NVIDIA to Launch "Club GeForce Elite" Subscription-based Service for $10 a Month

You know you're gonna pay for it.


>1 "free" indie game a year
>4 "free" skins a year

You'd think they would make deals with all the AAA publishers to get 'free' games ala PSN and Xbox Live.

>For $120/year

Cool, don't have to worry about finding an alternative to shadowplay just yet then. It'll sell for sure, but how well do you think it will do?

GG reading comprehension.

Elite status gives 4 games per quarter.

Any GFE user gets the indie game.

Pathetic offerings, I mean seriously, but its obvious that the point is to take baby steps.

Sup Forums will laugh at it today, it'll come, and stay, and a year or two later a bunch of actual features will be locked behind it.

AMD is making moves and this is how they respond? You'd think they would be working something out with nintendo.

>reading comprehension
no user, elite status gives you ACCESS to 4 games per quarter. I guarantee you don't own shit.

>you get them on your Nvidia GameStoreā„¢ account, because Steam needs yet another competitor that is more jewish than it is

they managed to make something worse than ps+

I feel a bit shit for buying 2 1070s

for the low, low price of $120 a year I could get indie humble bundle shovelware garbage once a quarter, epeen garbage avatars for the nvidia forums and nvidia-exclusive DLC for AAA rooty tooty shooty gaems?


For $120 a year you could probably buy 50~+ indie titles just buy actually browsing and buying bundlestars and other shit like that

i can pirate indie shit just fine

>$120 indie game

Hot damn, what a deal!

No I won't, cheap shill.

Ten bucks says they intentionally throttle PCs with a Nvidia card if they don't pay the 10 a month

>$120 for one year of subscription
>1 indie game A YEAR

>current year

Shiggity diggity doo

Meanwhile, the forums are filled with customers complaining about how utterly garbage the newest version of GeForce Experience is, along with how shitty it is to have to register an account with Nvidia just to use functions like Shadowplay. Unsurprisingly, customer support is completely MIA and the bigwigs seem to be completely ignoring the feedback from their consumers.

>Have to pay for it

Im loving this new meme!

It's exclusive you fucking retard you can't get it anywhere else this is a great deal.

Should I switch to AMD or stay with Jewidia?

oh so it's like steam?

>Exclusive indie game
What did they mean by this ?
They pay dev to make games exclusive to this service ?

>in game exclusivity on PC HARDWARE
What a deal
Surely in the interest of all consumers is to get further into bed with developers
Its console wars, but on PC
What a time to be alive

literally just use gfe 2.11 and disable the update .exe

I like nvidia cards but this shit is bananas

>component manufacturers implementing Microsoft/Sony subscription bullshit

Its a meme coming from Microsoft and Sonygger

>its another im angry because i cant afford it episode
lol its 10bucks, go mow a lawn or something if youre that poor lmao


they're for my and my brother's pc retard

>hurr I'm an idiot who doesn't understand what complementary gifts are hurr durr

You're paying to be an elite member you jackass the games are free gifts to thank you for your contribution christ Sup Forums how the fuck are you all so stupid swear to god I'm the only grown man with a job on this board who knows how the real world works fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK i hate you all so much for always just saying such stupid shit all the god damn time wasting my fucking time everyday with your bullshit swear when i'm on met deathe bed i'kl fej be realzinging how mvuhb of omy life i w as ted with ingm you dumfb niggers a nd jio you stupid shti ceve fucking day over a nd gover and vover and over aogijaon.

AMD is objectively better in every way that matters

hello, are you okay?

No it's consoles.
>stop paying
>lose access

Meanwhile on Steam:
>don't pay shit
>unlimited access

I knew something was coming with that "login to use GFE" bullshit they introduced a while back

>Internet gets cut off or goes out
Say goodbye to your games

Offline mode has been fixed for years now and portion of Steam library can be run without Steam client.

>Goes on Sup Forums
>Calls himself a grown man

>Offline mode has been fixed for years now

Oh wow offline mode works! Whoop dee fuckin doo!

>not blocking all updates by making your geforce folder read only

wow sounds like a huge waste of money

>download cracks for your games
>suddenly drm free

>This is the PC master race

Yeah this is fucking stupid. If you instead save $10 a year then you'd have enough to upgrade to a new card every 2-3 years instead and thus keep your rig up-to-date.
Not even Sony's crappy PS+ rewards are this shitty, and the only reason people sub to that is because it's mandatory for online play on PS4 unlike all their other consoles.

>complains about bad function
>"function been fix"

Sup Forums-Video Games

So glad I went with a Fury instead of a 1070.
The extra performance would be nice, but fuck Nvidia for doing shit like this.

>I hate this because X doesn't work
>X actually works fine
>Who cares!

>Internet goes out
Thank God I can still play my Minecraft zombie survival shovelware still

>Club GeForce Elite
As someone who dropped PC gaming this year, I'm just laughing my ass off.

AMD's set to bounce back up with 490/X and a rumored lower MSRP on 480 and 470 next year, so take that as you will.

Oh so it's been fixed huh! Wow whooooop deeee fuuuuuuckin doooooo! Hey everyone it's been fixed! Let's all celebrate for things getting fixed! Hooray things got fixed!

I hate video games so much

goyims are so fucking ez


And so it begins. It was only a matter of time before somebody slipped in the PC market and bit the bait that consoles have been living on for the last 5 to in Microsoft's case 10 years.

I actually thought it would be EA/Origin first but out of left field here is Nvidia to ruin the day. Fuck even AMD seemed more likely from a hardware point of view. Always a surprise around the bend though. Fucking hell.

'muh """"""""""free"""""""""" shit

Stay triggered.

holy shit what a "deal". only 120 bucks/year! GOD DAMN!

Oh so I'm triggered huh?! Hey everyone look I'm triggered! Whoop dee freakin doo this guy is triggered let's all have a laugh at how triggered she is! Yaaaay he's soooo triggered! Hahahahaha so funny!

Stay triggered.

>I actually thought it would be EA/Origin first

It actually was. Origin has had a monthly subscription option to play dead multiplayer games and six year old singleplayer games "free" for awhile now.

If the games are free, a thank you for suscribing, what exactly am I suscribing to?

I think it's time for you to take a break from the internet.

>amd forces me to use botnet 10 because of dx12 if I don't want to gimp my gpu
>about to pull the trigger on a nvidia
>see this
What do I even do, bros?

But at least they are AAA games
In this case its "exclusive indie games"

>What do I even do, bros?
I froze my PC at 2011 specs and won't put any money into that dead horse anymore.

Who knows, this may even be because the AAA market is collapsing so badly.

Nvidia used to give away those bonus free AAA geimu code with every bleeding-edge *70 or *80 card. But not only are those games performing poorly sales-wise these days, they're performing poorly optimization-wise and you're buying a goddamn "best of the best" 1080pi card that can't even Ultra out these abysmally poorly done console ports EA/Ubishit/Sqeenix/WB are shitting out. I spent $600 bucks on a video card I'd be rightly pissed at the hardware AND software for pulling that shit.

>>amd forces me to use botnet 10 because of dx12 if I don't want to gimp my gpu
DX12 is a meme, and I say that as someone with a high end AMD GPU.

>gf experience now needs your email account to use
>subscription for marginally small features
>next they will lock you out of using shadowplay if you dont give your email to them
>after that you will have to pay monthly to use gfexperience

well god dang.
atleast you still dont need to sign in with your email if you just want to use shadowplay

>inb4 drivers behind the subscription for the first month
>all new games need the newest driver to work properly

Amd is already on par and better in the future on the 480 vs 1060 end. It has 8gb of vram while nvidia jewed out with 6gb.

Performance wise it's almost the same with slightly more performance varying on different games. Vega will have 8gb HBM2 anyways

Just go amd since nvidias driver are shit as of late

Depends which games they offer. If they have some good games I wouldn't mind. I've been paying for ea access for 2 years now and it's been great. If this is similar it will also be great.

>tfw they made sure you cannot use old Shadowplay

God damn I hate nvidia

GFWL had paid online way before that. THough it was only for a few days and everyone got refunds after the backlash

>PC gaming is better because there are no subscription fees!

Hardware Canucks actually made a recent video about 480 vs 1060 and showed that, if you could buy either card at the same price, the 480 is much better choice now than it was before. You just have to let Microcock ream you in the ass with Windows 10 so you can actually make the 480 perform better than the nVidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB/6GB on any OS.

this is disgusting

Unless you have a top of the range i7 amd are a no go. Even a powerful i5 3570k overclocked bottlenecks a 480 in cpu intensive games. Avoid amd at all costs till they fix their driver overhead.l

>console gaming is better because you don't need to install games!

What's wrong with Windows 10, without sounding paranoid about privacy?

>1 indie game a year

nVidia can suck my dick, I got an EVGA 1070 and I don't even bother with their shitty nVidia Experience botnet.

It's a broken piece of shit that desperately wants to be an Apple computer

Who uses this shit anyway? I just download new drivers from the main site like I've always been for the past 15 years

and PCfags were talking shit about PSN and xboxlive.

oh how the "mighty" have fallen.

>inb4 durr this is totally different!

>Subscribe to our Elite service for access to Elite drivers to increase your card's performance!
It's coming.

The sub comes down to paid online for games like battlefield and overwatch. On pc you don't gotta pay to get online for those games. This is just a sub for random shit people don't care about. They can't paywall the basic functionality of the os.

Even if they tried it there's other options like AMD

On ps4 you just gotta take what sony forces on you up the ass. That also extends to limiting mods to the point to where they are just modifying basic files and you can't even create or import custom shit.

subscription based services were a mistake.

you see the advantage that consoles had over pcs are gone.

it used to be like this on console
>put in game

but now you have to deal with more bullshit
>online costs
>have to install games which takes forever
>have to patch games which frequently takes long due to shit cdn speeds
>no couch coop since everyone just plays online anyways
>games cost a lot and trie to jew you every step of the way.

>nVidia can suck my dick
>I got a 1070
So you're sucking nvidia's dick instead and complaining about nvidia despite using and endorsing their product anyways?

>hardware canucks

Literally who? Hardware unboxed (a well respected benchmarker) also did a test this week and found that in older games the 1060 was on average about 15% faster but in new games it was 1% faster. This was all nice till they dropped the bomb which was that the 480 is expensive literally everywhere outside of America which eliminates any reason to buy a 480 over a 1060 right now for non Americans. Why would you pay more for the same performance in 2016 games and much worse performance in older titles. Don't tell me you only play 2016 games now or something retarded. The 480 is so extortionate that the 1060 3GB is the same price as a 470 in my country. That shows how bad the 480 is priced in many places globally and you can't argue against the fact that price is everything when buying a gpu.

>PC gaming is better because there are no subscription fees!
Had to update this 2013 cost prediction graph for 8th generation gaming.

Nothing really. It runs faster than 7. Just your usual sony ms haters that say it's bad.

lel, they can go fuck themselves. first it was the telemetry shit in the drivers now this.

Hey retard I literally lost internet for 4 months because my alcoholic roommate didn't pay the bill and racked up $200+ in late fees that the ISP wouldn't waive until I could prove they no longer lived there (no other ISPs would isntall service either).

Offline Mode carried me through the entire four months without a single hitch.

Reminds me of the whole Founder's Edition bullshit they started with the 10xx series. For those who don't know, a Founder's Edition graphics card is just the normal stock card running a normal stock board and cooler but charging way fucking more for it than if you just bought it from like MSi or EVGA. All they're good for is if you want to put waterblocks on them even though most companies make versions for specific versions anyways so it's just nvidia finding new ways to jew people out of cash.

i can get behind this

what the fuck is this chart

>"Never heard of X so they don't matter"
>"You should listen to Y even if you've never heard of them!"

>You just have to let Microcock ream you in the ass with Windows 10
What if I don't want to do that? And what of