>There are people out there who say 'graphics don't matter'
>In a VIDEOgame
There are people out there who say 'graphics don't matter'
because I find the game part to matter more in a videoGAME
in that order
A game without graphics is still a game because it has gameplay. Graphics without gameplay is no longer a game. Graphical representations of the game exist to serve the playing of a game: to make it feel more immersive or authentic, and to enable different kinds of gameplay interactions not possible in their absence. Many games do not require any visual component at all, they simply exist to make the gameplay easier.
>Many games do not require any visual component at all
Name one.
We're talking about videogames, not just games. A videogame needs graphics, otherwise it's not a videogame. You can't have one without the other.
How are you going to play the game without being able to read, since the words coming up on screen are a 'visual component'? is someone going to read it out to you?
text to speech program retard
Depends on the game really.
Story is definitely going to be more important than graphics in an RPG.
>playing an RPG
I'd rather pull teeth
They do matter, but it shouldn't be at the expense of gameplay
Chess requires zero visual component, the board only needs to exist if you are not capable of remembering the position of every piece. In video game terms, RPGs similar to pen and paper rpgs do not either. In fact, you could easily make the equivalent of Zork or some such thing with only audio input/output for commands.
>I play real games like overwatch :^)
Kinda hard to call something a videogame when it only has audio.
Mobas are shit too
1v1 like fighting and RTS is the best
I find it hard to believe people in a videogame are saying "graphics don't matter". In which 4th-wall-breaking experimental goobidlygook did the characters say this?
Gameplay > Artstyle = Sound Design > Graphics > Music
Most objective choice desu.
Those are games for autists
Maybe, but it is still a game, while a "game' without gameplay (i.e a series of images) is not. Gone Home could have been the most graphically impressive thing ever created and Sup Forums would still shit on it for the exact same (occasionally valid) reasons.
No one's arguing that. If you want to present an opinion on how graphics don't matter for a videogame you're free to bring it up.
>those games are too hard for my casual ass
Artstyle is more important than raw graphics.
If you're going for a realistic artstyle then yes you need lots of graphical power but some games can get by with less because of their stylistic choices.
Then that would be an audio game
Gameplay = Yay
Graphics = Who gives a fuck
>muh super hardcore meta!
Music should be 3rd
I already did but congratulations on being too stupid to understand.
just admit you are a casual and we can both go home
If there's bad music you can always turn it off. If there's bad graphics you're fucked.
But you didn't...? A game doesn't need graphics but a videogame most certainly does.
They do matter, but fags think it's the most important and think a shitty game is good because it looks pretty.
Graphics matter.
However, having super top of the line "wow I can see my character's thumbprints and every individual strand of hair" graphics does not.
But having no music is bad. When people remember an old video game, one of the first things they remember is the music. So having good music is a must if you want a good and memorable video game.
Obviously you have visuals OP, you're a complete retard if you think that's what people are going on about
What people mean is graphical fidelity. A game doesn't have to have top tier visuals that push hardware to be good. You just need something that has a consistent, well made aesthetic tone
Which is why I'd argue that Breath of the Wild is a better looking game than Final Fantasy XV
Explain mario, it has shit music and still is remembered by everyone.
>both go home
>going on Sup Forums Outside your home
memorable maybe; good no. I have never played a game where having no music negatively impacted the game in a tangible way, besides rythmn games.
Mario has shit everything. The music is probably the most memorable thing about it though.
Fags bitching about graphics when the real meat is in isometric 2.5D sprites from the 90s
Tell that to The Witcher 3
Fucked up in story, gameplay and some pretty bad textures in the overworld, 10/10s from every publication and Sup Forums jerks off to it.
10/10 to a "game" with great facial animation and lighting. Fuck me I hate this industry.
it's almost as if different people enjoy video games for different reasons or something
It'seems actually art design that matters. If you'really trying to make a game that's "realistic" then it's textures and lighting better be top notch