What is it with streamers screaming all the time?

What is it with streamers screaming all the time?

I don't think I've ever experienced something in a video game that made me yell at the top of my lungs.


Do you have a giant posters of terrible anime in your room?

To appeal to the low power level viewers who watch this guy's stream

I guess some people have shorter tempers than you do.

Because some people think it's funny

Also that guy kind of looks like the drag queen Trixie Mattel when she's out of drag

they are pretentious attention whores?

sammit sammit

Is it true a lot of streamers don't think they have to pay taxes?

Attack on titan is an okay Mongolian tv show but Jesus Christ SAO? How can people unironicly like that show?

Why is Summit the only good streamer on twitch?

most of their audience is made up of easily impressed and easily entertained children, like yourself

most of twitch viewbase are young with ADD

>SAO poster
He should kill himself


The setting is appealing to a lot of gamers. To be fair, it does start out really good, but goes to shit about 5 episodes in.

They're wall-scrolls not posters.

I enjoy it.

Kirito is basiclly jesus-kun and I enjoy seeing him be a hero. He gets into inhuman levels of "I got this" and I find it entertaining to see a hero win.

>a tie with that shirt

This. They purposefully pander.

>tfw ice piss banned for a month

>Sup Forums constantly whines about gaymur gurls making a few hundred dollars a week from lonely beta nerds donating
>Sup Forums gives people like Sum1G who pander to the lowest common denominator making like $200000 a year a free pass

Explain this, fags.

There tatget audience is children
What doe children do? Scream and yell. Especially if they're excited. Which isnwhat the streamer wants

>tfw be a small streamer
>tfw trying to just be myself
>im really chill
>hate yelling or even raising my voice
>tfw can never grow channel like that

>He gets into inhuman levels of "I got this"
Pretty much this. SAO works amazing as a power fantasy where the hero curbstomps fucking everyone and they don't even bother dressing it up with drama like they do Gundam SEED.

Does anyone recognize the third poster behind him? Im sure its fucking gay and id like to confirm that he is 100% faglord and not just 66.7% fag


let me guess, his underage audience made him listen to an audio saying 'nigger' or sent him a dick picture

>few hundred a week

more like a few hundred a day

summit probably makes close to a million every year if you do the math and roughly add up all the donations and whatever else he makes with sponsors

i think he leaked some random persons number again

I couldn't stand watching SAO because it seemed to be written by a guy who knows nothing about video games. It was like any episode about video games of any TV show but turned into a series

maybe you're just boring

Don't be fooled by the word "donation." You're actually self-employed and need to report that income, as well as gift taxes for any amount that exceeds whatever the annual exclusion is this year (which is probably around $15k, so most streamers won't need to worry about this). As expected you can get your normal deductible if you turn donations to a charity or religious group, but generally streamers will just provide a link to the group itself instead of acting as a middleman, because no one likes paperwork.

so being relaxed and no shouting out every thing that happens is boring?

SAO is like when shows like Scooby Doo or Jojo have the one random video game episode that sucks ass, except its an entire series

where are good placed to buy meme hats?

I've only really yelled when I get really hype and some good shit happens.

Like when you manage to un-fuck up and win them fightan games matches.

It's usually just a quick "FUCK YEAH!" though.

Didn't Scooby Doo have an entire fucking video game movie?

I'd play Oh! That's a Baseball! before playing SAO, though

>playing CS:GO
>streamer joins
>wont shut the fuck up
>ouch every time he gets hit
>gets votekicked

The only time I scream during a video game is after beating a maximum difficulty boss (i.e. Vanquish Tactical Challenge 6, NES Ninja Gaiden final boss) or FCing a difficult song on Rock Band. It's just really hype for several minutes and at the end you gotta let it all out.