Really? REALLY?

Really? REALLY?

Other urls found in this thread:

weebs btfo

more like why the fuck is he talking about visual novels

He needs to make some filler content while he prepares his main video, this time it was about VN that pretends it's not a VN and Paper's Please. I understand that he wants to master and 100% the game before he starts to make an extensive 2 hour analyses video, but, jesus christ, Matthew, it takes you months. You're a full-time video producer, get your shit together, you fucking casual

>VN that pretends it's not a VN
What did he mean by this?

There are people paying for this man to do this.

I agree with matthew that Vallhalla has too many interactive elements for a VN that makes it sorta annoying, yet those elements are really not fleshed out. They are cute and all, but I think those Vuvuzelas spent too much time on irrelevant shit like that dumbass truth or dare minigame, useless shop and customization options or "DRINK BEAR" cutscene instead of making the game more replayable by adding more branches.

>e-celeb thread


Does anyone remember his rant about "brit-loving cucks" on the last stream? He went full irish republican. At the end he was just screeching "make eiri great again!" or something like that.

>While I enjoyed my time with VA-11 Hall-A I often found the experience being hampered by inconsistencies in the narrative. For example, despite being a bartender in a big city not once was I ever called "nigger".
What did he mean by this?

Still find it funny, but i hate people take that as a mocking claim as legit

Matthew must really be running out of Steam. These two topics weren't even related.

E-celeb cancer containment board when?

Soon, hopefully. I would post there every day.

this the the containtment board.

reminder: DSP and LTG are the only Sup Forums approved gaming channels.

>working months on a single, in depth, 2 hour analysis
Every single word of that is the stark opposite of casual.

The drink menu reliance actually does mess with the player if you fail to meet a bill or Jill is distracted, which he doesn't comment on at all, but to be honest the game is easy enough that unless youre bad with your funds you won't have that problem.

Ill agree that Valhalla should have utilized drinks a bit more besides getting the characters true ends, funny drunk dialogue and easter eggs, which it could have done with actual branching paths based on costumer interactions. His dislike for the game not having moral choices or being similar to papers please is really weird though when the games have barely anything in common at all, and when Valhallas entire goal is to immerse you in a few weeks of Jills cozy little life. Not sure why he ever expected them to be similar

And i think using drinks to disguise the dialogue prompts does more to keep you immersed than hes giving the game credit too. You never speak for Jill or get pulled out of the moment to make a choice from outside the fourth wall, you just pilot her financial and work decisions and see how that plays out.

What exactly is he "supposed" to do? Does everyone just want him to make a Bloodborne/Last Guardian video or something? I've always taken a lot of his videos to just be whatever he feels like doing rather than being known as the Metal Gear Solid/Zelda guy.

Though I do miss when he would randomly do a critique video weeks after release making all the funs of said series (das2/bioshock) butthurt.

Idk I just never had a problem with videos like Kula World

Awful meme.


strange typo

>Love his content
>It's exhausting to listen to because he talks so fucking fast

Because it's his own fucking channel and he doesn't owe you shit?

>has menus
>takes place in a desk
>shieeeet these are similar enough

mid westerner detected

If the Immigrants talked to you about every aspect of their life for 10 minutes before you processed them it'd be the same game.

Irish people are fucking stupid.

If Papers Please was an entirely different genre it'd be the same.

Is there a recording somewhere, I want to see this

Yeah, I also play Papers Please for the relaxing atmosphere.


What's the problem? I'm watching it now and he's raising good points.

The problem is that he came off as mostly negative, so people took that to mean that he thought the game was shit, even though he was trying to say it's a decent game with some major flaws.

>it's yet another "shitty youtube e-celeb nobody cares about using a disjointed head as his profile avatar shilling for views" episode
>happening exactly one day after the "other shitty youtube e-celeb nobody cares about using a disjointed head as his profile avatar shilling for views" episode aired

>so people took that to mean that he thought the game was shit
>even though he was trying to say it's a decent game with some major flaws.

That is not his fault, and is completely that person's fault then.

Bullshit, I live in Wisconsin and can follow his videos just fine.


And what's your point? He's right.

>he talks so fucking fast

More like he's fucking obnoxious because every single god damn sentence over the stretch of a hour and a half has the exact same intonation.

If there's anything I learned from "expert reviewers" is that reading a script is a skill very few people have.

>major flaws
How so? I think most people going into va11halla know exactly what to expect. For some reason he thought he was going to play Papers Please: Bartender Edition. He's literally judging a game for what it isn't, rather than for what it is.

Is Flip Flappers any good? I haven't watched any shit from this season.

The comparisons are really superficial.
The two games have totally different goals, tones, narrative styles and appeals. Theyre not even the same genre.

Valhalla does have problems but he seems frustrated that he went in expecting one thing and got a completely different game.

>He's literally judging a game for what it isn't, rather than for what it is.

Still watching it, and he's saying the game could've been better if it did things that Papers Please already did. Jesus fucking christ this isn't difficult to grasp. Or did you just start the video, close it, and decide to spout an opinion?

Am I supposed to know what this thread is about?

Strong first 6 episodes
Then it changed main writers and is now just okay

>The comparisons are really superficial.

The comparison isn't the point. Stop looking at it as "he's comparing a VN type game to a game game," he's saying how Valhalla could've been enhanced by things already doen in Papers Please: Things going on in the background, a less obstructive interface that is otherwise useless, etc.

yes, because you either know about his channel already and don't care for him or you do and participate in the discussion

but "what it is" isn't a very engaging game. it's a VN with rather pointless gameplay.

if your opinion is "this game doesn't have any depth or relevance to it's mechanics on purpose" then you have a dumb opinion

It's great! It has cute girls and it's colorful and it's pretty and relaxing!

>it's a VN with rather pointless gameplay.
Yes. What's your point?

This eceleb proxy friend who you'll never meet shit needs to stop.
Watch the videos, don't post here like everyone knows who this is by the picture.

He literally says not all games need moral choice. It's just an example of papers mechanics doing something interesting

Also Jill being distracted just removes the drink prompt

What about this thread is exactly about videogames?

All it shows is an image that has no connection to videogames and a vague one-word question repeated twice.

This is the essence of not vidya.

no you're just new or retarded if you still don't know who this guy is
fuck off

Since when is Va11halla a VN? Are you people on crack or have you never actually read a single VN in your life?

>hurr durr you're a newfag if you're not into our eceleb worship death cult

No, you fuck off.

>Since when is Va11halla not a VN?

Ridiculous. I have no interest in your faggot let's player.

learn to read
then go back to my first response and read it again

This has got to be the least self-aware post I've read all day.

And believe me, I've read a lot of stupid shit today.

whats keeping you here

Weak b8 senpai you didn't even include any funny spelling mistakes or anything. I can't even give you anything for effort because it doesn't look like you even tried. This (You) is all I can do.

Then its value as a video game with bartending mechanics is poorly utilized, and things could've been done much better. That is the whole point of the video but people are freaking the fuck out for some reason.

What exactly did I miss about your post? You're literally stating that only people who are not attuned with this board (new people) can't possibly know who this person is, hence implying he's famous. Thus, a celebrity.

If you don't know how to write, I strongly advise you to not post on image boards. I suggest you consider watching paint dry as a new hobby, as watching other people play videogames seems to be to your liking.

E-celeb cocksuckers, everyone.

No, he says that if a VN doesn't provide moral choices its handicapping itself because its videogames arent real and without those moments you wont care about the story once you turn the game off

Crowbcuck yesterday, Matthewshillosis today.

These people have got to be in some form of connected shilling network.

Sentences begun with capital letters. You can type these by holding down the shift key.

>you are new or retarded if you don't follow the youtubers I like and that have no actual connection to Sup Forums outside of clickbait threads


go search OPs image in the archives, then explain to me how you've never come across it before
either way I'll stop responding now

It is. I payed for Va-11 Hall-a some 3 years ago and eagerly awaited it release. Its a game held together by its aesthetics. The pixel art is excellent, soundtrack amazing but suffers from the writings style which in a VN centered game is a big deal and offsets the positives. The devs are pretty nice guys but i strongly dislike adding memes are current references to shit. I can look past it when its minimal but vall-4 hall-a had too much to not ignore it. Would recommend the game 100% due to the soundtrack alone but that just shows the problems with its core gameplay

Not videogames.

So you admit it is a trademark of some offsite eceleb loser who has nothing to do with Sup Forums.

You certainly would do well to stop digging yourself into a deeper hole. That's the wisest thing you've shat out of your mouth itt.

>Implying brits aren't the most pretentious retards on the planet

There is seriously no better indication of a low-effort, mouth breeding retard then not knowing to use capital letters. Typos happen sometimes, sure, but if you see multiple posts without a single capital, you know you're dealing with a real moron.

Anyone have a filter for people like this?

So not that guy, but Matt frequents Sup Forums alot and also joins threads for anons to ask questions, so he is does have something to do with Sup Forums, you are really the newfag if you don't recoqnize the vidya reference in OP

So I guess Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest can't possibly be compared.

Face it, the review was pretty spot fucking on, and I've never really seen many of this guy's video's prior to this.

Youtubers and clickbaiters coming to Sup Forums to peddle their shit isn't news, user. I doubt they're part of some deep underground network. At most they're paying the same pajeet to post their trite for them.

It makes me sad to see anti intellectualism in vidya. I thought we were fucking fat nerds? This guy puts out videos that he's spent time sperging over, and talks about shit that normie youtubers don't, and people say "oh it's just X, don't think about it so hard". What else is my NEET ass going to do when i'm not playing vidya, other than think about vidya?

Put on your trip Matt.

Not him, but not participating in youtube circle-jerking is a good thing. If anything, he's more likely to be an oldfig than you.

What video game does Op's post reference?

For clairity's sake; a YouTube channel is not a video game.



>and talks about shit that normie
stopped reading right there

>What else is my NEET ass going to do when i'm not playing vidya, other than think about vidya?

Exactly this. Of course I'll be interested in game design and all that other shit if I've been playing video games for 15+ fucking years.

Can we stop replying to obvious bait now?

this is so meta, but re reacts to a dude alot of people watches who makes analysis of games, and naturally to his latest upload which came out today/yesterday, so here people can discuss the two games and the comparison, what is your problem with that?

I've seen certain anime reaction images dozens of times, yet I don't know nor do I care to know where they're from. Why would it be any different with your favorite youtube channel?

>there are people discussing the actual videogame referenced by the OP
>the discussion is being drown in posts of fucking retards complaining about the thread not being vidya
never change Sup Forums

Tell me which fucking normie youtuber is going to review Kula World

Nigger I could go make a video just as good as this fucker, he's not an "intellectual" by any stretch of the imagination. The fact that you think he is is laughable at best and indicative of your IQ at worst.

>a YouTube Channel dedicated to video games is not video games

What does your post reference?

For clarity's sake; your post is not a video game.

Unlike 90% of the images on Sup Forums anymore, this channel is good content.

This. The ESELEB screamers need to fucking hang themselves.

Off-topic shit in an off-topic thread?! Say it ain't so!

That is not a video game.

To repeat; youtube is NOT a video game, so it cannot be a "vidya reference"

wait who is the other guy?

bunnyhop i would assume, but his pic isnt his head.

>actually mentioning IQ
Holy shit Quentin is that you?
Anti Intellectualism is more than just opposing smart people, it's about distrust and derision of pursuing thought and deeper understanding. Go make that video btw, get back to me.

I'm not replying to your posts again until you learn to use the shift key. If you want another (you), pretend to put a tiny amount of effort into your posts.


Va11ha11a and Paper's Please