Perfection? dreams come true?

It's good right? Everybody writing reviews on Steam has hundreds of hours put in.

Seems like it might be my ideal game, but I've been fooled before

Been following it for a long time.

It's really top notch. Wish there was more to do.

Waiting for it to get out of early access

Got a link, dev/marketer user?

Looks boring

how can they fight if they are stuck in the ground

they are battle brothers

I tried this game quite some time ago and it was extremely shallow and boring. Were there major changes or something?

Its a good game that is missing late game content atm. Wait for the new update if you're not into doing contracts and fights just to get monies and sustain yourself to get into more contracts and fights.

It's pretty good, doesn't have any end game content yet but they're working on the next update that will add it in as crisis'. It's basically mount and blade but turn based and smaller in soldier numbers.

Don't forget about the game has very lack luster gameplay. It doesn't really have much depth at all. All you do is gather quests and go and do them, I don't see much else being put into the game.

Apparently there was a lot of problems with it and when people have had issues with it the devs dont listen and the fan base treats it like it's some second coming of jesus.I don't know about these days though

Sounds more realistic than the Steam reviews have been saying.. I'll wait till it's not Early Access

Game needs a proper plotline and a fixed setting, it's ok to tac on a random map generator but no crafted world in a game like this is just crap.

Combat is still more or less what it was, but it's that sweet, sweet context that makes it great. Overworld stuff is being more and more fleshed out and in January a near final build is coming out with a goal-system. The final game will have hardcore endgame scenarios that fuck up the whole world. As it is the game's an extended combat demo but the combat is really good. And the endgame stuff sounds awesome.

What problems have you seen? I've only ever seen the devs behave well.

I agree that the currently generated maps are janky but they say they're changing the system to make them more sensible. I don't really see how it matters that much in a game like this though.

Wut gaem?

How does the Space Marine commander in Soulstorm address his men?

The game is called "Battle Brothers".Turnbased hexfield tactics. It's pretty fun. Can be brutal if you screw up. Lost all of the 3 starting companions on my first playthrough until day 23.

Crossbows and axes are rather good. Don't fight undead until you have a decent and well equipped force. Necromancer gonna rip you a new asshole.

Tried using Javelins and throwing axes and i found them to be too imprecise and not worth it.

tl:dr, I like this game, it is fun and it can be unforgiving if you make bad decisions.

>R.I.P 3 starting Brothers

negotiation sisters

No rape no buy

I'd have been interested if the mercs are on the evil side kinda like Black Company.

Why would I want to stop a necromancer? Skellybros is where it's at.

oh i get it. its just some dumb meme game. enjoy your gay thread

It's good, but you shouldn't buy Early Access. Wait before it's complete before giving them your money.