Villains that actually did nothing wrong

Villains that actually did nothing wrong.



He's actually one of those rare examples who had actual good intentions, too bad that his ability to assess the situation and act correctly was beyond retarded.

This character was the only good bit from Dragon age as a series.

where's the dog?

Even though he tried to do right I still executed him because he was a fucking asshole

what was his plan again? kill the king and then unite everyone to fight the darkspawn or something?


You don't get a dog as an elf.

Would have killed him too if I did.

I didn't really get the motivation of the other 'villain' though and why the capital gets the way it does. So maybe him as well

But yeah, this guy, definitely this guy

He thought that the king would just give out the control of the realm over to the Orlais, so he decided to off him as an "battle casualty", darkspawn were a non-factor to him and the totally ignored them as a threat.

Basically, he focused on the game of thrones instead of an existential threat to humanity and civilization itself.


well, the french cannot be trusted i suppose.


And he actually was sort of right about the King and Orlais, it's just that he completely messed up the priority of threats and was a total shitter trying to scapegoat Grey Wardens for no valid reason.

When it all comes down it, Bioware can write some quality characters.

Big emphasis on can being in the past tense

She just wanted to spread the blessings of the crystals to the world!

All was fault of his dad for not letting him tell everyone about the incoming disaster and his illness, maybe if they just had ask the other nations for help, things would have gone better.

I'd rather have her bless the world by spreading her thighs instead

I would prefer she spread her tiny buttcheeks across my face.

would airy die if i tried to ram my cock into her?

Fuck this fairy and her sister.
I am sick of evil fairies, i want a nice fairy for a change.

do you feel like a hero yet


no such thing as a nice fairy user

Ashnard and the Burger King did literally nothing wrong.

prove me wrong

protip: you literally can't

All these villains did lots wrong you faggot 14 year old

>picks the worst, edgiest character
>doesnt post big Z

How the fuck is one supposed to feel sympathy for Elijah?

Ribbon was a nice fairy, like all the fairies of her planet.
Japan turning her into a perverted kirby obsessed freak is another story.


thats not a real fairy, thats a weeaboo fairy. a fauxry, if you will

he knowingly sent a teenage girl to her death because she wouldn't put out for his creepy ass

Literally did nothing wrong


Name 1 (one) thing Ashnard did wrong. You can't can you?

Zephiel did nothing wrong either.

so basically he did nothing wrong?

>i want a nice fairy for a change.

You need the Growlanser series in your life

fantasy life has one altho' its actually gods mary sue daughter who can predict the future/writes reality could be either for some reason even though neither her dad or sister show this ability and he made reality

Very much a villain protagonist.

if you say so user

Here you go, everyone in this picture

This image is old and boy is it as shitty as it has ever been.

>starts up a war because "muh dad died"

>kills millions of people and tries to summon the demon king

>dindu nuffin

He didn't start the war, the Demon King did it while in control of him. Lyon was long gone.