>another sale
Desperation is setting in. Game is dead.
>another sale
Desperation is setting in. Game is dead.
More like they are trying to get more suckers to buy Christman loot boxes. Only a matter of time before Blizzard finds a way to incorporate that garbage into WoW.
>Trade your WoW tokens for loot boxes!
>Legion fun until you hit level cap, then it's a messy chore like Diablo 3
>Overwatch is a poor man's TF2, with even less balance
>Hearthstone has an inescapable meta
>Diablo 3 DOA
>SC2 all but forgotten
Where did they go so wrong bros
>guiys this has nothing to do with christmas I SWWAAAAAARRRRREEEEE
>Britbongs actually believe telling others the day first is ever beneficial when relating the date something will happen.
"Hey when is that game coming out user?"
"The twenty second-"
"Of January, next year."
I'm baffled as to why you thought your post was worth posting.
overwatch is making em money? right? same with hearthstone?
everything still shit tho
Uh, toxic much? Enjoy your vacation, lol.
I might try it out when it's f2p for the waifus, but I never even liked TF2 so I don't see myself much caring for a shallow TF2 ripoff. But mommy...I WANT MILK MOMMY
Wow what a shit lord. Why don't you go back to plebbit and leave me to my containment space?
>Overwatch is a poor man's TF2, with even less balance
It's literally the other way around lol
>Overwatch costs money
>TF2 is F2P
>Overwatch is constantly getting balance updates
>TF2 has over 100 fuck stupid weapons that make the game pay-to-win for new players and the game stopped getting updates
some of the weapons are just straight up better than others of the same type lol
>for multiplayer-only
Multiplayer is free or BTFO
t. 25 years of vidya, never bought a single Blizzard title
>a sale is always a sign of desperation
this is such a stupid mentality, even with 3 theme parks being built around the world I bet when a Nintendo game goes on sale for 25% off you go
I-I'm not mad I bought it on thanks giving on sale
n-now that it's even cheaper just weeks later
more like
>another sale
>more fucking smurfs
Now fully articulate why this is the best order to convey information universally without resorting to autism/ocd insistence that it follow a sequence bereft of a logic driven by the pertinence of the information conveyed.
I thought the game was already $30 wasn't that the original price for pc users?
like 5 bucks cheaper?
>I thought the game was already $30 wasn't that the original price for pc users?
But now it's discounted to $29.99!
well yeah but still
so Sup Forums
is it worth the price now?
Is this a shitpost or are you genuinely retarded? I can't fucking tell anymore.
It's not acceptable to spout the word "trollface", much less not even post the picture itself. No, this is definitely a shitpost.
Not funny.
And yet TF2 manages to be more fun and has genuinely likeable characters.
Link? Is this loot boxes or the game?
>hey American user, when's that game coming out?
>The twenty second, next year
Well WoW is already garbage so it makes sense
nothing they're all making buckloads of money
>I've never played Overwatch so ill shit on it: The Post
I'd say $15-$20
How balanced is this game compared to Paladins?
I literally can't play paladins anymore because of how Unbalanced it is.
>Christmas sale
user I know you like shit posting but come on
*crosses fingers*
Please give us Mei without her coat in a desperate attempt to keep people interested!
Please give us qipao Mei!
HotS is the most enjoyable moba i've played yet.
Too bad it takes awhile to find matches or I'd play it more often.
I like the mission-based maps and the hero bundle packs that they cycle through each week are cheap enough to pick up after getting to experience them during their free trial rotations.
Wish it didn't cost so much to buy individual heroes though.
Not after the matchmaking update.
CSGO ruined TF2 with its cancerous skin boxes and MM.
>I like the mission-based maps and the hero bundle packs that they cycle through each week are cheap enough to pick up after getting to experience them during their free trial rotations.
>Wish it didn't cost so much to buy individual heroes though.
This is how I know HotS is the ONLY "moba" you have played yet
>waiting out for that sweet sweet f2p nail in the coffin
cant wait desu
I played League, Hon, DotA on WC3 and DotA 2.
HotS feels more team-focused than the other ones where you can have one dude carry your team.
At least as someone who plays the genre casually, what's in HotS appeals more to me than the other ones.
I remember my first game in DotA 2 my teammates asked me "Is this your first game?"
I replied yes to which one said "gg we gun lose!" and we promptly got stomped.
When I played League with a friend, he'd constantly badger me and ping the map and asked where I was going and he'd basically solo the other team.
HotS on the other hand is very easy to manage and objectives are clear and easier to get your team together to focus on those missions rather than getting last hit on creeps, jungling to get kills and all that jazz.
Play what you wanna play though user.
Both are legit hot garbage, memes aside. Ana and Lucio are still the best healers, and every tank except fucking Winston can murder now with no real counter. They're in a bad spot where they can't just nerf/buff certain characters because some characters are simply better than others by inherent design, but it still doesn't excuse a 4 tank meta.
>4 tank meta
Final nail in the coffin.
At least Blizzard support is decent. They gave me a refund for Overwatch.
here's a cool story!
Today I was working as blizzard support and i had a webchat with a guy who wanted to know exactly what was in all the different Digital Deluxe versions of Starcraft 2.
He had noticed in the game that some skins and profile pictures were blocked and wanted to know how many were part of the digital deluxe package.
As i was showing him that, the battle.net APP i had launched on my second screen updated and i saw "20 DOLLARS OFF OVERWATCH RIGHT FUCKING NOW" on it
I check all our news channels, our internal site, and any recent emails.
No news at all.
I get up, walk up to my boss and go "dude look at that shit on the app, theres another overwatch sale"
"Wait, what"
"Its right there!"
"should i like, go tell people?"
"fucking hell, tell our team, let the other teams find out on their own"
then i get back and realize i was still on a live webchat with that guy. He thought i disconnected LMAO
TF2 was first Orange box exclusive. Ergo you had to pay money.
>burgers can't into orderly measurements
nice shill faggot
how much are you getting paid?
>TF2 has over 100 fuck stupid weapons that make the game pay-to-win
You see, there's these things called item drops. You can get item drops by playing the game. You can use said weapons to craft metal, and you can use that metal to craft the weapon you want if you have the required items.
Nobody ever pays for weapons on Team Fortress 2 anymore. In fact, I don't think anyone ever did.
It is by no means pay to win. All weapon unlocks are sidegrades at best, the stock weapons are almost always better.
Still too expensive for what is effectively a F2P game.
>B-But i-it's not dead
Overwatch is a flop
NO FUCKING SUBSCRIPTION and they still have to cut the price not even 6 months after release...
I still don't get why people play a TF2 reskin, but hey there are people out there who still think No Man's Sky is worth $60...
>Overwatch is dead meme
6v6 was a mistake
GW2 is a better game anyway and actually requires some aim
Why do you think a game has less worth if it's multiplayer only? do you think a single player campaign for overwatch would add anything to the game?
hes just an autist Sup Forums user repeating what he's read on the internet lul
pfft, titanfall 2 added a campaign and its LITERALLY the best campaign ever!
its pretty much the reason why Titanfall 2 is NOT a flop but POOR MANS TF2 OVERMEME is
eh, it's kinda boring playing the same small objectives over and over
i wish there was a game mode where you could just dick around
user as much as i like falling titans the game is dead in terms of playerbase when comparing it to basically any other fps
>bongs can't into decimal-based money
>Critical Sup Forumstard believes this time is the end of Overwatch for sure
>do you think a single player campaign for overwatch would add anything to the game?
that's a great fucking argument.
>hey guys
>there's this game and it's multiplayer
>it's not that great
>but guess what
>it doesn't have single player campaign
>but that's okay
>because it would probably fuck it up anyway
>seeing as how it couldn't add anything to the game since it sucks to begin with
>hey guys
>wait a minute
>come back
but weapon drops fuck with balance
>people are playing overwatch
but TF 2 did it 200 times better and people got tired of that 2 years ago
overwatch is fun, you've never played it
overwatch is better than tf2
waifus always win
only on sale for console wtf, this games boring as hell now though don't waste your money
i was thinking about buying it for pc and the price was discounted the same. idk maybe your butthurt messed up your vision or something
Don't be stupid, it's on sale for PC, too
why does blizzard get its dick sucked so hard by almost everyone?
>meth is cheaper but everyone prefers cocaine
well i mean unless you bought it for $30 like a lot of other people, it's $10 more than usual
i dont get it
I only bought it to fap to Roadhog anyway.
bought it for $30 when it first came out so it's technically $10 more for me
kill me looks like it is back to the original price wither way not a sale
that explains it. it's an addictive multiplayer. it's a cheap thrill that a load of people like. if you don't like it chances are you have a more "refined palette" so you'd be better off with a more advanced/discerning multiplayer title.
basically, if you don't like the cheap shit you'd be better off with cocaine even though it gives you practically the same high
The game is dead yet it still is goty. Funny.
Gotta say, this is the first game that I've sinked over 500 hours into and am still not bored thanks to the events and competitive. And waifus.
A good game.
Largest number to smallest or smallest to largest.
Those are the only acceptable dates.
If the weapons are unbalanced sure, but most weapons are balanced and even then, stock weapons are almost always the best possible option in every setting. Don't get me wrong, there are weapons that are almost straight upgrades or overpowered, but having a handful of irritating weapons that are easy to ban in a competitive setting is better than entire characters or classes being unbalanced.
You wrong though.
>enjoys repetition and to a fault
here's your textbook autist, folks
I don't like Overwatch at all, but it being on sale a lot (if it has been I haven't paid attention) its because its the holidays, not because they are desperate. All big titles are constantly on sale right now because holiday gifts and they last til after new years so people can buy them with their Christmas money or whatever they get.
>Titanfall 2 is NOT a flop but POOR MANS TF2 OVERMEME is
Overwatch is LITERALLY Game Of The fucking Year and also best E Sporst Game Of The Year, nobody care about your SUBJECTIVE opinion on that matter, you fucking retard.
Why dont we stop bullshitting on this topic and we start talking about something more interesting, maybe with a new Sup Forums thread, about the fact that vidya market is going desperatly down hill? Reasons: a GEN moved on?/vidyas are ageing?/new entertainment medias?/no longer unemployed crisis neets 2004-20012?/WTF??
Why isn't Reaper more popular to counter the tank meta?
>vidya market is going desperatly down hill
It's not. When i was young i enjoyed games more not because they were better but because i was young and everything was new.
Right now market is a lot bigger and growing, more money are invested in a single game.
>10 bucks less
>please give us slim heavy
Hog one shots him and D.Va can keep the Hog safe.
>have base for fun dynamic multiplayer shooter
>release one hero/map every 4 months
>force competitive
thanks blizzard
I paid $80 for Overwatch on release date and I still feel this was the best purchase out of the 15 games I bought in 2016. I would gladly buy the game again or give it to a friend.
Single player would not add any value to this game. Who wants single player Overwatch? The entire point of the game is multiplayer.
Also this game is making literally 20x as much money as your favourite game. So if you think Overwatch is dead, your favourite game (literally doesn't matter what it is, Overwatch is making so much money compared to it your favourite video game may as well not exist) is even more dead.
HoTS is dead as fuck. They keep adding characters which are either brokenly overpowered or fucking useless. They can't balance for shit and have left old characters to rot rather than adjusting skills and abilities to keep them viable.
Hearthstone is equally as bad at the moment. The powercreep in that game is insane, and the meta is fucked because of it. Everyone is playing one of three decks.
WoW has been shit for a decade. It's never going to get better.
Overwatch is bottom of the barrel in terms of skill-ceiling. Its presentation is top notch, but that's all there is - just a pretty facade. The core gameplay and the community it fosters is absolute trash.
D3 was never good.
SC2 was a failed attempt at reinvigorating their old glory days. Koreans still play SC1.
Honestly, I think Blizzard realise they're running out of steam. They're allegedly working on a new project. I'd like to think they'll actually make a good game, but if the past 10 years are anything to judge them on it'll just be more casual trash designed to nickel and dime dumb cunts through slot-machine rewards.
but pros all use vanilla loadouts.
>go back to try HoTS
>they complete changes and butchered Zagara and her play style she used to have
>similar changes over other characters
>stop going back
Blizzard needs to release a completely user driven sandbox game.
Just doing so might reinvigorate some of the dead talent they once had (if any are still with the company)
So delusional.
Well Zagara was pretty overpowered, but yea, they completely killed her and all reason to even play her, Gazlow tier now.
Not an argument but sweet ad hom bro
what the fuck is happening here.
seriously, I'm trying really hard to decipher what the fuck you just said.
It is though. Sup Forums never stop to amuse me, so retarded and delusional.
>he thinks he's a genius posting on a Mongolian image macro board