Rate my mum, Sup Forums

rate my mum, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sauce please before thread dies

Emily Sears

2/10 at best

Your mom is a filthy worthless whore

Holy shit look at those sharp elbows
Literally 2/10
Sonic 06 was better

Tips fedora.

not with those thighs user

Would deposit every last bit of my sperm in her/10

He's right. Tattoos are a serious red flag on a woman.

does anyone actually get turned on by armpit stuff?

Now rate mine

im retarded

not anime 0/10

Thanks CIA! I-I mean "For You."


>Emily Sears
you are the biggest of the guy in this thread

That's a sexy sole. I'd suck her feet!

I'd bang her
Is she a virgin?


I really like the weekend Sup Forums posts.

Would bury my face in her ass/10

Hold it baby, touch it baby,
Try to make a play
Squeeze it, push it try, to tease it
Tilt, and you're blame to blame.

Join me baby, try it baby,
Play me it's no crime
Hit the target, top the score
Back to the starting line

Pinball hockey, tennis, ping pong
Play them Video Games,
Speedway, Starwars, Space Invaders
Love them just the same

Your turn,my turn,
Competition's gettino to my brain
Your score, my score, low score, high score,
Stop and play again

Turn, turn on the video
Can't play on the radio
Turn off reality
Bring, bring out the worst in me

Video Video Video Video
Video Games

Oops I missed a play, oops I missed a play
Oops I missed again, oops I missed again.

Freeze it, tease it, don't get caught
Video games accepts no fault
Hit that target, top that score
If you can't get out the door

10/10 Yummy Mummy.

Can anyone let me know if this is a good contract? I want someone to advise me before I sign it

I don't mind just as long as they're small and not in stupid places. Like on top of boobs or a tramp stamp. On top on wrist is my favorite place.

What the fuck is this bitch doing? She's getting all the kitchen dirty with flour.

One for each thigh

you know nothing about women.

Son, stop posting pictures of your mom on Sup Forums or I will fuck you too

I noticed that this job is done without any remuneration, under these circumstances it would be very inadvisable to sign such a contract.

I like tattoos but those small tattoos, especially around or on the ass, gross me the fuck out. I love this one porn star but she has a small red heart on her ass and it ruins doggy style. Fuck.

>he's never heard of purity tattoos
I have one on my ass just like her. It means "temperance"

I'm not sure I understand

Who would do work without remuneration? Surely there must be other benefits; it probably looks good on a resume for future employment

For you.


It's about as standard as a contract gets.

you better get used to calling me daddy then

>what do you think of my MOM
>is she a virgin
So stupid it's cringeworthy


You're right, most work contracts have sections explicitly stating there is no compensation

You probably have one on your dick too. It means "virginity".

It's explicitly states it's voluntary.

It's also explicitly stated it's not for emplorment. As a voluntary moderator you have no other relationship to Sup Forums.

As opposed to involuntary work? Pretty sure the 13th amendment made thar unconstitutional

Holy shit user, you're such a faggot.

>making dough on a cloth covered counter.

I'll eat her pussy three meals a day, but i ain't going nowhere near that lint infested shit she's making.

Why do these instagram "models" have that booking thing, booking for what?

wtf post more moms

10/10 dough. Would knead.

Plot twist, that's not the dough, she IS the dough.

Will you knead it, user?

>Really nice body
>Picture forever ruined by the din-dins meme
I fducking hate this place.


Is it weird that I want to fuck my own mom?

Here is a pic of my mom.

Go away Freud.


The thought of fucking a mother isn't, but your own mom, it's definitely a mental issue, for you to transition mentally from mother to whore.

Oedipus complex doesn't mean you want to fuck your mom though, this is a misconception.

Those fucking squats 'n' oats thighs goddamn

I can't image search the din din lady for some reason.

It says here that you're a Sup Forums volunteer moderator. What is Sup Forums? I tried googling it but our firewalls block it

Her preggo porn was great

8.8/10 would jizz again


Tatiana Kotova



Are mods on break? What the hell?

>imitating me this quickly
I was telling the truth on the other thread, I surely hope you're telling the truth here.

WOW SURE IS 1974 IN HERE. Post some fucking lewd webms

You have pictures?

For science?

>spoonfeeding a /gif/-tier saucefag

why hasn't the thread died

Man, I'm getting all kinds of names today, don't think I have the stamina tho. Good thing today is the first day of vacations.

rate this 5

What does this artist signature even say?

B R(?) A C A K?
Just wanted some sauce, damn

Why would you want to kill good content on Sup Forums for once?

nigga what
You'd better provide some sauce to back up that claim.


I wanted to know who she was because I forgot her name, figured I'd share it with everyone else.

Says balak

Oh, thank you user


Literally one second on google, you fuck.

Ronnie Jones


my mommy cooking me breakfest just before i play vidya.

how's that for sauce?

Don;t mention it.


I want to be your dad.