What does Agent 47 do in his downtime?

What does Agent 47 do in his downtime?


Forget everything that he did in the previous game

He kills time

Does he know what love is?




Like you could do any better dumb frogposter

Plays barcode battler with his fucking head.

I know,

He practices and improves in one of the hundreds of hobbies and professions that he can perfectly engage in.

Also listens to music and works out.

I can only see him listening to classical or gregorian chanting.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing.

Barbershop quartets desu

He hits on men over at the gay bar.

>implying you wouldn't be flattered by his advances

Agent 47 isn't a faggot.


As a heterosexual male I'd totally let him bum me, but like I said before not actually gay.

I don't think you understand how "gay" works

cheeky cunt

Stares at a wall in some random hotel until he gets his next contract

He plays the drums.

Seriously, when you approach the drum set and that pop up to actually play the drums popped up I was scared shitless. I've never been that nervous in a game before.

yo this is my number one boyfriend my fuck buddy

Well then feel free to teach me your ways senpai, since you seem to know your way around a good cock.

Agent 47's Daily Routine:
First thing in the morning, 47 wakes up, and slips on his bunny slippers to keep his feet sterile from the floor. He then takes a shower for exactly 47 minutes and picks fresh clean underwear from his collection of 47 pairs that he recycles on every 47th day. After which he completes his ritual of opening and closing all 47 locks on every door of his mansion exactly 47 times and locking them 47 times. After which he drinks his morning coffee. Exactly 47 ounces with one cube of sugar in each. Then he begins his daily cleansing ritual in which he cleans every crevice of his kitchen with a toothbrush exactly 47 times. He spends his money on canned green beans, fresh pairs of bunny slippers, soap, rubber gloves, and bleach. Other than that, he spends very little money, except for ammunition and arms. Occasionally he rewards himself with a nice suit, but only on holidays. He only eats canned string beans, after he has personally hand-washed them himself 47 times. Then after his day is over and he has received no contracts, he locks his doors 47 times and takes off his bunny slippers and places them directly in the same spot for the next morning.

They say 47, despite being in the academy had no actual physical training, his extreme OCD kept him in peak physical performance. He was so clean and so thorough that he passed every single one of the evidence tests purely on his own principle. He cleaned every last drop of blood off of the academy floor and scraped the fingerprints from every surface. "In all of my 40 years teaching this academy, I've never seen anything like this. Nobody knows what the hell is wrong with that boy. He's passed every forensic test flawlessly without a trace. I'd say it's a goddamn miracle if I hadn't seen it myself'" states Agent McCoy of the ICA.

I like to think he loves rabbits.


He hangs out with his failed clone.
pic related

Who wins in a fight, Anton Chigurh or Agent 47?


You fucking stupid?

Id like to see this scenario explained and played out for anyone who actually has time to write this shit out.

Hangs out in this hide out all day practicing his skills until he gets a call

Loooooellleennn would have killed him I think, once he was backed against the wall. I think the point was their power levels were pretty on par, and it took Louie letting his guard down for some puss to eat it.

pretty sure he watches Love Hina! tier shit in his free time