and ico is a literal walking simulator
>dark alliance is a western rpg
>dmc is a cuhrayzee game, which we still get nowadays

that roster is literally no different than we we're getting today.

>>The PS4 has like 2 good games both of them took forever to come out.

Bloodborne and....?

mgs2 is shit


love how you are cherrypicking the worst year for ps4, faggot

Omega Quintet

>SH2 is a movie game


Also I thought Dark Alliance was an ARPG?

DMC was also the first Cuhrazy game, inventing the genre you fucking retard.

they all came out within weeks away from each other and with this image we can already say the PS2 has more good games than PS4, and that less than two years after it's release.

shhh dont try and bring logic to a nostaligafag

>GTA 3
>pretending western rpgs are any worse than jrpgs

>that roster is literally no different than we we're getting today.
There hasn't been a 3d platformer worth a shit since Mario Galaxy 1.
There hasn't been an air combat game on consoles worth a shit since the ace combat on the last gen and that's being generous.
There hasn't been a cuhrazy game worth a shit since bayonetta 1

>its okay when we count multiplats for the ps2 but not for the ps4

Ico was nice and Shadow Of The Colossus was really good

>with hats on

you fucking sicko

That's not cherrypicking, retard. 2001 is the year after PS2 released, same with the PS4 and 2014. It's the exact same amount of time between release.

Even PS4 exclusives released during 2015 Fall/Holiday were fucking pathetic compared to PS2 in 2001.

nah your just a nostalgiababbie manchild that cant let go of the past. ps4 has plenty of great games

>grand theft auto 3
>SH2 and MGS2
>movie games

Shadow of the Colossus was indeed really good but Ico is a shit tier 3rd person walking sim with some minimal puzzles and "combat".

It's the inspiration for all the 2deep4u indie trash we are inundated with at the moment.

2001 was the PS2's second year
2014 was the PS4's second year

>silent hill 2 is a literal walking simulator
I'm seeing this shitty meme popping up more, and it needs to fucking stop. Walking simulators usually don't have actual combat, a variety of weapons to use, intricately designed puzzles and a story that isn't as shallow as a kiddie pool. Not to mention, you usually can't run in them either.

how the fuck were we supposed to know they'd make HD collections for sony games on the 360?

how convenient you picked the second year which is the ps2s best year faggot

Man that's a fucking solid lineup

gta 3
silent hill 2
baldurs gate

all went multiplat during 6th dumb retard. hell, silent hill 2 was on the xbox in 2001 which makes that image wrong


the ps4 is trash, get over it you fucking assblasted sonygger

Not convenient, just a fact.
PS2's best year only came a year after release.
PS4 hasn't had a better year in over 3 years since release.

>hurr its shit because it didnt come out when i was a kid durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Shut your faggot mouth. Revengeance is God tier.

>hurr its shit because it came out before i was born durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

ps4 has had great games spread out through the years

>your just a nostalgiababbie manchild that cant let go of the past
Nah not an argument.
>ps4 has plenty of great games
Not released in Fall 2004, same timeframe as the PS2 games the PS4 is being compared to. Not even 2015 had great PS4 exclusives aside from Bloodborne.

Prove me wrong you casualbabbie literal child that cant accept your games are shit.

>hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im a nostgiafag durrrrrrrrrrrrr

infamous second son, until dawn, uncharted 4, ratchet and clank all say hello

>hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im a underage newfag durrrrrrrrrrrrr

A daily reminder that Snowblind Studios has been fused with Monolith which means there won't be any quality offline co-op ARPG's on consoles any longer.

>hurrrrrrrrrrrr anyone who cant let go of the past is an underage newfag durrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Only decent game there is R&C and it's worse than the ps2 games.


The only title you listed there that's worth playing is Ratchet & Clank and it's a fucking remake that is missing levels and content, you are probably better of playing the original over the remake.

So did the PS2. Difference is every year for the PS2 was great whereas the PS4 needs to pool all of its years to compare and still comes up short >infamous second son
worst of the infamous games, just as much of a "rehash" as GTA and Ace Comabt
>until dawn
SH2 shits all over it
>uncharted 4
came out this year
>ratchet and clank
Good game but also came out this year.

t. shit eater

name three or four good games from this year, or the last


you faggots are so fucking deluded holy shit

t. underage newfag

The only deluded person here is you since you seem to think the PS4 has more than 1 game worth playing on it.

>gets BTFO
>procede to shitpost even harder with allcaps strawmen and ad hominem


Titanfall 2
Persona 5
Yakuza 6

I could name as many as you want, and you'd still say they're all shit lmao

>hurrrrrrrrrrrr anyone who doesn't have shit taste in games is a nostgiafag durrrrrrrrrrrrrr

i genuinely feel sorry for you guys. the fact that you cant enjoy modern video games and you feel the need to cling to the past and pretend everything was "better" back then is pathetic. seek help, i mean that.

So you can't name any good games? Thanks for admitting it.

So a weeb game that looks like it could have played on the PS2 just fine.

Probably not a bad game but not worth buying a console for.

I like JRPG moe shit occasionally but man I wish they'd put more effort into their games aside from the girls themselves. They always look a gen or two behind.

>liking games that came out after i was a kid is considered shit taste


I didn't say UC4 or Ratchet and Clank were shit games. Learn to read you fucking retard.

I can enjoy modern games just fine as long as they aren't shit.

you objectively did

>still replying
>still butthurt

Stay mad pleb.

You objectively can't read

>Good game but also came out this year.

seek help

Older games are legitimately better than the trash released today. Gaming got so bad over the years I stopped playing new released entirely in 2012. Best decision I ever made. I started going back and exclusively playing old games that I'd missed out on, even stuff that was before my time so it's definitely not nostaliga. I'm only 24 and grew up in the last days of the PS1 and mainly the PS2 for most of my childhood. I've been playing early 90's games that I missed out on completely and they BTFO newshit right out of the water.

I don't know if AAA gaming has gotten better since 2012, but the years from 2008-2012 were so bad and got progressively worse I just gave up on them completely.

now read what you said after that dumbfuck

>liking games that came out before you were born is considered clinging to the past


so why the fuck are you here? fuck off back to /vr/ dumb faggot

Say what you want but Uncharted 4 is a great video game.

inb4, "hurrf durrf movie xD"

It's mostly because in comparion to recent launch-lineups it's just depressing.
These 8 games include ground-breaking genre starters, simply excellent titles, and SH2, one of the greatest games ever made. Even FFX was at the time some mind-blowing shit.

Compare that to the PS4's launch window which included fucking Knack and a shitty Killzone title, followed by a relaunch of TLOU.
Or the Xbone's, which had shitty Dead Rising 3, boring Ryse, Forza and Killer Instinct.
Or the fucking Wii U's, that had Nintendo Land and a Mario game.

it's just sad.

That was literally the last line of my post you shitsucking mong.

I'll bite this bait.
>only decent game there is R&C
Infamous SS has a garbage story, but is a fun open-world superhero game that (while not as good as 2) is still worth playing. The new powers are engaging, the combat allows plenty of different approaches, and clearing outposts is always fun. Just skip the cutscenes.

Until Dawn is about as good as QTE movies are gonna get. Not worth much unless you're already interested, but still good for what it is. If you wanna pull the "it's not a game" argument, I won't contest that.

Uncharted 4 is on the level of Uncharted 2, thanks to gameplay improvements and not having a plot riddled with holes and loose ends like UC3. Sure, there's no crazy mystical shit, but the dialogue is the best it's ever been, and the game itself looks really fucking good, especially considering what it's running on. The combat is much more open-ended, with better arenas that can almost always be approached from several different angles, more variety in Nathan's mobility, and some minor improvements to stealth.

>and it's worse than the ps2 games
In terms of story, sure. Gameplay? Miles ahead of R&C1.

im 87 dumbass

>Persona 5
>GG Xrd Revelator
>Monster Hunter Generations
>Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
>Dragon Quest Builders
>Dark Souls 3
>King of Fighters XIV
>Gears of War 4
>World of Final Fantasy
But hey, they're all shit, right?

>still replying


hey dumbass, that pic isnt the ps2 launch lineup

>liking older games better than the newest overmarketed trash means you're not allowed to post on Sup Forums

and you wonder why the rest of Sup Forums treats you as a containment board

>Devil May Cry
>Final Fantasy X
>Jak and Daxter
>MGS 2
>Silent Hill 2

These are all great games, the other 4 not so much.

>weeb trash x 10
Really make you think

wrong fuckhead

I see 8 or so and then one techincal impressive game for its time and one only ok game in a series of good games. Whatever different tastes I guess.

Because I also play games from the 2000's as well as the 90's.

/vr/ is 80's plebs and early to mid 90's IIRC. I wish /vr/ was never made, it only made Sup Forums more cancerous.

It also took twice as long as those PS2 games that "took forever" to come out so you just played yourself there champ

not an argument