
Fuck how do i get my steam item back?
So i was looking to trade my witcher 3: goty to Dark souls 3 then this guy added me on steam then he asked that he has dark souls 3 key lul and i fall fell for that.. Seriously

You can't and you seem like an underage retard. Report him so other children your age don't fall for his shit.

Pretty sure you're better off without it OP

I don't understand. Did you gift him your Witcher 3 copy without receiving the Dark Souls 3 key first?

Yeah I did gift him my witcher 3 copy and i thought i would get the season pass as well.. welp that was really dumb move of me

God I wish this was bait. You know you have to be 18 to post on this board right?

are you crying right now

be honest

Why would you ever fucking gift when you can actually trade game copy for game copy in the trading system.

You bamboozled yourself.

You're an idiot.
I hope you learn from this.

I'm having a massive boner
I thought there was an option to get the gift back if i ever get scamm then I learned something today that Steam doesn't have customer support

You don't. You deserve what happened. Learn from your mistakes. Move on.

Yeah i do and it was my first encounter people on steam

report him for scamming so other people your age don't fall for this shit
saged and reported

>I thought there was an option to get the gift back if i ever get scamm then I learned something today that Steam doesn't have customer support

There is support, but in this case they say you are wrong and would only give the guy a penalty for scamming. You're gonna have to eat this loss.

Its not the end of the world, just next time be a bit more perspective.

Steam has customer support, but this scam is outside their terms of service.

You post like a faggot, and I for one am glad you got rinsed, you dumb shit

Idiots like OP are the reason why Steam implemented so many security parameters over the accounts, like the mobile authenticator.
It's not to protect the customer; it's to protect themselves from lawsuits coming from dumb retards.

Just curious in steam trading is it easy to initiate the trade and while at the trade screen at the last second take out the item and still go through with the trade?

That's a really pretty girl.

I hate steam with passion but you're a fucking idiot.

No, whenever a change in the trade happens both people have to click accept the process and trade again.

Basically if you alter the trade, the whole trading process restarts.

What year were you born, op? This is important

That sucks.

How so? It makes it to where people can't scam each other.

Forgot to add, one of Steam's service agreements say that you can get trades like the one where you got your TW3 copy scammed reversed if you aren't 18 given how said exchanges require an adult's authorization.

That's why.