Get some distance and shoot her. Problem solved

Bunny hopping Mei is pure cancer

Hurr why won't you stand still so I can kill you!


>go near death beam


>Friend and I go Symmetra and Zarya
>absolutely trash everyone with constant shield spam from both of us, and near unavoidable death lasers

Feels OP to me, but I don't care. It's one way to inject fun into this game when it gets frustrating or bland.

She's perfect as is

>meme beam range is like 20 fucking meters
>hurr just back up

The range buff on this bitch is absolutely absurd. Absolutely fucking ridiculous.

Shoot her in the face. If you can't do that then you have no right to complain.

Learn how to fucking aim.

Bitch was fucking worthless before, being a melee-range character with 200 life.

I wish I could shoot you in the face

Stop maining like an edgy weeb, you yellow bellied cumdump.

Now that they've fixed her loadout, THEY NEED TO FIX HER NOSE!

Why would I bother learning to play or aim when I can just lock symmetra and hold down m1 the entire game? I can even watch a movie at the same time.

>Reaper is useless now
>Mcree is more nich now
>But soldier 76 dominates dps

I dont know how to feel.

Maybe make his run not infinite.

>not just smacking her in the face a few times with your huge-ass hammer

But you cant because I can move left a little bit and right a little bit. Don't suck at aiming.

I could because your head is so humoungusly swollen and large.

Can you set up an offensive car wash with her turrets?

Or do you have to plop them down as you go on the attack?

Because she still blows against anyone that knows how to aim.

What's it like being in Bronze? I had forgotten players like you exist.

Her Shield Generator making the tank meta EVEN FUCKING WORSE is the problem, not her beam.

Running is fun. This game is slow enough as it is.

The funny thing is the beam is one of the more effective ways to shit on tanks

and by tanks I hope you faggots mean roadhog/Reinhardt


>Tank meta
>Tank buster hero by design gets absolutely destroyed by tanks

76 or McCree or Reaper

I guess your right. I dont want them to nerf anymore characters. I want soldier to stay as is but get some buffs out to the other characters.

I think they should just stop nerfing things and start focusing on buffing characters to be useful.

Tanks are not the problem, Ana and her insane healing grenade are

Why would I bother playing comp in this shitty moba? Its a fucking joke. Do you jerk off to your little digital rank at night? Stroking your teensy microdick as you pant and drool over your almighty, precious skill rating.

I could tell you my placements but a sensitive, emotional girly boy like you might kill yourself.

>get told reaper is useless
>reaper snipes me
Blizrd pls.

>People still don't understand Blizzards "cycle balancing" by making sure each class has their chance at being OP

oh, I guess I should jump once and then carry a microwave. Don't be a shitter.

I dont know, I used to destroy anyone but it seems lately with symmetras buff I cant do anything.

I might just be having a bad streak with him but I guess its cause everyone is a tank these days. No dps love.

Symmetra is still the worst, she only has relevance in King's Row

amazing how an anime artstyle can make even a poo look attractive


Reaper still dominates Tanks at close range that 76 can't. Now there's just more than one Tank buster. McCree still has his niche of dealing with flankers at least.

Whining about something like a bitch and then trying to be condescending about it at the same time is the absolute most pathetic and embarrassing way you can sperge.

Git gud.

With the kind of weight you're carrying around up top, jumping might snap your neck instantly. And I'm sure you're already sterile, so no need for the microwave.

Why u so mad bro

Did I hit a nerve

Maybe, but you can't shoot it because you're really bad at games. Having a microwave effects nothing because you still can't shoot anything.

Countered by anyone healing whoever shes trying to melt

If the person she's trying to melt is not bad while getting healed, he can easily kill sym before dying

Roadhog and Reinhardt will always be the problem. They have a disruptive presence that far exceeds the range of any other hero in the game. Blizzard is just a bunch of pussies that are too afraid to Nerf them. There needs to be more risk in playing Roadhog and Reinhardt. You cant buff Winston's damage because then he will become fucking broken and you'll see a Bastion in every team comp. Zarya is meh and dva is still a walking crit box with 600hp that melts quickly.

Ana is just a symptom of another problem. Healer class heroes like her, Lucio, and Zenyatta get to enjoy having safety and the ability to do a ton of damage will still having healing up time. They all need to have their damage reduced and Lucio needs his right click knock back effect cut down so it isn't a tool for easy environmental kills.

Cant axe their healing power because they will become useless. So the only thing left to do is just axe their damage with the justification being that they already do a ton of healing in the first place.

Symmetra could always do this - there was just little reason to actually play her before the turret timer change and shield generator option.

She's broken, cuz she doesnt have to do what 80% of the community can not.. aim.


Symmetra was always "good" back then in the hands of someone who just didn't give a fuck and could make it work.

>POTG replay of enemy symmetra
>Watch as she beams you down with low health as you miss every shot

>always skip killcams because i cant stand to see myself aim like a retard

Once people discover just how powerful nana boost is on Symmetra the entire meta is going to change.

she doesn't even have to aim, so don't feel too bad


Did you really just complain about Lucio's damage?

If even one of his projectiles miss he does the lowest DPS in the game, other than Mei's primary.

Her range was 5m. Now it's 7m. If 2 extra M made her impossible for you to deal with, your problems are much more severe than her MINUSCULE range increase.

i only play mccree anyway

It was pretty strong before her buff, but now its insane. Symmetra is crazy good if you can play smart. Kind of bullshit she can survive a Roadhog hook too, especially since you are basically committing suicide drawing her toward you if you have to reload after your initial shot.