Skyrim is a better rpg than the witcher 3 prove me wrong

Skyrim is a better rpg than the witcher 3 prove me wrong

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You have to prove Skyrim is an RPG first.

idk what an rpg anymore. every time people talk about rpgs on Sup Forums, people go >implying X game is an rpg then >lmao this fag thinks Z game is an rpg and stuff like that.

anyway, whatever these games are, i'd rather play skyrim. skyrim's a lot more gamey and open and autonomous whereas the witcher is more narrative driven and movie-like which i don't like. i don't like being pushed along in a certain way. i also like tamriel and TES stuff a lot more it's really cool lore and mythos.


Better. Witcher 3 is objectively the best rpg made in the past 20 yrs. Prove me wrong.

>no character creator

Considering that The Witcher 3 isn't an RPG you'd be right.

witcher isnt even an rpg
>can only play as homoerotic strong man written by slavs
>literal homosexual relations in your face

Im really not interested in roleplaying as an already written character that happens to be a homoerotic strong man written by bisexual slavic athors.

It might be an RPG for you but it isnt for me.

Purely from the amount of character building mechanics at play? Sure.

In every other aspect that makes up an RPG? Not really. But to each their own. Nothing to prove wrong really, it's just your opinion.

There's no good writing in Skyrim at all.

There's a little bit in the Witcher 3.

Counterpoint, please.

i agree tho

I'd agree than skyrim is probably a better RPG than TW3.

TW3 is a better game though, by a long shot.

When you do something in witcher, the game recognizes it.

>There's no good writing in Skyrim at all.
The Augur of Dunlain in the College of Winterhold'

Most of the Daedric quests

Anything with the Dwemer/Falmer/Snow Elves

The Markarth Incident and the beginnings of the Civil War

"My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?"

>witcher 3
>good writing

You again?
Didn't you make this shit thread yesterday?

I love them both, Skyrim is awesome and the Witcher series is epic. However, for some reason they feel very apart in terms of gameplay and rpg elements and I believe they should exist as parallel games.

I think you suffer from the gay

Story, no. Not being shoe-horned into a pre-written character/do what you want, yes.

Very different types of RPGs, kind of silly to compare.


Both are garbage, play something like FF or Persona for a proper RPG game.

Witcher 3 is better than Skyrim in every way possible

Not a Witcher fan btw

>played neither
>listen to me



The main thing skyrim has over witcher for me is the 1st person. An rpg where you watch over the shoulder of the person you're supposed to be is incredibly and constantly immersion breaking in my opinion, and there seem to be hundreds of third person RPGs for each 1st person RPG, especially for fantasy. I just want open world dark messiah with a good magic system, is that so much to ask?

I played both, never finished Witcher though

I guess Skyrim wins when it comes to character creation.

Shitter 3 isn't an RPG, it's action character game, and pretty mediocre one. So by that split, Skyrim wins (and it's mediocre too in it's own genre).

Because the game definitely recognises when I kill king radovid.


Also, the only reason Skyrim is popular, is b/c of PC virgins. They mod the hell of the game, so they can fap off until the end of time. Also, it's popular on 360, because Todd Howard and his shilling.

Without mods, and Todd Howard, this shit-stain series would be dead.

I can't prove you wrong or right. They're both so fucking shitty that it's too hard to tell either way.

The twelve year old is strong in this thread

t. someone who never played the witcher 3


combat shouldn't even exist in watcher 3
it Fucking sucks
might as well make battles a turn based thing like pokemon
that's some shit i would play

Skyrim sucks, there is no point of even comparing it to anything

porn mods are only a tiny subset of skyrim mods that only Sup Forumstards talk about. most of the mod community doesn't do them. this is more typical of the modding experience.


Who said anything about porn mods?

It's not an RPG though

sexual butt mods

It's a well made game, but I found myself going back to Skyrim because I can play any class I want and do whatever I want, when I want. Witcher 3 doesn't have much replay value, since you're just playing Geralt every time. With Skyrim and the mod, "Live another life", you can completely ignore the main quest, and be whatever you want. I like Bethesda games for that reason.

Skyrim has one of the best magic systems I've ever seen. The huge amount of magic spells and special effects makes playing as a mage an unique and unforgettable experience. It's so varied and fun, and every encounter is different from the last one, requiring you to use every tool at your disposal to survive. I'm sad that Skyrim put my standards so high, because now I can't enjoy magic in other RPGs. It's so shallow in most games when compared to Skyrim, and The Witcher 3 is sadly one of them.

Saying Witcher 3 is a better RPG is like saying DOOM is a better FPS than Banjo Tooie

Have you tried it with Apocalypse Magic and Better Magic for Skyrim? They improve the magic system, imo. I didn't really like the vanilla magic system.

Skyrim and other "open-world" shits like Fallout 3/4 are the equivalent of aimlessly googling, watching the news, browsing reddit or Sup Forums, basically any time wasting activity that puts you on the "hunt" without leaving the couch. The activity in common here is sorting through piles of muck to get to the little flecks of meaning, and that's an activity that belongs to people who were stepped on a little too hard in life.

There are a lot of people whose so-called "happiness" is merely a time where they don't feel insecure, so for them, games that promise excessive loads of content (at the cost of quality) soothe that insecurity more than others. These games end up being more meaningful to them for a few reasons, one being that they are occupied by them for a longer time (making for a more reliable state of bypass/dissociation), two being that these games show up as being more promising in their imaginations which can only highlight a specific sign-language of meaning (one that is more geared toward quantities than qualities).

I'm obviously not describing every Skyrim/Fallout fan, just a caricature of the player that plays Skyrim for thousands of hours. For this caricature, it's all about occupying yourself with something, almost anything, to avoid something they're afraid of (obligations, feelings, truths, etc). The stupid achievement/trophy fad should be considered under this light too, as yet another retarded "occupation" for worn out idiots to lose themselves in.

God the Bethesda forums were cancer. I regret spending like 6 years there