Is this the highest rated game this gen that everyone agrees is shit...

Is this the highest rated game this gen that everyone agrees is shit? Even diehard fans of the series are insulted by this POS yet the critics jerked themselves off to it

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>Even diehard fans of the series are insulted by this POS
That's not even true. It has the best gameplay of the series, that's all I care about, I couldn't give a heck about the narrative or any of that stuff, the level design is great and the shooting and platforming are integrated in a way rarely seen in third person shooters. It's a total joy to play.

>mfw people think Uncharted games are good

>mfw weebs think anime is good

It's a Naughty Dog game. If you don't give it at least a 9/10, then the Sony gestapo is scheduled to pick you up in the morning.

UC4 was better than UC3 though

Uncharted 4 is the greatest game of the generation. List two games that come close.

It's not even the best game on the console

>using the lasso hook is really fun in 4
>how did people enjoy was literally only running/cover shooting

FFXV and Pokemon Sun both surpass it easily.

Bloodborne and The Witcher 3 are both pretty much better, and they're on the same console. Hitman (2016) is better.

>everyone agrees

Hint: Sup Forums is not “everyone”

>It has the best gameplay of the series

Uncharted 4 is considerably better than MGSV in terms of gameplay, story, visuals, and multiplayer.

that's a lot of scripts

A move has to consist of at least two actions per button press to be considered a "script." Literally every single individual melee-action / contextual-takedown in that webm was initiated by the player, via pressing buttons in the direction the movement stick is pointed relative to the camera. Jumping takedowns only work if the enemy is in your center camera as you fall on him.

I genuinely do not understand how people look for emotion and character development in video games. It's just so unimportant.

>yet the critics jerked themselves off to it
When will people realize that literally all critics care about is presentation

>that's just like, your opinion man

the whole idea of ranking games that are not even in the same genre is retarded because there will always be people who prefer RPGs to linear action games and vice versa

Saying that The Witcher 3 is "objectively" better than Uncharted 4 is pure, unbridled opinion. Saying Gears of War is better then Uncharted 4, however, is something you could actually make a valid argument for. With Gears and Uncharted, you have two games that are actually highly comparable, where personal genre preference is a non-factor.

It is the best game in the series, but I'm well over it. If I hadn't played the first 3 or Tomb Raider, I probably would have though more highly of it.

This is probably true, but god damn was UC4's presentation mind blowing.

>all critics care about is presentation

So? Having a great presentation is fucking awesome, and makes any game a joy to behold even during gameplay (so long as the gameplay is already good on its own). The regular combat in some of these games looks like something that would've been part of a cutscene in any last-gen game

"Presentation" is an incredibly vague term

>The regular combat in some of these games looks like something that would've been part of a cutscene in any last-gen game
I think that is the issue -- why so many people who've never played UC4 act like the game just plays itself. They literally cannot believe that the player could be in 100% complete control of something that looks so much like a pre-rendered, pre-choreographed cutscene.

Well Big Rigs is a different genre of game than Deus Ex, but anyone with two brain cells to rub together can tell which of the two is the better game. Things don't have to be in the same genre for comparisons to be made.

Video game critics play so many games anything flashy and easily beaten will be goty it's like a kid with ADHD

not as vague as "quick time event"

basically everyone has their own unique definition of what constitutes a QTE in their head

How much of a beta can you be

The die hards loved it user, I like it although the fights feel scripted as fuck, until you get the big guns, you're free to reign hell on enemies however you can.

Really a testament to how simple and shallow it is.

Druckmann doesn't even understand why people consider Drake to be a sociopath.

true, but you are comparing a game that had great critical reception to one with abysmal reception. That overrides everything else, because the glaring flaws in the bad game (the ones that *everyone* hates it for - not just contrarians on Sup Forums) completely ruin it

When you are comparing two games that are both highly regarded in their respective genres, the one you like better will be the one from the genre you like better

Yep. It really doesn't look too complicated if you've actually played the game before. Guy probably tried a bunch of times or some shit, though.

that magnetism is really jarring and terrible

>Even diehard fans of the series are insulted by this POS
really? it was like, the only good uncharted game
not that it was very good. it was just entertaining, not much more.

I consider any context senstive action that's indistinguishable from a cutscene if the button prompt were absent to be a QTE.

And I think the reason people get up-in-arms about QTEs is because they add an extra layer of abstraction to the gameplay that makes you feel less in control of what's going on. Instead pressing a series buttons to do the actions you want, that entire series of action is preplanned and mapped to one button. You don't get as much of a sense that you're the one making the things on screen happen.

>It has the best gameplay of the series
No it doesn't, it's the exact same gameplay from all the other games except now there's a stupid fucking gimmick hook they force you to use that adds nothing to the gameplay.

How so?

>the one you like better will be the one from the genre you like better

Well, reviews don't always come down to "which did I personally like better". At least not good ones. It's possible to acknowledge that one game is better designed in more areas while simultaneously finding more enjoyment in the other one. I might get more enjoyment out of backing up at the speed of light in Big Rigs than sneaking around in Deus Ex, but that doesn't mean I just ignore all the ways Big Rigs is a colossal failure.

So Naughty Dog hired some bitch just to say "make that guy a girl"

What is Uncharted about? I never even bothered to look at it on youtube because it seemed like the biggest normie game.

the rope is amazing and gives you all this spontaneous mobility whenever its available. Speaking of mobility, the entire combat formula was redesigned to be like fast-paced guerrilla warfare, where you are constantly having to be moving around / re-positioning yourself so you don't get overwhelmed

it's like a playable action movie with more destruction than even michael bay could hope to muster, and it's also a fully fleshed out third person shooter with mechanics as deep as Gears

that looks kinda cool, what difficulty is that on? im playing the series for the first time with the uncharted collection and im on the first game. i cant tell if there is sprinting going on in this webm, is there? i feel kinda slow in 1.

there is no sprinting in UC4

that webm is on Crushing difficulty (hardest) and its from the single most difficult part of any fight in the game. If you look online for "Uncharted ch20 crushing", you will find literally millions of people complaining about how the part in that webm is so incredibly hard that it's actually broken

*millions of posts

that is

Best game in the series and a worthy conclusion.

He is right though. Why does it matter?

>too normie for me
>let me just log into Sup Forums

It's probably a difficult game to critically pan from the vantage of a 'professional' critic. The reason being that, technically, the game is flawless. It's an absolute masterwork of graphical fidelity and design. Shit on the game and ND's stylistic choices all you want, but they know what kind of game they want to make and make it without any notable hitches in their stop. Whatever issues people have with the game can't be cited as part of poor game design, AI, difficult cameras, etc. Naughty Dog is peerless in polish.

So why is Uncharted 4 shit on by fans (me included)? Because it's just boring. It's empty. Naughty Dog improves the combat and traversal then gives you so little of it. The story is pulled straight from the ass in order to justify a theme of family that 3 already handled with more deft and grace, even given it's haphazard production. It (4) is a strange beast to criticize, simply because there's nothing to fault in terms of the usual means by which a game is measured. Whatever complaints you have with it owe to your personal feelings on the 'feel' of it. And that's a pretty flimsy basis off which to weigh something when you're paid to give reviews.

I didn't hate the game, but I definitely found it boring. Had I been pressed to write a review, the acknowledgements of its merits would far outweigh its fault, that one fault being large enough for me, and perhaps others as well, to lessen it.

tl;dr Naughty Dog are evil geniuses who have taken the industry by the soft and squishy gonads. Don't fight them. You'll lose.


The combat in UC4 is much more refined than the first 3.

The Uncharted Collection is a great improvement over the original releases though.

>weebs are fags
>uses weeb reaction image

I'd like to think that this is just bait but some people on Sup Forums are actually this stupid

Now this is shilling

hows that image weeb?

Drake will automatically pick up in speed when he's in combat. It's slight in Drake's Fortune, then puts up incrementally throughout the series until what you see going on in that webm of 4.

I don't see why people praise the Uncharted series so much. I've only played the first two, and my experience with them ranged from "this is okay" to "this is really annoying". The gunplay is just average TPS cover shooting, melee combat might as well not exist, stealth options are basically non-existant, the wallclimbing segments are braindead, and the puzzles are incredibly simple. The only thing this series really has going for it are its characters and set pieces, and I don't even think they're worth sitting through the gameplay for.

It's a really good game, why are you lying?

game is more shallow than ffxv.

Fucking climbing for at least 10 hours, dumbass story that all starts because bro lied, killing innocent civilians then hundreds of mercs with your bro, all the fucking "happening moments where a wood piece brakes for today".

If it were a normie's first time playing a video game they'd call it the best shit ever, but damn that game is just okay to me.

It's an admission as to why ND continues to get stellar reviews even when their games have become increasingly tedious and dull. 'Tedium' isn't a criticism unless there is ample technical evidence within the game to support it. The point I was making is Uncharted 4 doesn't have many blemishes in the usual parameters. I was mostly bored with the game besides it closing chapters, but leading up to those final (very fun) moments wasn't worth the slog. Hope that makes a little more, you cockgobbling dimwitted faggot.

>all the enemies are black

Remember why people started thinking that QTEs were such a bad gameplay mechanic in the first place? Because they took away all player control except for when you have to press the buttons to change the outcome of the ingame cutscene. Action games generally don't do that anymore with their "QTEs". And in many of these new, "promptless-QTEs," the player retains full movement control throughout and can use multiple attacks / defenses on-demand.

Why people will label something like this a QTE and act like that means that it plays just like a RE4 QTE without the prompts is beyond me

>Action games generally don't do that anymore with their "QTEs"

They absolutely still do. The final boss of Dying Light is one.

Isn't that just the Batham fighting system?

okay, they still do sometimes, but devs are stupid to use them (outside of actual cutscenes) because everyone hates them

if bamham fighting is considered QTE, then we have officially warped the word's definition to meaninglessness. Bamham combat is a beat-em-up system with lock-on melee-aim and incoming-attack indicators that you don't even really need. It's easy (which is okay because you are motherfucking batman), but it's definitely not a QTE

It's still a very shallow combat system.

I think it's great

>that 3 already handled with more deft and grace,

Bull fucking shit.

3 couldn't be more inconsistent in every facet including narrative theme.

shallow combat mechanics can still be incredibly fun. Just look at Hotline Miami.

The point in bamham combat isn't to feel rewarding after you beat up 10 weak thugs in the street (well, maybe it is if you aren't good at the fighting). It's to feel rewarding after you get a combo for 1,000,000 points and flawlessly beat up 200 swarming thugs/armored-thugs/stun-baton-guys/shield-thugs, without getting hit and losing it all moments before you break 1 million. Riddler's challenge mode in Arkham City was the most fun thing in the entire series.

>What is Uncharted about?
It's an Indiana Jones rip-off. People say it's a movie, but I'm currently struggling through UC2 Remastered with no Witcher senses, Survival instincts or Bat vision. That shit is hard to navigate once you got used to dumbed down current year gaems.

If it doesn't matter, why make it a girl to begin with?

Why not?


ET for the atari 2600

both games about on par with UC4

Almost as vague as the term "Fun"

U1 isn't really all that good, and U2 was revolutionary for its time but it feels a little dated now

>Be me
>Massive fanboy on PS3
>Plays Uncharted 4 "Woah, this fucking sucks"
>So pissed at it, I buy Uncharted collection to play the games I loved
>"Woah, these fucking suck"

Idk what happened

Has zero contribution/effect to the story, as Druckmann said. It's a pointless change.

> Instead pressing a series buttons to do the actions you want, that entire series of action is preplanned and mapped to one button.

this is pretty much the entirety of the uncharted series in a nutshell.

What if it was originally a girl but changed to a boy, would you still be complaining?

>The gunplay is just average TPS cover shooting

It's a cover shooter, sure, but mobility has always been the prime focus.

It's not a unique style, but calling it "average cover shooting" is disingenuous when focus is deliberately shifted away from being in cover.

I've never played Uncharted, but my friend who loves the games says it's by far the best one.

Yeah, that story didn't happen.

That depends, did someone decide to change it to a boy because "diversity?". If so yes. The girl becoming a boy contributes nothing, leave it as a girl, there was nothing wrong with the character being one initially.

Bought a PS4 on Black Friday. Here are my rankings:

Uncharted 4 > Uncharted 2 > Uncharted 3 >>>> Uncharted 1

Dark Souls = Dark Souls 3 > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Bloodborne

Bloodborne being good is a meme. The bosses are a joke and there are like 4 different environments. Uncharted 4 is actually really fun.

>uncharted shills post the same .webm's their employers gave them to defend the game for the 500th time
Sup Forums doesn't like it, it's shit, its a movie, its gameplay is just a script
why the fuck are you shitposting and shilling this garbage

But that's wrong.

Going off of Uncharted 4 exclusively, melee animations are entirely individual, with the chained sequences being controlled by the player by directional control and the individual activation of each action, while set-pieces still go out of their way to give you absolute control, something that was rather prevalent in Uncharted 2.

Here's an updated one, you're up to 31 now

Bloodborne, witcher 3 blow it the fuck out the water

>Sup Forums doesn't like it, it's shit, its a movie, its gameplay is just a script
>I don't own a PlayStation and I'm missing out on the best games of the last decade.



That's not saying much

God Super Paper Mario's writing was god-tier, at least in that chapter.

That's called contextual animation, and it's not inherently easy just because you only press the stick + one button. The animations can be controlled with only one easy button press because the challenge is *not* in masterfully inputting button combos like you're playing a fighting game; it's in safely getting your player into positions where you can pull off the powerful contextual moves.

And melee is only one aspect of the combat in these games. On harder difficulties, you can rarely afford to even try punching someone out with a combo (see ) unless you think you can pull off a quick contextual takedown. Then it's more of a shooter where melee is your most ballsy / clutch survival technique

That's not witcher 3.

Couple of Sup Forums neckeards is suddenly everyone? Check user scores ruseman.

>The bosses are a joke and there are like 4 different environments

Did you not go to all the optional areas or something?

Bloodborne is a far better game.

Honestly spending $20 on The Last of Us and $60 between The Uncharted Colletion and Uncharted 4 was a mistake. I thought people were kidding when they said "it's a movie" because I can tolerate cutscenes in a game, but unlike something like MGS even the gameplay parts play out like a movie. At least MGS has its own charm, unique script and originality. Uncharted and The Last of Us as complete packages feel entirely like a sub-par Hollywood action movie, with absolutely NOTHING making them interesting as a game.