Mass effect 2 Free on origin

But then you have to install origin
Why not just pirate it, since you're not paying anything anyway?

And a week ago I was close to buying the trilogy for $10. Thanks OP


stop shilling origin you faggot

Thanks dude, shit game but it's free. And I'm already part of the Origin botnet so might as well.

>none of the dlc

>not already having origin access and getting them all free anyway

$30 dlc

no thx

Thanks OP, just one more game added to the collection of games I have on PC but never play

ME2 is the best of the series, man. Or did you just not like any of them?

ME2 is the worst of the series and is completely responsible for all the shit that everyone didn't like in Mass Effect 3.

not the loss of many major players and EA pushing the 3rd game being a great entry point

Not who you replied to but saying 3>2 just because 2 is 'responsible' is retarded

No I didn't say 3 > 2 because it was responsible for 3. I prefer a game with an actual story for that bumps up 3 ahead of 2, even if the story in that game was shit. ME2 ignores the Reaper threat and because of that, the game suffers and so does its sequel.

Everything made after Micorosft-Bioware Mass Effect was pure shit.
EA is pure shit.

fair enough.

I enjoyed ME2 a lot for it's 7 Samurai feel and I was still hyped that ME3 would be a good game

>Still no free Mass Effect 3
>Still no Mass Effect 3 diamond of the year edition with all the DLC
>You will never play Mass Effect 3

but single player games were always free user, this isn't news

Just pirate it.

>still no way to buy the DLC on Steam
Go fuck yourself Bioware and fuck your virtual coins as well

>The year of our lord 2016
>Pirating videogames

Not gonna happen user. I'm playing Dragon Age Inquisition just now for the first time because I got the complete edition for $6 on Thanksgiving.

It's not very good but it seems tolerable so long as I ignore almost every sidequest.

Why don't you pirate games? What is it with this morality meme on Sup Forums? Everyone on this board is a bunch of fucking assholes so I don't take your anti-piracy stance seriously.

of all the companies in the world, why does EA hate money so much?? why do they not have all the games with all the dlc in one pack??? i would buy it in a nanosecond.

gotta nickel and dime suckers somehow

Gee, why don't I download pirated software so I can fry my GPU with an embedded bitcoin miner? I must be a moron to just buy games when they're on sale for $5 or so instead.


Pirated hundreds of games on my Atari 800 and had like 1 legal game, still pirated things but not EVERYTHING later on PC before digital distribution, can probably count the number of games I pirated after Steam really took off on one hand.

I pirated because I lacked money and games were more expensive. At this point I basically never pirate shit because A: it will eventually be cheap as fuck and "Eventually" is usually soon, and B: if it's a game I really want I can usually get it for $30-40 easily at release/preorder. Stuff like ME3 and DAI are low on my list since they're modern Bioware, so I'm interested enough that I would like to play them eventually but not interested enough to either pirate or spend more than a couple bucks on them.

It's not really rocket sugery, anonymous.

You need to be 18+ to visit this site.

If you can afford $30-$40 for a game then you weren't really the target of my post. I don't really pirate anymore either, because I also have money. But that other fag is talking about being unable to play anything that costs more than five bucks. IMO he should just get his piracy on.

Downloaded. Thanks for the heads up, OP.