Post weapons/armor you would like to see in the next Dark Souls


there is no "next" dark souls...


>next Dark Souls
So, who's going to tell him?

From software should forget dark souls and make another Metal Wolf Chaos



Good gameplay

You can just say in the next DLC

a gun to shoot myself
next dark souls


is that a weapon or an armor

Dark Souls 3 I think literally killed my enthusiasm for the series. I guess it doesn't matter in the end, but still it's just so frustrating to come so far and then you get a plate full of shit at the end.

It's literally MGSV all over again. This was the entire 2016 year in a nutshell. This is what gaming has become.

Dark Souls shouldn't really have had any sequels, I think.
I think the only reason D2, 3, happened was due to the overwhelming financial success and overmemeing of DS.
I think BB should be considered to be the true sequel to DS.

I enjoyed BB a lot, but I cannot consider it a Dark Souls sequel simply because the playstyle options are too limited.

I wish it had a different magic system.

>fire lance
>Hook swords
>those crazy sikh weapons
>just a straight up giant boulder you carry over your head
>maori club that let's you do a war dance

Literally the opposite.
Bloodborne only happened because Sony requested a new IP to have full ownership of.
Likewise, Dark Souls only happened and wasn't Demon's Souls 2 because they couldn't release Demon's Souls on all platforms.

Giant crossbow

Plot armor to be exact.

Actual difficultly
Radiant Boss AI so no more patterns for dodging
A different theme like cyberpunk or retrofuturism

When the fuck is Armored Core 6


>radiant AI


>next Dark Souls

>next dark souls

I'unno, like a ball 'n chain or something?


>le dark souls too easy pro gaymer meme

Radiant? Do you mean with some actual rng in mechanic order?

>all these people thinking bandai namco will let souls die

You'll get dark souls 4 by B-Team and hate it

give us cookie and cream 2

a shotgun

>Next Dark Souls


>le dark souls is sooo tuff meem


>unironically believing this buying the game

you nuts if u dont think DS IV and DS remake are on the making