Iris is cute, CUTE!

Iris is cute, CUTE!



Is this game any fun, or is it just a meme?

Its ok, just don't but too much focus on the story.

Same as MGSV.

Why'd Noctis hit her in the head after she healed him?

What us the origin of this stupid non meme?

This game isnt GOOD


Wow, nice movie OP. This is a video games board though..?

30 hours in and yes, it's really fun.
I'm before the moment the game is supposed to turn to shit, but it's not like I wasted my time and money with those 30 hours.
I also never expected anything from the game

It's worse than MGSV but in the same "game is fucking unfinished and borderline shit tier" boat.

no way fag

>neo Sup Forums now likes scripted shit

Why can't I just leave this board? I no longer belong here.

Holy shit I'm dying

When prompto made me pick the final picture to hold onto, I chose a closeup of cindys tits.

Then he shows it to luna in the end, was not expecting that.
Greatest event by far.

Iris its like decaf Sora with a ton of sugar...

It's just an animation showing that Iris love him fucking madboy.
It's like the school of "show, don't tell", nothing bad about this..

>that jumping around

Dude that is too fucking cute

Disgusting, get this weeaboo shit out of my games.

There are complaints of the story. But it is really fun gameplay wise. It shines best with long battles with you and your allies fighting by your side.

why isn't Noctis fucking her instead of wanting to fuck this ugly cunt

christ at least have rough sex with Aranea

So she'll actually fight with you if you do the dungeon at that time? Damn. Stumbled on it way earlier.

Because he "loved" Luna.
I honestly wish they established their romance a bit more in-game. While watching Kingsglave I felt that Nyx X Luna was a bit more beliveable.

They shouldn't have made them lovers

>Contextual actions are now scripted
Man fuck perfect parrying in MGR
Fuck boss counters in DMC4

What happens?

Yeah the game never really justifies this love for Luna that Noctis has, only that they were childhood friends but apparently this is enough for Japanese writers. If anything you spend more time with Iris than any of the female characters in the game.

Noctis copping a feel?

Same thing every time

Say what you will about JRPG love stories,but Id wager going on long adventures full of danger would be enough to woo a women romatically

Sorry, well I gotta go over to Grandpa Mario's we're having leftovers.. AGAIN..




I will never understand how anyone can like that awful combat

Its a shitty game, its full of fluff like the vid in OP, thats all it has.

>finally get the Regalia type f
>fly ti that area with the landing stri pnext to volcano
>manage to make landing on second try
>there nothing back there aside from a few enemies and white malborro and some color stone

Thats pretty damn gay that there nothing special back there


Search a little bit more user.
Just a little bit more there is a secret dungeon there in a stone made house with some palisades
you are going to waste 4 hours in there at best

aww shit for real?

Good thing i didn't leave yet cause i was about to head of for the blacksmith quest

Yeah but is different than anyother dungeon in the game so far
I hope you are a patient guy, because Jesus that feels like another game entirely and you will forget you are playing a Final Fantasy game, but I say this in a good way.

just finished this game, the story had a lot of bumps but the ending more than made up for it. i'm so happy i ended up saving a lot of pictures it made all the difference

>spending a good 10 minutes going through what picture to save and tearing up because i know the bromance will be over
>that camping scene
>seeing the picture you decided to take on the chair and hand it to luna

pic related was the one i chose

it broke my fucking heart, it was worth the latter half of the game being rushed

I wasted like 5 hours in that stupid dungeon only to finish it and then crash the regalia trying to land getting out of the area . i forgot to save.

Well atleast you know the solution to most puzzles already.

Iris is literal trash, she is the fuuka of the game
Aranea is the best girl in the series

Wait who NTRed who here?


Steyliff Grove endgame dungeon is driving me nuts, just encountered the first wyverns and I see no end to it

There is like 90 floors on there I think
Costlemarks is larger ANDyou can't use items.
Also prepare your anus for Master Tonberries

always seems to need what I'm not


>mfw lvl 75-76 team and beat a lvl 99 hunt against the lvl 110 sword daemon

>aww yeah!
He kick my ass pretty good the first time,but i went and ate one of those meals that gives you 80% critical hit rate and slapped his shit in.

Speaking of foods:

Whats everyone favortie meal to eat before a major battle?
I usually used technician meals for faster tech gauge for mulitple enemies or increase critical hits combine with ignis overwhelm for solo enemies

shiva harem ending when?

WTF, When does iris hang out with noct and the gang? During her tour quest?

fuck that, shiva harem r34 when

Do you have to have Aranea in your party for this picture?