Ape Escape

Does Sony even need this series or are they better of selling it?

If you want it so bad then you and every other Ape Escape fan just need to keep asking for it.

If the past couple of years have taught us anything is that Sony will fucking do it f you make yourself heard, and since Sony actually owns Ape Escape they won't need to jump through hoops of kickstarters and skylanders to make it happen

They probably should sell it but they won't, probably out of spite or disdain.
I would trade every Last of Us/Uncharted/Wife's Son of War just to have this series back again, even if it gets Nuts & Bolted.

Does Sony even had thought of the idea of Ape Escape having a fanbase?

There's a reason they don't make them anymore user

Let me guess: Yumi

Why does Japan Studio not get the funding for a new Ape Escape, but Santa Monica keep getting Fat Princess games greenlit?

Does FP even have more sales than an Ape Escape game?

Because it promotes realistic body image and stands as a pillar of hope for shamed gamers.
I feel you tho, most Sony fans are apes anyways.

The Diablo for kids one didn't do very well, but it's been hinted since that a new one is coming.

what took its place?

The develepers all went together to have an anniversary dinner for the game last year, and Sony's twitter did throw a teaser by taking a picture of a guy in a Pipo Monkey costume cause it's the year of the monkey in the Chinese Zodiac.
They know the franchise still exists as one of their classics, but for some reason won't bring it back.

Who even asks for a new Fat Princess?

I wonder if they do it like Capcom where they secretly like to mock one of their fanbases

I assume Fat Princess is cheap to make

Maybe that's why they're shit

Nah mate, that's Naughty Dog and Jak & Daxter. That shit's in the grave.

I remember when they posted an image with their characters and Jak and Daxter were the only ones of their series while behind a bunch of other characters that are literally "no character design: the characters"

Sony metroid

At least Metroid gets a fanmade project, all we have is Om making Yumi pics and Game Theory making a video about the series.

If we're lucky, Screwattack puts Spike against Diddy Kong.

In TLOU you can dress Ellie up in Daxter clothes after you beat the game

I don't see GR2 having Kat dressing as a pipo monkey, that should happen, or better yet: Yumi's outfit

so naked with fingerless gloves and goggles?

Leave, freako

Imagine Ellie dressed as Yumi

Something like this, sorry it's he best google can find

Looks ok i guess

>Knack 2 got greenlit before Ape Escape 4

...alright, that's pretty cute. I'm a sucker for cute.

Fuck you Videogamedunkey

Not really surprising; despite being crap, Knack is Mark Cerny's little vanity project, so he could've forced a sequel through even had the original not sold well.

Fuck you Mark

Knack sold pretty well in Japan, it's probably just for them. And I guess they need something for kids

What the fuck is wrong with japan?

Why is the ape escape logo so similar to sonic adventure dx?

It looked like that a little bit