Post characters who ruined their series

Post characters who ruined their series

Tails exists purely to drag sonic down. His inclusion was the start of the fall of the series, as they added more and more retarded furry assholes


Every love interest ever.

Hello, Arin.

That's not Rouge

I like Knuckles and Metal Sonic.

There was nothing wrong with the original trio because they all played like sonic except with little gimmicks here and there.

>who is Mari from Drawn to Life



whatever it's worth it.

without tails we would have no tails gets trolled so it all evens out.

And also he's cute

christmas storytime when

Sonic and Robotnik wouldn't have worked forever. Tails was a great addition, and probably the series' one solid pillar even when Sonic goes Sports-Taped Memer, Furry, or Werehog.


Major Zero
The Boss
Liquid Ocelot
Venom Snake
Big Boss

MGS has a lot of them.



>furry assholes
I like where this is going

fduck off fags

post some tails first

fuck off fag

>Post characters who ruined their series

what's wrong? you seem upset

Krystal ruined Star Fox

nah that was Rareware and Miyamoto being fucking idiots

furries trigger me

they ruined sonic.



Even Robotnik has gotten off the rails a time or two.

well maybe you should find some other chan to browse on than /fur/


no fuck oyu

sonic was always furshit

It's for your own good, 90% of posters here are closet furries

Tails is best sonic girl.
Debate me.

Krystal only 'ruined' Starfox for the gay shippers.

>posts objective fact
>debate me
what can I do, other than post proof?

I can't

This is an infallible truth

Tails was fine in the classics because he served a purpose and was the Luigi to your Mario.

Anything beyond that is just fucking awful, his best appearance was Sonic Adventure 1 where they blew their load and ran through his entire character development in one go and left him with nothing.

The mech angle could have worked if they really pushed the gearhead aspect and had him build cool mechs but he ended up sticking to planes and ugly walkers.

Since then I haven't been able to stand him, he's the most boring thing since un-buttered toast and is a waste of a character slot.


post all of it

i fucking love me some femboy tails

no sonic was pure

Can can this seaman deaman drag their series down?


That pic is a shoop, right?

I can't


yeah, originally it was an outdated meme

>tfw weegee went from random Luigi clone turning people into his clones to autistic OC's and recolors

at least weegee isnt such a bad character his fans turn him into a chick constantly to pretend they find him attractive and jack off to this vaguely similar furry mess

Dressing a character with girly clothes is not the same as turning him into a chick.


keep telling yourself that furfag


>showed up at the exact same time Mega Man X started having too many fucking text boxes (part 5)



furfags ruin everything

wats wrong with daisy

shes barely even relevant

rosalina the mary sue is much worse

how does quality porn ruing anything?

Is Takashi Iizuka a character?

>rosalina the mary sue is much worse
ok this shit I actually agree with

No, Miyamoto ruined Star Fox.

He was responsible for Krystal and making her fap bait instead of a character with personality quirks like the rest of the SF64/SFA cast. And if it stopped there I'd say you have an argument but then he came back to make everyone ugly in Command and then ruin Star Fox: Zero.

What could her personality even be?

by ruining it

of course i only speak in facts

that doesn't make any sense, you should come back when you have had a fap

Why do you push this meme?

Gay shippers will have differing opinions on her but it won't ruin the gay shipping simply because she's in it.

Just the autistic fucks who can't handle that shit being made canon.

You need to understand that.

>Only in one game
>Stuck in spin off roster filler ever since

I don't see what your issue with Daisy is

Something that's not just "She has boobs and she likes the hero and the hero likes her"

no fuckj you

What about distant moony eyed psychic WITH titties



What like Rei with psychic powes?

>and the titties.
Don't worry about the titties, considering Miyu and Katt, Titties are a given for female Star Fox characters.

Faye and Fara aren't half-bad either.

>Titties are a given for female
hmm rlly makes u think

How do people find Sonic characters sexy when they have retarded proportions?

my dick likes strange things

This is what I don't get. I love furry porn, but sonic characters are a little too... let's say, stylized?

Really makes my brain tingle.

Changes in style.

No one is actually fapping to In-Game Tails.

>I didnt read dark age Sonic comics

I only find Sonic furry shit hot. Dunno why

There are multiple things in this picture that make me uncomfortable.


Accurate. Should've just ended it the way it originally was planned instead of that snapchat crap.


>cover the titties
>doesn't even have a vagina
that's just weird

Must have extra thick fur down there
Which is good

>went as fast as Sonic in the old games

Nah, he was fine. Adventure was where shit started getting dumb.

Nah, Bianca was the best Spyro character.


I actually liked tails a lot when I was young mainly because I found him really cute. I liked him so much he sparkled my interest in the sonic series even before I knew who the fuck sonic himself was.

That said, I was a faggot as a child, so it's not like my word on the subject matters anyway. What was the topic again?

furries are bad.

I liked him in a non-furry way, I really thought he was a cute/cool character, and that was about it.

I still don't get the whole furry thing to this day. Maybe that's because I grew up around dogs all the time, so even the idea of fucking something that resembles one seems really gross to me.

My kink is another one. lol

how can something bad make your life so good?

you masturbate to old paintings?

Don't be ridiculous, user. Who would masturbate to paintings?

here's some

it cant u damned furry

who the fuck has only one kink

shut up, it made me into a millionare

I don't really know anyone else that well to know all about their kinks. Since I only have one myself, I just assumed other people must also have only one type of "out of the ordinary" thing that they get off to.

Tails has had some amazing adventures

Did you think he enjoyed losing his virginity to Hello Kitty?

>le ironic furfaggot shitposting thread
Fuck off of Sup Forums and yiff in the where you belong already

Must have been nice but also kinda of heart breaking later on considering what happens later on, but hell there a cute couple

Video games need more cute furry boys