Who's your favorite male vidya character Sup Forums?

who's your favorite male vidya character Sup Forums?

Nero from DMC4.

Luna Goodguy

that one guy from the game

This is a fine heterosexual thread for straight men.


indeed it is


I can't pick one

Link is cute! CUTE!


where the furshit @






Rehgar is cute


why thank you lovely user

The guy who wears red like this guy but also went Jesus in the latest game.

sol is a shit mc.


I want to unsee this


Find me a better JRPG MC, I don't think you can.



>fuccbois and faggots

Feet are a shit fetish. Armpits are where it's at.

>tfw can only get to male characters if they're furshit or shita

I'm the worst

No, I just don't understand feetfags
Hairy manly feet aren't lewd for me


he had so much potential to be great, but instead they had to ruin it with the stupid "lolmuhlevlance"

At least the romance is top tier. Nothing else comes close.

Feets are one of the most normal tier fetishes there are, dingleberry.

>draw a girl
>call it a boy


I hope my boyfriend is having a nice day, I noticed him around earlier but had to do something so I didn't bother him!

Looks absolutely nothing like a disgusting hag. Get your eyes checked, user.

Shulk m8

I want him hug me with all of his 4 arms.


I wanna see Sol get brutally tentacle raped until he's mindbroken mentally regressing into a submissive tentacleslut

I want to chill with Axl.

Reminder that this is the most heterosexual thread.

Absolutely sane.

I bet your favorite male character wouldn't get a boner even if you hit him.

I wanna chill with Axl too and reassure him that his lack of fanart doesn't mean he's unpopular

and compliment his legs to of course

If I asked nicely would Link put his master sword inside my scabbard?

>Implying he isn't a small-dicked twink to get fucked

Bro I'm not even gay and I know all iterations of link are 150% sub

Kass obviously

>repopulated Hyrule with Zelda after SS
>small-dicked twink to get fucked

Yeah, no.

Almost right, but you forgot about Dark Link.

I'm a girl gamer so post more.

Objectively wrong. He's canon gay in every game.


That's a big buff bird boy!

i'd toss his ceasar salad if you know what i mean

Link is an alpha in a twink disguise. He gets people like you into bad thinking you will get to tap that ass, but then he turns the game upside down and you will love it.

*notices this thread* OwO

I've always preferred him over Duke.


*raises paw*

what's wrong?


The cutest murderer.

...are there any women here today?


For the right price

>Not both

Not him but sometimes it depends on the character

Crash is the best.

Generic prompt to ignite discussion time

Ten years ago.. You made a promise to your husbando that you'd marry him once you meet with him again. And you kept a pendent and gave your husbando the key for it, so when you meet up with him again, you'll know that it's him when it opens.

Ten years later however.. You see another husbando with that same key, and another.. and another.. And you can't remember the original husbando you made that promise with.

Out of all your best husbandos, who is your promised girl Sup Forums?

My boyfriend complained this is too risque so off it goes.

*glomps you* x3




Thank you Nintendo.

Y-yes, of course. Obviously, men has no place for faggotry, r-right?

DELETE. Anyone but Spyro!

big manly feet are great too

Yes, we are all girls (male) here, user

Why did he have to suffer so much in Revelator? Hopefully he gets something good next game.


Grimoire Weiss from Nier.

Don't let me interrupt your barafag thread though,


For a second, I thought the image you posted was of a guy putting his face on a toilet seat and thought the worst

Claiming my King as a bro and reminding everyone of his definite heterosexuality.


bowser's gay tho

Would drink with Slayer. Doesn't matter what.

How homo is Donkey Kong?

I love boys with BIG swords.

He keeps going after the only pussy he can't get and he has kids, he's a bi-curious alpha dad



I love how straight he is.


does that mean you'd drink his thick and bubbly tea/

Whoops, didnt mean to reply to you

Your bf sounds like a fag