Madu Maxu

Is it worth $5? ($4.49 with the discount code)

Definitely. It's a fun little game with hilarious physics and nice driving.

Game seems lackluster id skip it desu

No. Not even for $5, it's not worth your time. Garbage game.

Game is gud. The fact that it is a game based on a movie that and also doesn't suck? Amazing

>movie based on a good game is good
Logic error there bud

Super repetitive but not bad. You do the same thing you do in the first hour for the entire game with very very little change but it was a ok ride if you can get past the sameness. Visually pretty good and the areas all have a distinct look.

Its a good mad max game. The driving is spot on and making your car is top shit. Combat though, not so much (unless you prefer arkham combat). Worth $10 even if you ask me.

Its repetitive, but to be very honest theres not much you could do in a post apocalyptic Australia anyway (in a game that is).

If youre a hardcore mad max fan then yes. Otherwise no.

its repetitive but the car combat is fun and if you dont mind bam ham combat its pretty fun

i 100%'d it

It's basically Shadow of Mordor with driving, take that as you will.


sup shill? also no

do you think the steam Christmas/Winter sale will have it for lower?

sell me on it with webms, 5 dollars is nothing but i dont need to spend money on yet another game ill barely play

If i had just said it without linking people would have been like "where?". i just saved the trouble.

literally no one would ask

Theres nothing to sell really. Are you a mad max fan? If so its worth getting.

I guess now we'll never know

i already have the game, i just want people to post webms faggot

Did you like the whole Ubisoft-style open world game where the gameplay is polished but never really satisfying, engaging or varied? Where the world is devoid of life or content and missions are 98% fetch quests? It's not utter shit but simply underwhelming.

Not a bad deal though so It's really up to you if you want to replay "Skyrim with guns and cars" for the 15th time.

is it pirateable? i know there's a crack but is it still the one where you have to change to system clock to china time or some shit?

>Not a bad deal though so It's really up to you if you want to replay "Skyrim with guns and cars" for the 15th time.

>game is literally, figuratively, and spiritually nothing like skyrim


it is a Far Cry 3 meme you dip

No, It's literally, figuratively, and spiritually exactly like Farcry 3 and its countless derivatives.

Did that meme really go over your head or am I getting counter memed?

>Ends in 18 days

wait it out, maybe steam will have it cheaper on the christmas sale.

You underestimate how new some people are

The story has the worst ending I have ever seen in all fiction.
I still got at least $5 of fun out of it.

>its exackly like skyrym!!!

>no i lidrolly ment far cry 3 i swaaaaaare!

>only similarity to fc3 is that you have a gun, people die, and you can level up


Your meme game is lacking. That's your problem.

>>only similarity to fc3 is that you have a gun, people die, and you can level up
Yup and that's all these shallow games have to offer. That's why I said it was very underwhelming.

It's nothing like Far Cry 3.

Here's what I want to know--how much does it expand on the fury road story/lore? It's probably my favorite movie so any more clues as to the world's story or lore would be super cool.

Very little. You get to see Gas Town and another one of Immortan Joe's sons.

The most satisfying part of the story happens near the very end of the game when Max goes insane from rage. It's fucking great.

Game is fun. Looks great and is insanely well optimized.

Its not really supposed to be based on Fury Road or any of the movies. Its it own thing.

It becomes more fun once you get some upgrades for your car, stick with it past the first area and loot everything you see.


You know every single open world game Ubisoft and WB Games has released in the past 10 years?
This is that game, but in a desert.

Yes. Really fun and specially good if you are a fan of Max Rockatansky

if ANYTHING it's right before it

>that's all these shallow games have to offer

Jesus these fucking blind aspies.

Too much like Fury Road, but it's decent.

>Too much like Fury Road

>Fury Road

Apart from this nothing about this game has anything to do with fury road.

A more appropriate question would be is it worth your time. Not since Skyrim have I spent 50+ hours on a game and had it feel like such a waste. There was nothing particularly engaging about the combat, story, or world. But on the other hand, it looks nice and runs really well.

It would have been amazing had they put some real effort into the story of world building.

Say what you will about everything else but the story and feel is by all means, mad max. Also the opening sequence was fucking great.