What are some games that can help you lose weight?

What are some games that can help you lose weight?

Other urls found in this thread:


The game of sex

Kinect Sports

Give me your sauce.

Kid Icarus

You'll never have my secret formula.

Just Dance

Fuck off Mr. Krabs

I'll give you my sauce fuccboi, open up


A bit off topic here, but did DDR actually help anyone slim down?


you go to
read their sticky, mostly that part about losing weight
and then you can play any game which allows you to forgot about your eternal hunger which will surely follow

Mario Dance Dance Revolution helped me lose 30 pounds

thats a boy


that's a guy, I've fapped to this

>male tomboy
These tags are stupid

thats a big butt



To lose weight you eat less.

Activity helps, but not even comparable to just eating less.

But that is just a sad panda?!?!

>oh man that girl looks so cut-
>tomgirl tag


>sent the link to my lolicon friend
>before opening it myself
fuck you boyloving fags

Plebs detected

If that wasn't a tag, then you wouldn't be able to filter it out of your own searches, retard.

I actually lost a little weight with Dance Dance Revolution but I haven't played in years. I miss playing it.

it's the ultimate boss of the sauce quest

>having a lolicon friend

Dude? Was there some kind of sadpanda thread meetup or did you walk in on your longtime friend fapping to inuboshi?

did he respond yet?

no, we both thought the other was a normie. but over the years, we found out we were both lolicon.

I sent him the thread so he saw the evidence

I've lost over 35kg by playing Rocket League while biking. I've played many games and RL is the best since its matches are so short and there are no moments for thinking too much.

>losing weight
>not gaining weight

Spotted the inferior fetish

Thanks, onii-san! Hopefully one day I'll be a hentai master like you are.

I hate cropped stuff. Makes it impossible to find.

>sent the link to my lolicon friend
>before opening it myself
why would you send any link to friend before opening it? its mostly your fault.
where can i get a friend to share hentai with?

oh, so this is the tag for "fat but not to much fat"

>Move out of parent's place
>Lose a bunch of weight
>Come home tonight to see a package at my front door
>Open it
>It's full of chocolate and stuff from my parents

I'm legitimately becoming concerned that you fucks are making me gay.

gayness is a choice. it's all on you

>Saw the source knowing it was yaoi
>Fapped hard
Y'all have shit taste.

you already contracted the gay user

>implying there's such a thing as "too much fat"

Don't tell me it's a guy


I had a friend that was 275 lbs that killed shit on heavy no bar, he just got really good at shuffling his feet and keeping his torso from moving

The game of eating healthy and exercising regularly.

>Nobody knows what its like, to be the bad man
>To be the sad man

Shit tier senpai!

no (yes)


Is this porn?

I've read that Audio Shield and some other VR gimmick games can be a good cardio exercise. The guy who made it tried to make a VR games that is controlled by pedaling a bike, but quit because he was afraid he would die from over-exercising.

Also posting cropped porn without source should be a bannable offense.

the same game that lets you check my 5

slimming down = you're in a calorie deficit

exercise = burn more calories

if you're a moron who eats stuff to make up for the calories you lost then you're not going to lose weight

had a dream where my dick was cummed on and it made me horny for the rest of the day
im not gay though


Boys can make pretty cute girls!

Of course.


wii fit, ddr, but just eat less and exercise to lose weight.

Oh, good.

I wanna fuck Pittoo.

Giving source should be a bannable offense

faggots not learning how to source shit themselves are the cancer killing Sup Forums

You guys should kill each other.

Posting cropped porn is already a bannable offense depending on how pissy the mods are feeling.

I want a boyfriend!

thought this was a loli thread, instead its gay shit

yes. with loli overload.

Aren't we all the same, in the end?

Godly doujin right here

smol bois can be lolis too!

that's a nice 5, now check mine


>seaside pork
Fucking kek

>liked futa
>now I'm warming up to ambiguous cropped H and not caring as long as it's cropped

I should've stopped watching anime years ago


I regret reading that in its entirety, I feel so unclean. I need to wash myself of this filth.

I've lost 30 lbs and counting. Bought some pads and downloaded stepmania and started playing semi regularly. It helps having friends over once in a while who also want to play too.

>still haven't found the source for the big-breasted brown girl crop that was posted last time this image was used as an OP because Fireden is fucking worthless now

>censoring a male nipple

>baseball tiddies
tell me more.png

Oh, I have downloaded this years ago out of curiosity. Fun idea, but novelty wears out fast. And you need to secure the phone somewhere on your torso for reps to register.

Not really, the screen registers taps on all the exercises. I just did that.

Source for this.

why isn't there a trap tag

i don't care about normal crossdressing shit unless the male is tricked

if its what i think your asking about it could be Danberu nan kiro moteru?

Join the fucking club.

Because trannies ruined sadpanda tags


faggotry is a disease of the mind

dat foreshadowing


4 u


It's LITERALLY in the image.

Give it some time, eventually you will be this poor sap

It was replaced with tomgirl. It's used in the exact sane way.

Dumb or blind?

I found one online with severe depression who wants to kill himself everyday.
He's cool.

Blinded by my own boner, didn't even noticed the title

3rd option: shitposting

>thread still up
Sasuga mods