New metriod

Gentlemen, pitch your idea of the new Metroid game (that must SURELY come sooner or later), 2d/3d etc, and defend you reasons why it will be sucessful.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a pet sim where you play as a Galactic Federation scientist and you pet the baby Metroid and feed it treats then Ridley kills you.

New Super Metroid. Suck the atmosphere out of everything and use only the barebone mechanics in just okay level design. New Super Mario Bros sold gangbusters; surely it will work for Metroid.

>Metroid Dread (aka Metroid 5)

A year has passed since the BSL incident, Samus has been labeled as AWOL by the Galactic Federation but this information is kept hidden from the public. The Federation hire a bounty hunter (new character) to capture and bring Samus back to the Federation. Mean while the Federation has discovered an new Chozo planet and have begun research and excavation, finding a Chozo city, ancient ruins and a sarcophagus with a sleeping ancient Chozo inside. The Federation build a research base on the planet and to study more Chozo artifacts and new Chozo weapons. Something happens and the ancient Chozo awakens, since the Chozo went to sleep before the Chozo became peaceful he is still warlike and hates humanity. The Chozo then goes on a rampage, the Federation send out a distress call to any nearby bounty hunter. Samus who was on the run ends up finding the planet and getting the distress call because of Adam and the animals in her ship and goes there to investigate not knowing that an evil Chozo is waiting for her and a bounty hunter is right on her tail. The game will be 2D and will be a combination of Metroid Fusion and Zero Missions gameplay for the Switch. Zero Suit Samus will be only playable with the Zero Suit amiibo and the game will give the usual fanservice if the game is completed fast enough.

>Metroid game with an evil Chozo as the villain

A Metroid game where you are the Metroid
You would spend the game hovering outside Samus' apartment window, trying to get in.

Samus becomes a mother figure for a Metroid larva and drops it off at a space colony. Ridley attacks the colony and takes the Metroid to planet Zebes, which is where the Space Pirates have an extensive base. Samus then travels to Zebes and then stuff happens and the planet explodes and she takes her clothes off if you complete the game fast.

Metroid 187

M for Mature

You play as Ridley.



Samus goes rogue on the Federation and discovered the corruption is led by the first human that chozo had enlightened and given advanced tech.

Chozo are Necrons now?

Chozo and Forerunners always technically been Necrons when they were warlike.

How about a Metroid game where Samus actually does her job & hunts down bounties

why bother?

Next Level games proved you can have the best idea in the world and the chops to back it up but you'll get shot down on concept because "it's too much of a financial risk". Also you'll be frustrated when when no one buys your meme team based shooter and instead the fans download a fan game.

Yes I'm still mad about the 3DS 2D Metroid cancellation
No I won't shut up about it.

>Yes I'm still mad about the 3DS 2D Metroid cancellation


lol this would be something new and fresh to the series

near the launch of the 3DS Next Level pitched a metroid platformmer. it got shot down as the system was struggling at the time and nintendo didn't think it would push console sales.

Metroid Switch

A game that is both a SS to Hunters and the Primes.
Gives the Switch a mainline MP game alongside all the Marios.

Something spooky is going on in Chozoland and Samus has heard the hunters are on their way there, so she goes to investigate.

Open-ended like Super, but with a SH / cat-mouse aspect of Fusion.

>it got shot down as the system was struggling at the time and nintendo didn't think it would push console sales.
>and nintendo didn't think it would push console sales.

>tfw we could've had a stronger Nintendo handheld with Legends 3 and a new Metroid.

Just make prime 4 for fucks sake.

"Innovation" is destroying Nintendo and video games in general. To explain I'm going to use the cartoon Scooby-Doo as an example. This show is one of the most popular and easily recognizable cartoons ever made. Every episode was exactly the fucking same. People say they want innovation and new stuff but they really don't.

I personally would have bought a new Metroid prime game every year and played every fucking one of them if they kept making them.

>I never played Metroid the post
She's a mercenary dumbass.

Metroid Dread/Metroid 5

>confirmed for never watching Zombie Island or Mysteries Incorporated

the series can be good when it strays from its '60s meme roots and realizes its own tropes were fucking stupid. the live action abomination was almost a self aware pg-13 parody akin to what Adult Swim was doing with Hannah Barbera properties at the time but got cold feet after the Josie and the Pussycats movie bombed.

>She's a mercenary dumbass.

Uhhh... no. She's a bounty hunter.

Japan didn't know what to call a mercenary so they called her a bounty hunter. She doesn't even collect bounty's you turd, she's always been used like a merc and has never done anything similar to what Star Wars bounty hunters do. So while she may be called a bounty hunter, she is really a mercenary.

You get sent to some planet, and there's metroids and space pirates on it.
Wow that was hard.

>it ends with the Chozo making nu-Metroids so the series can continue

A gaiden series where Samus isn't doing anything particularly important for the rest of the galaxy, but expands on the universe while still only giving you single digit numbers of characters to talk to. I, for one, want to see the Kriken wreck shit up.


Your already getting a Sylux game

Tropical Freeze exists and shows that they can still make platformers with love

>But that's Retro

Yoshi's Woolly World then

>The Chozo's consider the X parasite the real evil

>Their only Counter are Metroids

>They refuse to tell anybody because HURR THE FEDERATION WILL USE THIS KNOWLEDGE FOR BAD

>Nobody knows this and are continually destroying Metroids

Why are the Chozo Fucking retards?

Honestly they should just make a new Metroid game and forget about including it in the timeline. Say there was a "branch" like in the Zelda timeline to appease autists.


I just started playing the original one why doesn't Nintendo make games like this anymore

Well, the Federation is making Bioweapons, including Metroids.


Yes, bioweapons.


Joke aside it seems the Chozo were right to distrust the Federation.

The problem is Nintendo's written themselves into a corner when it comes to Metroid, at least if they want to continue with the timeline.

At least with Mario there's no attempt to connect the games and with Zelda it's reincarnation and time fuckery.

Just make a 2D Metroid 5

A 2D Metroid game with heavy emphasis on horror in both the game and audio design, as well as the direction. I'm talking dank, dark, bloody hallways; abandoned ghost facilities and spooky mines; enemy/boss encounters that pop up like jump-scares; and an overall oppressive sense of unease and dread in the visuals and the sound.

I want a spooky, scary old Metroid game.

A game where Samus is actually a Bounty Hunter and not the federation's bitch.

Prime succesor where you actually play as the bounty hunter Samus Aran and do jobs from planet to planet , which you can explore, and a more complex weapon upgrade path not depicted by color doors

Also flying arround the galaxy on your comfy ship/hub


A multiplayer game where you play as the Galactic Federation.

Nintendo would never take a risk like that, though.

and what if
what if
hold on
wouldn't it be funny if
samus was the final boss

That's actually a really cool idea.

>no mans sky with actual content and story
>with Samus


Go away Reggie.

They can just make shit up, there's no thing as writing yourself into a corner in a sci fi setting.
It may end up as bad writing, but nobody plays these games for the story.

>It may end up as bad writing, but nobody plays these games for the story.
The problem is that Nintendo thinks people do (given Fusion, MP3, and Other M) and going outside the timeline would be an unprecedented move at this point.

Nah, an actual team shooter where you control a team of GF marine mooks who die when any bigger critter looks funny at them could be cool.
Like, everything Alien: Colonial Marines promissed, and even more.
All sorts of crazy Metroid techs that could be used to make it different from normal shooters (deploy drones, bullet that make curves, ice gun, teleport, etc). It would be focused in getting in death traps, murdering things and comming out alive.

>high resolution sprite-based graphics with 3d overlay special effects
>semi-linear with ample opportunity for sequence breaking and speed runs
>huge game world
>polished OST that sets the atmosphere and can be remixed easily for listening to on its own
>in-game story database that references Metroid I, II, Super, and Fusion and completely and intentionally makes Other M non-canon and very much downplays Fusion
>Takes place on a planet
>Samus starts in the yellow and red suit but can get upgrades
>weird new weapons that do funky stuff
>has Metroids
>Samus is on a solo mission with no support
>planet blows up at the end
>No zero suit
>Samus is not a bimbo, looks like the Nintendo Power version

Basically just big HD remake of the stuff that made Metroid good in the first place. Once that is out there you can make another 2d sequel game that changes it up a bit. Kind of like how Metroid Prime was a 3d remake of Super, Metroid HD will show how pretty 2d games can finally be again.

Though I suppose Other M sets a precedent for retconning...

There's already one on the way.

>hating fusion
it was literally the best 2d metroid
>muh monologues
>muh adam
>muh linearty

>and very much downplays Fusion

Wait, why?

Looking at that image inspired me a little bit because it reminded me that at its core the concept of Metroid is that it's about the suit. Samus's power armor is just a souped up space suit like actual astronauts wear in the real world. The whole game is about a single person on a hostile alien world with only their advanced technology separating them from imminent death.

That aspect should be played up in the game's story. The world should get -really- strange in certain spots and be as "dense" as possible in spots to showcase how an alien world would be wild and untamed.

The only problem with Fusion's story is that it forced the game to be mostly linear (or else it would be way too hard to have a narrative where Samus is being oppressed by the GFS). No need to retcon it.

That's what Prime did, no? Not trying to burst your bubble or anything, it's a great thing to do.

>>muh monologues
>>muh adam
>>muh linearty
Fair criticisms you can't just >muh away. I'm sorry if Fusion was your first Metroid game and it is dear to you for this reason, but it had severe flaws.

But the chase and spooky X sequences could be brought back in some form for a Metroid HD. Those were cool.

looks incredibly shit

Well, it looks like a real Metroid boss at least. Series has never had strong bossfights that aren't just wars of attrition.

Yes, and Super Metroid did it with Brinstar.
Thinking about it a little more you're right that this concept probably comes off best in 3d because it can be more oppressive.

Man is it possible to have such a terrible opinion? It seems so.

They didn't ruin the game though.
Same with Super's flaws.
The second half of ZM you literally can't die and it still was great.

I'm tired of these sprites and sound effects.

Which ones?

I think the extra immersion helps, also for once the focus of the story is on something seemingly natural (Phazon) rather than Space Pirates being behind everything.

I like this battle better.
makes me want to get a flash cart again

Interesting, though I'd prefer just the Super Metroid sprites if you're going to remix Super Metroid villains.

just...all of them. All the remixed and rehashed and reward Super Metroid and Fusion elements. I know the creators of these projects work super hard and the games themselves are some of the best around (and I mean in the scope of all games being made right now, a lot of SM hacks beat real games in game design) but still I can't help but yearn for something truly new.


>spooky metroid

Now that's fucking spooky.

I didn't say retcon, I said downplay. Just move on from it and get Samus back to the classic image everyone loves.

Why downplay Fusion, and you need to get over your weird obsession with Samus all they fucking do is ignore Other M's existence, why do they need to publically say Other M is non canon? If you want to forget Other M, forget it literally.

It's like Crocomire and a Gamma had a baby.

Fusion doesn't hurt Samus' image, Other M does by fucking with her formerly only implied relationship with Adam.


>and you need to get over your weird obsession with Samus

>stop focusing on the main character of the series, GOSH

HD Metroid Prime remake for the Wii U and PC.

Fusion still hurts her image by having her take orders from a computer. It also reveals way too much about her past. Samus should be more mysterious than that so the new game has something to work with.

I never said that, I said that you have a weird attachment to Samus because you're still bitching about a garbage story based Metroid game. Nintendo will never make that shit non canon, so your best bet is to ignore the game and act like it doesn't exist. I can careless about Samus little sob story about life Metroid is about exploration and shooting aliens in the face. I like the little character development in Fusion and feel that's whee they need to go with it, but getting rid of a piece of shit like Other M will change nothing, acting like its existence is null and void would be better.

>4k fully animated 2d sprites at 60 fps with 80 hours of gameplay on at least three different planets/space stations, all the bosses return, perfect physics and lighting engine
>no bitloss compression fraps/ogg full 7.1 surround stereo music remastered, remixed, and better
>AI that wants to rape you constantly, low HP, too many secrets, new weapons and strategems
>No fucking voice acting, silent protag, only alien screams straight out of ridley's cocaine-fueled nightmares
>no-suit samus has to be boner-inducing 95% of the time, and you need to worship her so much you don't even dare fap to her
>even deadlier fucking isolating atmosphere, i want dese niggas to shit themselves when they see a metroid
>lots of more suits, items, weapons, specials, powerups, non-linear progression w/ speedrun potential from sequence-breaking, but accounted for like in fusion,
>4k painstakingly beautiful and meticulate art for beating at various mission times

>Fusion still hurts her image by having her take orders from a computer.
It also makes it clear that she's not doing it willingly and that she goes against them whenever she can.

>It also reveals way too much about her past.
It reveals barely anything except that she used to have a commander called Adam who respected her and sacrificed himself to save her.


>Muh constantly Awol too edgy for authority Samus

Come on she took orders in Prime 3 too.

I get what you mean. To be honest all I can say is I'm glad I'm not where you are psychically.

>acting like its existence is null and void would be better.

Exactly like I said in ?
> completely and intentionally makes Other M non-canon

Which means having no reference to it at all. Did you think that meant having some kind of actual in-game message stating it "never happened"? I weep for the reading comprehension of young men when I have to make a post like this.

>Fusion still hurts her image by having her take orders from a computer

Which goes over well in gameplay, considering you acquire Plasma Beam and Diffusion Missile without Adam's say-so.

>Come on she took orders in Prime 3 too.
That was horse shit too.

I would buy this.

Not to mention jettisoning the Metroid laboratory from NOC and convincing Adam to work with her against the will of the GFS to destroy the station in the end.

>>no-suit samus has to be boner-inducing 95% of the time, and you need to worship her so much you don't even dare fap to her

I don't want this one, it attracts too many undesirables to the fanbase and undermines the appeal to women.

I think it's a fantastic narrative choice, though I wish they had put more effort into allowing more sequence breaking (presumably they didn't because it would be too difficult to write all the alternate dialogue for Adam and such). But it was obviously on their mind because Adam does react if you any of the few possible sequence breaks.

It is called Metroid Prime Federation Force.

Well next time say ignore and not non-canon because that is two different things.

>being a faggot

>bringing back the chase in an HD Metroid game

Uncharted but reskinned with aliens and other planets and shit. Written by the team from The Last of US.

>Metroid game that just cribs from the setting and lore but doesn't actually play like Metroid at all

get out

>there's more than one

Call to Adam

I just want a game with more Shinespark fuckery, is that too much to ask?