Is there such a thing as a Winston main?
Is there such a thing as a Winston main?
They are usally angry faggots
I was one on the beta, I switched to bastion when ain't nobody in my team kelped me.
Yeah I've seen them, they usually have some sort of Harambe name and they're usually awful.
If you have a Rein to rely on Winston can be fabulous, chews up and scares off most DPS like nobody's business.
Soloqueue winston is suffering though. You will get ganged over, and over and over again.
met one yesterday, biggest douche ive ever seen
complaining about our mcree pick before the match even started and then starts bitching about noheals
computer broke right after that match as well
I might start to main him, just because I got his Yeti skin though.
>people want to buff Winston
>people want to buff a tank when tanks are currently ruining the he game
My issue with Winston is he's absolutely eaten alive by other tanks and can't do anything to them, when the enemy team is always going to have 1-2 tanks, possibly more.
I don't get this meme.
Winston is my most used character because he's great for capturing objectives, countering heroes like Genji that can block gunfire, and his jump lets him reach places no other tank can go (except DVa, but for the longest time she wasn't very tanky). Like any other hero, he's good if you know how to use him.
You just walk to the enemy and shock them instead of using your jump to get to them. That's dumb as fuck UNLESS you find a solo support just doing nothing by himself very far away from his team. Otherwise you just act like you don't have a jump ability and fight and use the jump as an escape or kill secure.
But never to fucking engage that shit only works on plat or below. Shit blew my mind when I started doing this.
Buff Winston, Nerf Rein.
This "WAH WE'RE GONNA LOSE CAUSE WE DON'T HAVE A REIN!" shit needs to fucking cease.
The main issue with winston is that any character with some type of shotgun just shreds through him.
He's wrecked by Reaper, Roadhog, Torb, and DVA, which is just too many hard counters to be playable.
Though with symmetra's huge buff, he might see a little more use
There was a gorllia named Harambe that was killed because a small child fell into his habitat at the zoo and the authorities determined the life of the small child was in danger and they couldn't risk the gorilla killing him so they shot and killed him. The internet turned it into a meme for some reason.
>being rein hardt
>any of those heros being able to walk up to rein hardt and walk past his shield to hit him directly
It's because you are shit at positioning or your team is shit if they allow that to happen.
>the problem with winston is that his counters counter him
he's fine
like any character, he is better on specific maps, specific team comps and against specific enemy picks. he is not universally good in every scenario, nor should he be.
I play him a lot but I certainly don't main him, he's a fun character. Jumping behind and tickling everyone to death while they are distracted by the rest of the team is fun
But then you don't get that sweet splashdown damage
Sometimes it's one Rein that got separated by your team, but yeah I feel bad when I walk through the shield and kill him.
people who got tilted getting bodied by a progenju
I walk through it as zarya and shock them, they always turn on me aswell leaving themself exposed
You can only main him if you have a team to play with. He needs Zarya and Ana to be truly effective.
Right now with the 4 tank meta setting in there's no squishies for him to eat. He was basically to fuck over Genji and Tracer.
>The internet turned it into a meme for some reason.
Yeah, that's what confused me. What is the joke? Or is this generation so full of mouth breathers that they are using meta memes that intentionally have no underlying meaning due to a misunderstanding of what a meme is?
I go Winston if they have a good Genji or Widow
Then I just follow them around and ruin their game until they switch
I love giving them hot monkey dick until they can't stand it any more
Yeti skin was worth the weight.
I don't think I've been much of an asset any time I've played Winston though. Any time I've done well with him it seemed like I was just monkeying around on a team that was going to win even if I just stayed in the spawn area. Only have 2 or 3 hours played on him though, should probably bother trying to figure out how to be gud with him, though he does seem situational as fuck and only a good choice when the other team has more than 3 or 4 200 hp characters.
It was much more forced than anything but that's probably because it happened with the spike of memes in the mainstream.
In the minds of a lot of people it's funny because it's a meme and that's as far as it goes.
And no, probably not. I always saw Winston as a starting player while you learn how to aim.
>reaper walks up to you
>can't drop the shield because you have to block the damage from the rest of his team
>survive for like ten seconds while he tries to kill me
>team doesn't shoot at him
>walks away unscathed
Sometimes I feel there's nothing I can do as Rein, soldiers running like headless chicken while you're trying to protect them, teams who don't put any pressure on the other rein, too many situations where I even wonder why I play him.
Blizzard fucked up the balance by having the DPS/Tank archetype
Winston is made for kill backline squishies
But the DPS/Tank dichotomy will always mean there's lots of Tanks
If you buff DPS, teams have more Tanks in order to survive the high DPS
If you buff Tanks, then teams have more Tanks because they're better
That arms arms race between DPS/Tanks will mean less squishies and Winston will be useless
>monkeying around
Winston isn't for novices at all. Everyone new to the game won't play him because his tesla does near to no damage, he can't solo except a few heros, and he gets immediately targeted because he's so huge.
Just hit him with your hammer
That's the solution
Your team will survive a few moments while you shoo away the pesky Reaper
It's nice to be appreciated :3
>leave yourself completely open for a slow 75 damage swing to a 250 hp hero
>either get killed in two headshots by reaper or his team turns on you for dropping your shield
Yeah nice advice. My team shouldn't have let him come that close in the first place.
No, and the reason is the only people who pick "mains" are people who care about getting epic MLG PRO POTGs So you'll see lots of Genji mains and Reaper mains because they literally drool over the moment they can press Q and get validated at the end of the game with how good they are even when they lose and contribute almost nothing.
>My team shouldn't have let him come that close in the first place.
Of course
But they did
And now you can either sit there with a shield up and die, or attack him and die.
To be honest Winston is the only tank left out of the "tank meta" since his dps is so low. His shield could use a health buff since they originally nerfed it by 400hp because of hero stacking, which is no longer a thing anymore.
>Who is Mira
>The World Fucking Champion who carried SK to victory
Idk if he's "main" material. He's still a good pick if the enemy team has squishy backliners that YOUR squishies are having trouble dealing with.
Yeah who would have thought that aggressive alpha play works better than beta poke at the choke play?
The meme was making fun of all the people who were unironically crying over Harambe's death acting as if a celebrity had died.
Shit I missed a thread
>>they have an entrenched bastion with a Rein and Mercy holding the line
Get past level 10.
Maybe to begin with but my normie Chad friends even have harambe shirts they wear on the university campus
The humour is literally "DUDE GORILLA LMAO"
Why? Do you just like his lore or something?
A meme is basically an inside joke anyway so who cares.
what if someone else insta locks winston? do u just abandon?
>my normie Chad friends even have harambe shirts
Fuck, don't remind me. Last week I saw some autist wearing this,
Started out as a meme, and then I was too deep to get out.
Help me
I dunno, it was my first hero I had success with. I tried McCree and go tno results so I cleaned house with Winston. You shouldn't be soloing as Winston anyway, his E should tell you that.
Strangely this has never happened before, maybe cause I play in a 6 stack usually. But yeah i suppose I would
Yeah it's pretty bad
One of my friends sent me a pic of it when he bought it and later that day he says "Dude did you get the picture of that me-me I sent you?"
Monkey Troubles works best when he's getting shit scores at the end of the game; he excels at diving past the objective and harassing respawning defenders from getting back to contest it. He's fantastic at it, especially when his ult is up, but unless you kill 3+ players doing so, you'll never get POTG or look like you were contributing much. Still, the game and community highly undervalues the act of diving past the point and making them fight on the road there.
he's shit. he literally can't 1v1 every other tank, maybe Zarya if you're lucky. buffed Sym out damaged him and he just cant take out anything with armor (yellow hp).
shield barely protect anything yet has long cooldown and doesn't stay until it breaks
why would anyone main him. enemy pick Dva and he become useless
>tanks are supposed to kill other tanks
no they aren't
Well I guess you answered OP's question
What skins do you use? What's your SR? Any pro Winston tips?
I have a feeling he doesn't have to worry about this.
>not knowing Miro
it's o, not a.
Pretty much the exact same sentiment
Rolled all over this one widow in a series of games, the retard refused to switch, his friend even went reaper in an attempt to stop the hot tickling I was giving widow, then ran into him again the next day, and did the same thing again, it's pretty fun stomping someone in particular so thoroughly, I'm kinda hoping I run into him again tonight
they aren't but sometime you are forced to when contesting a point. at least other tank can hold their own candle while Winston has to run away(and most of the time he couldn't run away from Dva)
How does DVa counter him? She can't eat Beam Weapons with her shield.
>How does DVa counter him?
Armour reduces damage per tick
He does nothing to her while her guns shred him
Not in this meta
>shield barely protect anything
not many people know it , but it completely soaks D.Va's self-destruct.
I haven't played ranked since season 1, probably should get on that
Oh and for playing him, just stay back until you can see a lone squishy support, or someone who is just really low, jump towards them, land on them and zap them the rest of the way down
Play VERY safe, and don't be afraid to jump away. It says he is a tank, but I generally just play him offensively and interference more than soaking damage
And remember, keep jumping, makes you harder to hit and doesn't really fuck up your aim since you just do a cone
Aren't a bunch of Europeans the number 1 Overwatch team in the world?
I know literally nothing of Overwatch e sports but I thought that was the case
Thanks for the tips
But you forgot the most important question of all: which skin do you use on him?
>see Winston
>pick Torb
>Armor for everyone
>Winston can't kill anyone
Ah yeah, I use explorer, or whatever the beige one is.
I really wish I had yeti though but I spent all my gold on random shit like voicelines and other winston skins that I generally don't use
>still no "enjoying the exhibit?" voice line
I just got the Yeti skin but really want the khaki skin for Winston
You've really got me wanting to play a lot of Winston. I think I'll go do that. Thanks man
He's good and pretty well balanced.
Just that he's been generally dead meat in the last two metas. Beyblade meant Reapers everywhere, and 3/4 tank means he can't kill anything.
He'll come back into favor more when Blizzard finally gets balls to do something about Ana.
The problem with Winston is that he can't do shit against tanks solo, so tank meta double fucks him. In theory Winston should be able to jump in , shield, fuck shit up, and leave. This kind of shit is whats supposed to keep Shit like Ana in check but now theirs three fucking tanks and no one can do jack shit except pick three fucking tanks.
Basically Blizzard can't balance worth a damn. But unlike blizzards other games we can see them fuck up at a much faster pace. We've seen buffed three times to the point where she is the hardest to kill thing in the game. We have seen healer meta switch three times AND LUCIO NEVER FUCKING DROPPED FROM TOP PICK EVER. I assure you in a couple of months the meta will be completely different because they just cannot see what the changes will actually do to the game. I mean fuck they gave 76 3 damage per tick on his main and now he melts everything. Why 3? Who the fuck knows, I would of been thrilled for 1 let alone 2.
>Swap between Winston to harass, Rein to defend and Roadhogg to dick around with
Is there anything better senpai?
Have fun!
Remember to say "Hi there!" every time
her Mech is 80% Armor. what do you think.
The armor destroys winstons dps, and within winstons effective range every one of dva's pellets will hit him with good aim
Is there any faster way to tell someone is a shitter and will drag the team down
>Why 3? Who the fuck knows
I do.
It's because Blizzard's strategy for balancing is the same across all their games. You ever notice that no matter what genre of game, they still manage to "fuck up" their balance in the exact same way?
It's because the design it that way
Blizzard balances around "flavours of the month"
The true secret is that people prefer unbalanced games, even if they say otherwise.
This is because there are two types of players
One who chooses a hero/class/whatever and sticks with it, thick and thin
When their chosen class is OP, they feel amazing. They love it. They pay Blizzard more money.
The other type of player is one who plays whatever is best at the same.
These people are always happy because there are enough of the former players to keep playing shit classes.
Blizzard intentionally wants some OP classes so because that's what people really want.
If the game was truly balanced, the only way to feel OP is to actually be good. And there are always more shitters than gud players.
>reinhardt or lucio main
>not literally always useful
Winston has trouble in this meta, I've had a lot more luck with Zarya. He's still one of my faves, however.
>Dominating as widow
>Assblasted kid swaps monkey
>I swap reaper
It doesn't seem like much happened. They're def at a net disadvantage with that swap
But now your'e tied up with the monkey instead of hurting his entire team
Mission accomplished
>tfw can't aim for shit
>tfw it doesnt matter because tankwatch lmao
How about do us all a favor and kill yourself instead?
Nice edit
Winston eats sym for breakfast. There isn't shit she can do if winston wants her. He instantly destroys all sentry turrets by just sneezing in their general direction.
its not, friend.
Probably has it set to this season.
why bother? overwatch is complete trash
You realize you can literally just place into masters after 10 games if you ended there last season
It happened by the time black lives matter was a huge thing.
Now THIS is a meme I do not understand. I get the idea behind the harambe bullshit but can someone explain this shit and the gabe the dog edits.
rein is about positioning, not skill with the hammer
a good reinhardt is not impressive, but they are effective
On no limits if you go 2 symmetra one torb you're almost guaranteed to fucking win
>tfw running around as 425hp Mercy
There is no God, only pain