10k people at launch

>10k people at launch


Do you really think that WoW has more player per realm than that?

Last time I checked, the highest populated realms had like 5k players

Why can't the Blizzbulls just leave us alone?!

I'm LITERALLY shaking right now.

Guess people only thought they wanted this shitty server back.

>tfw my mum refuses to pay my retail sub now that I'm 26 and nost is all I have left


Most of the retail realms have caps I believe.

wow has never been good

caps of chinese gold farmers.

10k is fucking AMAZING though you blizzfuck, please fuck off to the newest shitty game-killing expansion that you'll still buy because "OOOH SHINY THING!!!!"



wow great argument there blizzfuck :))))) I guess your shitty awful expansion is actually good after all! your shitty meme pic convinced me!!!

>only 10k players at launch
>6k are playing from chinese IPs
>bosses only autoattack
>PVP is dominated by russian botters
>only way to get gold is to buy it from the admins pretending to be chinese
>15min to kill a mob due to lag



Meanwhile i can enjoy vanilla content on a working server in peace on retail.
Why limit your content, vanilla still exists dimbasses lol. Literally because of a subscription fee? Pathetic, at least these servers work with no lag

Paying for a sub JUST ISN'T FAIR.


>my wife's hulking 6'3" successful investor boyfriend just subbed to retail and is using my gaming laptop to level his artifact weapon

Why are Blizzbulls so pathetic?

>playing WoW in 2016

While you're dinging in WoW I'm dinging your girlfriends' pussies, fucking nerds.

8k of those are Chinese gold farmers

I guess people thought they did but they didn't.


How do I get the nostbull to leave my wife alone while I farm mythic?

I don't understand the communism and FBI thing. Seems stupid like the fedora and pepe shit.

It's unreal how shit Sup Forums is nowadays.

FBI thing is there because their server is illegal I think, no idea for the communist manifesto. Maybe because they refuse to pay for a service but think it should be free or something like that

Seriously like what the fuck are these people doing? Look at yourselves man. Stop for a moment and relax. It's just games.

I've never seen them say it should be free. I've seen them say blizzard should have legacy servers though. FBI didn't even raid the server though and wouldn't have regardless because it was in France. They also shut down voluntarily.

Just stupid.

Is he Chinese?

Why do people makes images like this?

>10K players in entire Nostalrius on one realm

>WoW has 2K players in one realm but still over a million players



His penis is like 7" so not likely.

You know user, Retail is cross-realm nowdays and you have shitloads of them

Is the joke that both of these are terrible? Because that's what I see.

thats literally retail

many people dont know this but final stage of communism was supposed to be a society without any money. Of course it never worked and never will (and yes in theory you could walk into a shop and take whatever you needed but not everything) of course this never worked. So its perfect for nostalcucks considering nostalrius is free and they cant afford retail.
t. post communist slav

That's racist. Asians do not have smaller dicks

why do you think they brought in crz?

It makes it easier for them to imagine that there are people more pathetic than them.

Here in America a lot of people think they would like communism because of Star Trek, IE pursuit of betterment of mankind instead of money.

I think a society with out money can work, but they are fooling themselves if we are any where near it now

10 thousand people is a lot. Imagine if all those ten thousand people played retail and bought sub, that would equal 150 grand

how come it's always the nostfags that are false flagging

>massive queues
>server can barely handle all the players
>mfw Blizzcucks go ballistic last few days since release

Holy fuck how successful is Nost? Blizzard must really be feeling the pain right now.

It can´t work, EVER because it basically relies on people taking only things they need from the shop. What exactly would be stopping someone from just simply taking everything? On side note any american that wants communism is a retard. Living in socialism was really hard, for example you couldnt listen to radio from austria or you would go to jail, songs couldnt be in english, you had to know russian even if it wasnt your main language and had to know entire book describing various socialist rules and norms. One day you are living a normal life, other you get kidnapped and nobody ever hears about you again because someone told secret police you listened to foreign radio

This isn't even the popular server. When the fresh realms roll in that's when you'll see some real numbers.

I don't play wow, so can someone tell me why it matters so much to some people why others want to play vanilla instead?

I just don't see what effect it has on them.


Shitposting. You are either a Nostcuck or a Blizzcuck, nothing else.

>Nostbulls won

Blizzcucks are upset that people don't like the game in its current highly flawed and divisive form. They're addicted to a bad game and all of their bros woke up awhile ago and left.

Nostcucks are upset that they can't be ten years younger again and playing the game with all their old bros. So they're slavishly shitposting about how great the game is in one of its most primitive and lousy states.

But really, everybody just misses Wrath or late BC. And their bros. And their youth.

>everybody just misses Wrath or late BC.
>there are no good Wrath or BC servers

BC and Wrath are shit senpai only base WoW was good.

This was supposed to be different, it was supposed to kill legion! why do blizzard always win!!


>want to try out Legion
>mandatory cockcage too tiny for my dick
>forced to play on Nost



I'm enjoying the server so far, until the americans wake up and chat is just full of Sup Forums shit and memes

Wrath hit the high point between retail's current abortion of casual/bad designs and Vanilla's masochism and primitive systems.

The most annoying thing is that now most of the Nost-tards have shut up in shame, but we'll have to wait for the new server to be a failure too before they'll all stop posting

>Nostbull and my wife are out for dinner together AGAIN

Fuck I can't beat Mythic Karazhan HELP ME BLIZZBROS

Please delete this post.

I can't say I understand it either. It takes a special kind of childish retard to make them.

RTK is ONLY Mythic, nostkiddie.

>mythic karazhan

nice try, nostcuck

You think you have it bad?
My wife unsubbed from legion and regularly has a "friend" come over for a visit while I'm doing mythic, I hear a lot of giggling and I swear to god moaning but I'm too busy farming mythic to be 100% sure. My wife told me she's gonna roll nost with him too.

Imagine you invested over a decade of your life on something meaningless, and worthless, ok? Now imagine everything you accomplished only has any value to yourself, and it may be seen as impressive by very few people who happen to, also, invest their own time on the same meaningless, and worthless, activity. Now imagine that those people who would look up to your "impressive" accomplishments are having fun with something else, and decreasing the implied value of your "work" even more, if that was even possible.

This is the situation most legion drones find themselves into. Their efforts of over a decade are losing the virtually non-existent value it had, since people are finding something else, more interesting, to do. They can't help but be spiteful towards anyone who gave up on their worthless time waster for being exactly what it is, a worthless time waster. After enduring so much garbage, and eating so much shit, it was all for nothing, and their game is dying. No wonder they feel the need to shill, and desperately wish for anything that threatens their game to die as quick as possible. Meanwhile blizzard keeps riding on that sweet, sweet, pile of cash those same drones keep throwing at them, while delivering shittier and shittier "content" designed specifically to keep them busy for longer, and longer.

tl;dr: Drones are addicted and they can't just leave the game after it became shit, so they get spiteful towards those who can.

You can't farm mythic.

I swear, you nostkiddies need to actually know the game you say is bad.

>Vanilla didn't have meaningless, worthless grind


>nostbull mounts your wife

Because even communism is still regulated, ya git. You're given x amount of supplies to survive each week. And a choice of certain extras each month.

Yes you can farm mythic, and you do. Just like you farm mounts by doing the raid / heroic that drops them everyday or week till they drop. Doing something over and over again is farming desu

>Yes you can farm mythic, and you do

Mythic has a weekly loot lock, dipshit.

Don't be angry at me, I don't play this game in any form. I wouldn't waste my time on a private server, nor would I give my money to a corporation that delivers a sub-par product while pandering to feminists and faggots.

What level are you on that fresh character user?

Yeah and raids that drop mounts have a weekly lockout too. Doesn't stop people from farming them till they drop.

And this is why I am waiting for Crestfall™.

>my Legion guild stopped playing now

FUCK if Blizzard does nothing I have to contact my lawyer. STOP THOSE CRIMINALS