Why aren't horror games actually scary anymore?

Why aren't horror games actually scary anymore?

because good games take effort and it aint about making good games anymore

I don't give a fuck what anyone says, the first FNAF was spooky as fuck.

Then again that's because it was new.

becuase they dont know how to use subtlety

FNAF in general was great

3 and 4 were trash

But 1,2 and Sister Location were fucking great

Sister Location was by far the least scary, but I can't say Scott didn't try.

>Why aren't horror games actually scary anymore?

The west. We came in and were like:
>More guns, explosions and action heroes = more scary!!

That's not scary, and unfortunately it was such a suckerpunch to the genre that even jap devs started to echos us. When they made that piece of shit RE6, they literally said "we want the CoD audience" which helped that phrase become a meme. We saw this happen to everything: Deadspace, Silent Hill, etc.

And fuck, we don't even have good horror movies anymore. There is nothing subtle, nothing allowed to linger/burn into you; leaving lasting uncomfortable feelings, no. It's all immediate, jump scare shit. They're also all slasher flicks today and/or tongue-in-cheek (wink at camera) schlock. If we can't get movies down, there isn't any hope for games.
Even though Fnaf relied on jump scares, I actually thought it did an ok job with buildup and creep factor. Too bad that series went completely off rails and became so god damned silly in the end.

There were never scary games.

and then you get the weeb faggots.

yeah go fuck yourself

>the first FNAF was scary

Nobody with any experience in horror games that aren't trash thought FNAF was scary.

I bet you think Resident Evil are horror games too lmao.

Yes. Yes I did think RE1 was horror.

resident evil is horror
scary by itself =/= horror

FNaF was ok, but then the /vg/ general ruined it for me.

You're not a child anymore.

Maybe because you're a weeb, and therefore all the games you play are shit in terms of quality and therefore would be incapable of scaring anyone in the horror genre, much like they wouldn't satisfy proper P&P enthusiasts with their J"RPGs".

Even when I was a child the first RE wasn't scary. There hasnt been anything scary about zombies in decades and it's kind of sad that you think there is.

>its not horror because I say so
again horror isnt just about being scary

>and then you get the weeb faggots.

Name a better horror game made in the west than the first Silent Hills and Resident Evils. Just curious if you can even muster up a sarcastic or joke answer. I'll wait.

not that dude but no one is gonna take you seriously
especially considering all you are going to do is write off every answer as wrong just because you dont like it

VR might bring new life to the genre.

>Name a better horror game made in the west than the first Silent Hills and Resident Evils.

Alien Isolation.

DayZ honestly for the first 6-10 hours.

Horror games have never been actually scary, and I say this as an avid fan of all things regarding it. The problem of this is due to one major reason, we are not fully invested.

We know we are playing a game. Games have to advertise playing with lights out and headphones because they know that we will never truly feel connected to the horror. VR is practically a must to achieve the correct response.

Gameplay further breaks this point, The scariest points in games is when you haven't lost yet, but once you die that effect is practically completely lost.

At least post a decent game like Miscreated.

Bohemia sat on their hands for fucking years. 3 fucking years of dev time, plus an extra year just to reach the early access release. This thing has been in development for AGES and is barely held together, much less functioning. Every patch at best they add another half-baked feature and some more equipment no one gives a flying fuck about while they ignore the core issues.

The only horror in DayZ is how they managed to do so fucking little in that time frame.

I can't tell if horror games stopped being scary or if I stopped being scared

Or maybe the true horror is how bad the gameplay has gotten

> Games have to advertise playing with lights out and headphones because they know that we will never truly feel connected to the horror.
but movies arent scary unless they meet the same conditions as well

>Gameplay further breaks this point, The scariest points in games is when you haven't lost yet, but once you die that effect is practically completely lost.

so what you are saying is that becuase you cant get immersed no one else can?


Yes it's true. Horror movies are also not scary. We know that they are just film. The scariest things I've watched were documentaries on serial killers or live leak videos.

I'm not saying I can't get immersed, I do it very easily in fact, but there is a threshold in your mind that allows you to distinguish reality from fiction, unless you have a mental condition.

The best time to play a horror game in my opinion is when you are still very young.

you obviously cant since that's the basis of your entire argument
its fine if you dont like horror but to say stupid shit like "Horror will never be good becuase I dont like it" is fucking retarded

I love horror, I think it's one of the best genres. My argument isn't that they will never be good, but that they will never be scary.

I mean the mod more than the standalone, since the standalone doesn't have that really excellent atmospheric music the mod had.

Plus, I still think the mod works better now than the standalone.

And Miscreatd, like most other EA zombie games, H1Z1, Unturned, 7 Days to Die, are just poor man versions of DayZ that shred any sense of survival for base building and firefights. At least H1Z1 just dumped the entire idea and became King of the Kill and it's just a Battle Royale game now, and none of them, 4 years now, are as good as the DayZ mod, even Bohemia's own standalone take isn't.

you are still forcing your opinion in as a fact though


When ever it isnt a buggy piece of shit, SCP containment breach is pretty spoopy.

Unpausing the game always fucked me up.

Wew child

You better not.

Dead space HD when?

Sorry if that's what it seems like toy you, but there is no need to be so hostile user. What's your favorite horror game? Mines Ib.



I'm 26

Sorry grandpa

Take good care of your umbrellas, Sup Forums.

horror threads are generally shit because of stupid people saying stupid things and I'm also a retard who gets riled up easy
the obvious answer which is silent hill 1. it has perfect ambience, imbeguity throughout the story and the soundtrack is top notch. also im claustraphobic so the tight fog/darkness really makes me feel uneasy

A good, classic choice. It's to bad the series is pretty muck kicking the can.

First FNaF was great, second was less than that, thirth was ok, I got more annoyed than anything by 4's "Listen to the breathing" mechanic and SL manages to be fucking boring.

all of konami is
but I'd rather see SH die then continue made by an idiot who thinks hes all knowing

>Those shoes


you have shit opinions kill yourself


>reminder that zombies have always been there to contrast against the humans who are The Real Monsters in any good zombie flick
Go watch night of the living dead for the origin, then OG dawn of the dead for the perfection. In Night they were the backdrop for the tension and conflict inside the house (although I bet people were fucking terrified when this film came out in the fifties). In Dawn they're almost not a threat at all until the protags get so caught up in their own drama and whatnot.
>inb4 Shaun of the dead
Is a comedy.
On topic:
>reminder that good horror = tension+climax
Like sex. Buildup and payoff. However, both elements are individual not one size fits all. Fnaf1 (I'm only familiar with 1) is an excellent horror game IF you personally are compatible with the setting and gameplay for tension, and the stylised threat for climax. If fnaf's presentation isn't to your liking then you'll think it's shit.

>Being scared of anything fictional

I wish I could get scared while watching and playing games again. I love horror in movies,books, games but I can't get scared anymore which sucks. Really enjoyed stalker because I wasn't expecting it to be spooky and was able to get me to freak out and be scared at a few parts. But like Alien Isolation I loved the atmosphere and how creepy it was, specially the Joes, but just didn't scare me. Feels bad, but now I just drink and play horror games so I can get spooked a bit more.