About to pirate game

>about to pirate game
>realize I won't get steam badges, achievements, and logged hours that I played it
>wait for a sale instead

Has Gabe won?

Other urls found in this thread:


You are such an enormous faggot, I don't even know where to start.



How do I get this fucking 1337?

Sounds more like publishers won

>logged hours that I played it
just add the pirated game as a "non steam game" to steam, for the full "fuck you" effect

>wanting your hours logged

Terrible. I want to remove all the time I spent in GMod

Non-steam games don't keep track of total hours, just current session

that's why i pirate only on my ps3, because trophies unlock even without a psn account.

Holy fuck
Literally unironically me.
This can't be real.


>Install NWN Diamond for free from the GoG giveaway.

>Fuck yeah here we go

>no trading cards

>won't be on my steam profile that I played it

>haven't touched since

You faggots look down on normies for loving normiebook and eating all it's shit up while managing to be even more pathetic.

As long as you don't use your real name and a picture of yourself as an avatar, it's fine


I've stared into the fucking abyss.

>Being this upset.

No, it's not.

>wanting cheevos
wtf are badges and why do you even care how many hours you play a game
do you also calculate how much food you eat in kg


you're a faggot, OP
>b-but im not

>This thread again
Make it tomorrow, schools on holiday. You'll get a bigger reaction from it.

Question mark avatars detected

Why are anime posters always so fucking retarded?

Why are you so fucking bland? I bet your profile has a skull&crossbones

Honestly? I go Umaru like uma for horse in japanese so its like horsemaru

Actually, it's a kemoshota

Same guy?

>someone likes pc gaming and umaru, must be the same guy!

You're probably right though, but this thread isn't shitting on consoles at all

Is this autism? I want anime to die already.

>logged hours

Fucking gets me. Knowing exactly how many hours I've dumped into a game is just one of my autistic fetishes I guess.

As stupid as it sounds, it makes me feel like I'm not wasting my money knowing how many hours I spent

But this thread is about how features like that convinces you to buy rather than pirate.
You listed a reason for liking logged hours, not a reason for why you prefer it over piracy.

I'm samefagging, I'm literally arguing with myself.

Damn, bro.

That's OCD