DragonQuest XI looks absolutely amazing. Gonna switch to the dragon quest franchise now that final fantasy is so fucked

DragonQuest XI looks absolutely amazing. Gonna switch to the dragon quest franchise now that final fantasy is so fucked.

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Enjoy your sameplay that never changes.

What is the point?
Dragon Quest III is the pinnacle of the franchise.

Its a pretty good series, it dosent make huge revolutionary changes but its consistency is also a plus since all the main titles 3 up are good, not drastically diffirent but good

>switch to
>Not having played both alongside each other
Sucks to suck.

>already lewds of busty girl


>Enjoy your sameplay that never changes.
That's what got the series popular in the first place, solid system that no one will dare to make drastic changes.

>boring, stale, and repetitive
No thanks.

This. I enjoy DQ more, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy FF too.

You're welcome, now go fuck yourself.

Right back at you, you and your shit taste.

Is this franchise still turn based? I mean seriously, not saying final fantasy have perfected non turn based combat, they clearly haven't, kingdom hearts is closer to achieving that but I digress, at they are trying new things and its far more interesting than stale turn based shit.

Some of my favorite games are turn based but their time has come and gone, its time to evolve.

Nigger DQ side games and series exist exactly for that reason.

>"Final Fantasy XV was bad" meme

I bet your favorite was X you fucking plebiscite

What is the best dragon quest game to get started on the series and for what system?

>now that FF is so fucked
That ship sailed years ago.

People who hate turned based rpgs, that's cool, there are other games that cater to your taste, let's not fucking bring Dragon Quest down to that level though.

I can't think of a mainline DQ that wasn't turn based except for X, and that was a fucking MMO.

>turn based gaming needs to die


V on DS is a grand adventure.

IX is alright also as it focuses on the player's own story and your party is made up of customizable husk.

I hate DQ music


カミュ should have been the MC.





V, VI, VII (in 7's case only if you have a millenia to burn and can tolerate a slow start)


I and II


Monster series, Rocket Slime Adventures, Builders




there is a Theatrythm for DQ but due to the head composer for the series being a racist it will never leave moonland

Is this coming to America? It hasn't been confirmed yet I thought.

>it's an MMO again

why the fuck should I care?

I've never been able to get into Dragon Quest. I got into Final Fantasy because I bought into the characters of IV, VI, VII and IX. I've never played a Dragon Quest game where I give a shit about the characters. They somehow manage to be even more vanilla than FFI and II.

Is there a Dragon Quest game with an interesting cast, or is it all "save the world" Blue Dragon bullshit?

What's your favorite Call of Duty?

fuck really? my interest is dead

>due to the head composer for the series being a racist it will never leave moonland
Explain further.

>17 is back in Super and he's the protagonist of DQXI

aw yeah

What? No it isn't.

>there are three Dragon Quest threads on Sup Forums right now
what happened?

It's not, don't worry.

>watch CGI
>"Holy shit amazing gameplay!"

I want Sqeenixtards to die.

Two years ago I never would have thought that DQ would be my favourite series.

>The world of Dragon Quest XI is called “Lotozetasia"
what is he planning? pic also related

Would you let us keep at least one series?
Fuck off elsewhere.

They showed some "gameplay" which was just running around a castle city on the 3DS version and riding around on a horse on the PS4 version.
But yeah, your quote still applies. They showed literally nothing.

>shut down Heroes being streamed on twitch due using his compositions without permission
>midi music in 3DS versions of 7 and 8 internationally

it's mostly conjecture but Sugimori has made it abundantly clear he doesn't want gaijins hearing his music

3 is only the best of the first 3

Anyone? Any of the Dragon Quest games got memorable, unique characters/plot to them? Or do they all boil down to basically Ni No Kuni without the Miyazaki influence?

Luckily that fucker is 91.

Why everyone looks like goku

is that fucking erdrick's sword

8 is the best Dragon Quest, 5 is a close second, then 4 and 6 are about equal, 3 is ok. 9,1, and 2 are average.

play V

I can't tell
it's a picture for ants

He wouldn't have any of the aspects you found interesting if he was the MC, DQ protagonists are walking blank states.

>MCtrunks-kun is a decendant of lotto... yet again.

Yeah I agree, and I really like the games themselves

>Any of the Dragon Quest games got memorable, unique characters/plot to them?
V. If you only play one Dragon Quest, it has to be V.

It isn't you dumb shit.

Will there be paffu paffu?

It can't be. II's world is called Torland, and while III's world was never named, it doesn't look anything like the map they've shown.

>Is there a Dragon Quest game with an interesting cast
IV, V, VII, and maybe VI.

The thing with DQ is that the games tend to focus more on the world around the player than individual characters. In other words, DQ games focus more on the effects of whatever evil is present, rather than the outcome.

Confirmed yes.

Sometimes those outcomes are fucking sad.

I thought people were bitching because they're using an action-based combat system like DQ Heroes.

>Spend so much str seeds on Keifer

I hope he died of gypsy AIDS.

>3 is the best
>not 5
>not 7
>not 8

We don't even know what battles are like in 11 yet.

Is this series an anthology or do i have to play every game to get the full story, i just want to play one of them so i can say im a real gamer

>What is Google?
>What is common sense?

Only the first three games are linked in any signifigant way. The rest are all stand-alone stories, some with repeating elements (such as the Zenithia trilogy) and others without.

Is an anthology on most of the cases, eache game is unique on it's own way and even if there are some games linked between you don't need to play another to understand each game.

>used seeds on the obvious "got two days until retirement" mentor who didn't learn any skills besides meme flame sword

your own fault

Just start on a good JRPG series then like Trails of series or SMT

I was young and naive, I realized my mistake at the moment he saw that gypsy girl.

I'd play dq if someone other than toriyama did the designs.

Not gonna happen bro, yes the style is stale but DQ is actually some of his better works.

Atleast we got the "good Toriyama"

Fucking baka.

I want to VIHero-kun. I liked it better when he was swole but he can still get it

This right here. I feel DQ has some of Toriyama's best work in it.

Looking forward to the fanservice being toned down on every platform due to lowest common denominator parity.


He's talking about how Dragon Quest 8's remake was censored.

What's lowest common denominator parity?

Have any of these games ever had attack magic that was worth a shit? Healing and support is always vital, but when it comes to the nukes they seem to have always done half-assed damage for a limited resource. Melee beats the shit out of magic single target early on, and then later for AoE as well when you get weapons that hit whole groups or just fucking everything period.

sjws an femenists an shit

I dont know but I picked VII up three days ago and I'm hooked

Doesn't IV, V, and VI all take place in the same land, but they have different maps?

Every version will pass through a Nintendo filter, PS4 included.

Two days until retirement mentor?

What about 7?

you are six degrees of retarded

It was only censored because of CERO. Nintendo had nothing to do with it and SJWs don't exist in Japan.

A lot of the music really feels like placeholders more than anything. Like you're not supposed to really notice it, its just there to add atmosphere. Though that said VIII has some godly tracks.

At least there's a restoration patch.

>FF gets ran into the ground as it tries to appeal to the west with open worlds and action rpg mechanics
>older JRPG fans in the west turn to DQ
>DQ starts selling more in the west
>S-E tries to capitalize by adding an open world and action combat for western audiences
>ruin DQ too

how do I win at the casino in 7

I can't tell whether i should feel bad the fact his destiny ended in failure. Aisha looks terrible.

Simple solution

Thankfully, normie westernfags have shit taste and don't like DQ.

I think I want you to get hit by a car. Enjoy your gay man fantasy 15

when's it coming to the west?

Late 2018 at the earliest.

That's the only good thing about dragon quest.


2020 at the earliest.

It took three years for Dragon Quest 8 to get here. I'm not going to accept anything faster than that.

When you import it.