Notification on steam

>notification on steam
>check and hope its a friend
>card drop

Other urls found in this thread:

>using steam

>notification on steam
>check and hope its a card drop
>friend request

>notification on steam
>check and hope its something cool
>someone wants to yiff roleplay with me

>it's just a level 1 bot that wants your items

>notification on steam
>check and hope its ambient
>bass drop

>guys look how special and unique I am

Thanks for contributing to a soulless monopoly, retard. I hope you enjoy having all your games in one place when the Steam servers inevitably shut down.

What do you use, fellow user?

Physical games. Discs. If you're buying games that are only offered digitally you are the cancer killing video games



>buy a physical disc on pc
>must have a steam account to play

>Another sissy white boi thread

Don't you mean buy from GoG?

what's wrong with card drop? fucking free money a problem for you?


>Add somebody I get along with in a thread
>Message them and chat, think it goes okay
>Say hi the next day, no response
>Feel too dejected to say hello again
>Don't want to remove them either
>Just thought they were nice to talk to
>Can't even work up the nerve to add anybody else because I feel like they won't like me either

Jesus you are sad.

Man up little bitch.

That's why I wait for them to add me, user.

Do you want to be friends, user?

>tfw not afraid to message anyone on steam
post steam id and if you arent a memer or play games that i dont play, i'll hit you up with an invite

Rate my Steam account, user.

anyone is free to add me, I do have to get going in a little while though so I might not get back to you until tomorrow

welp, on the bright side, there might be other anons who'll add you. hopefully...

>tfw no one ever adds you because you're unlikable and have mediocre to bad taste in video games and are socially inept to boot
>tfw the only notifications you get are card drops

I just have trouble with 1 on 1 conversations. I always overthink them. I've had bad experiences with people in the past as well, so once bitten twice shy, I guess.

If you would like. I can't promise we'll have the same interests, but I'm happy to chat.

I wouldn't want to post my id after whining a bit, but if you post yours I'll add you.

>notification on steam
>2 friend invites because some faggot keeps posting my account everywhere

which one so it can be avoided?

That's fine, user. I wasn't expecting any requests from Sup Forums anyway.

Was just expecting a meme review, that's all.

here you go

>go on the weekly CN threads Sup Forums has
>this time there's a Samurai Jack livestream
>good times all around
>add a few of the lads from that stream on steam
>only one of them sticks
>get to know this loser, we have loads in common
>he gets me into STALKER, Mountain Blade, and Anime
>strong friendship forms over this
>a couple years pass with good times and good memes
>he comes out as a tranny and changes his name
>bit fuckin weird but whatever we go way back I can't leave this nigga
>loses interest in Anime
>loses interest in vidya
>stops lurking on Sup Forums and now frequents reddit instead
>we talk less and less each passing day
>mfw I don't believe for a moment the good times will come back
Thanks for reading my blog.


Post steam, slut



>add a friend after a fun game
>never do anything with them ever again

Would anybody add someone who doesn't like to play games at all? I just want someone to chat to a lot and to maybe, MAYBE play a game once in a while
add me up losers

>Had this happen as well but they turned out pretty cool
>Didn't really change their personality but got into clothes, I didn't mind helping her shop sometimes
>Still talked vidya and anime with me, could pretty much forget they came out until two years down the line
>They're in my state so we hang out
>She's fucking qt but it's still like hanging out with my friend
>Get really uncomfortable and leave early
>Tell her I was sick
>Still talk online

It went okay.

Stop trying to shill Origin, EA

I'm having a problem with that right now on PS4
I'm fucking garbage at socializing

I never get any adds but there isn't harm in trying despite this. Do I seem too weird or something or is it my taste in games?

Yeah, I pretty much just play singleplayer games so I just use steam to talk to people.

>Not moving to Discord

>end up deleting them from my friends list the next day because im scared to talk to them

Shit nigga I didn't know discord sold games.

>Playing video games


>tfw no Steam bf

are you a cutie I need someone sweet to cheer me up

People always tell me I'm very cute!

.... ;_;

>Shadow Rise
Youre cute user! CUTE!

post your profile then

>being lonely enough to add fags on steam from Sup Forums

wew where your irl friends at?

>considering people friends because you played 1 game with them

This is why no one wants to be friends with you, can smell your desperate ass miles away

>tfw every steam friend becomes steam boyfriend
>tfw too many steam bf's

I would add but im shit at fighting games

and im too poor to get Revelator

haha holy shit


Can I be ur steam bf too?

It's not my fault that my friends always fall in love with me!
No! That'd just make my situation even worse.

>i come to the anime website to gay roleplay with grown men
>white people

Post id nerd. Please click!

are u all fucking retarded or?

>steam friend sends me a message
>notification blocks the minimap

A-Are you black? Please give me your BBC...

Fuck off, retard.

But if I did that all that would happen would be me getting more steam bofriends...

Oh, there's a nendo of her. Thank you for letting me know. Why does she perfect?

Insult me more!

>Occasionally chat to this gay black guy on discord
>Huge cock
>Wants to fuck my ass
He's across the country though.


cute slut

Jelly desu


Whites are hella weird which is why i don't play games with them from Sup Forums. They also uave shit taste in waifu's

>dumb ass /r9k/ poster

It all makes sense now.

I love being called a slut!

I love being white, because any hamfisted attempt at being racist towards me just feels so impotent.

My tiny body could never ever possibly withstand the reckless onslaught of all your virgin cocks

no legit what is wrong with all of u

where the fuck are the mods at

Jesus christ you fucking degenerate weeb slut, you need to be taught some manners. Taught by cocks.

>playing video games

But I don't want a bf nor am I a virgin.


>want to be friends with other people
>constantly in fear that they will judge my terrible taste in games or my nasal voice when we play vydia
>care too much about retarded shit like that in general
kill me.

I know! I deserve to get punished!

Good thing I love cocks so it's not a punishment at all.

Post your ID. Now.


Then what do you want to do to my id then, user sama?

The best part is befriending these loser and posting their stupid faces online for everyone to see. Bonus points is attaching the hilarious text to make it more comedic.

>tfw no friends to play videogames with
>random pubs are full of insufferable people

>friend thread on Sup Forums
>devolves into gay roleplaying shit

Post that steam slut I'll give you all the cock your ass could possibly handle.

Don't wanna post it.

>says he's a huge sissy fucksock for cock
>doesn't want to get cocked


Why don't you post yours then? I don't want to be exposed as a total slut here.

He's dead user...

>le top reddit hat