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Did you punch that? How tiny are your hands?

Look Stan why are you so mad?

probably a bitemark

its just a game :^)

it's just gaem why hav be mad? ;3


gg no re

lol wtf how far apart is this guy's teeth.


how badly does your hand hurt?

If you were a DOTA player, your hands would be much larger.

How did you smash your brain against the wall so many times?

i cant believe they banned me




find a streamfu. she will soothe your rage away


The game hasn't been even passable in years.

Hey, where'd you get all that free RP

you're a retard for playing an ASSFAGGOTS anyway

>fake image

>tfw your sweet streamfu is literally marrying a guy just because he is diamond 1

>he wins tournament

i played a game where i literally just needed someone to build tanky so i wasnt the first one to die straight away

it never happened


>When you so mad you just want to bite a doorframe


PLEASE kill yourself ASAP.

>tfw permabanned
>only lost 5 bucks out of that 2 year old account
>make a new one because they dont ban IPs only accounts
>climb back up
>was worse than before
>the amount of salt from level 1 til 30 is more than i recall
man salt is eternal and the only way to remove it is by permanently banning every player on the servers

speaking of which, when do they plan to fix the permaban percentage from 0.006% to the more accurate 2.408%?

pic unrelated but you can in fact buy that dress


>tfw you cant connect at all with this new wave of degeneracy and will soon be leaving gaming behind

Kill yourself faggot

i bet that one on the corner really hurt

No I get it thirsty cucks give money to a girl who wears pushup bras because they think giving money will make her fall in love with them or some other equally retarded idea.

Just google some porn and jerk off like everybody else.

>Welcome to LoL
>you can pick from well over 100 different champions
>we even have a booming e-sports scene for all the koreans who were too shit to compete in Starcraft
>your team can pick from this pool of OVER 100 CHAMPIONS to play against an opponent team
>of course, of those champions, we only focus on around 20 each season who are balanced to play against each other
>6 of those will be banned at the start of each game
>10 unique picks will compromise both teams
>this leaves a roster of 1.4 champion options for each player

Why are you playing this literal garbage?

That's baby shit right there you fucking casual

My brother broke 2 TV's because of how bullshit Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 was

Probably British

I punched a hole through the drywall in my basement after getting pissed at Marvel Nemesis.

Fucking normies.

I punch a pickle jar though a wall because it wouldn't open.

someone with holes such as these.... is born with tremendous luck

i broke my laptop screen over Gmod lol

Dont look behind you


Try to understand, that I do want you as a fan.

lol is OP Donald Drumpf?

Did you just, knock on that door? Like really hard?

How fucking weak are you to only do that much damage?