RIP Nintendo 1889-2017
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RIP Nintendo 1889-2017
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this time, this time for sure, third party, third party no more getting made fun of for buying a nintendo console
Switch confirmed to be no where near the power of PS4 or Xbone, it's literally an Nvidia SHIELD rebranded as Switch. Barely more powerful than a WiiU. It won't even be the most powerful tablet when it comes out.
RIP in piece
I know these DOOMED predictions haven't come true yet, but 947845678417658934276584329th times the charm.
1600 mhz isnt bad
That's why the Wii, which was literally an overclocked Gamecube, did so poorly.
Oh. Wait.
RIP Nintendo
Good thing I have a DS already then, right?
Yeah man. I remember when the 3ds wasn't as powerful as the ps3 and then totally wasn't the best selling console this gen.
Also your a fucking idiot if you think featuring a tegra part makes it the same as an android tablet. In terms of overhead reduction alone it'll be a night and day difference
Bros, what's going to happen when the Switch fails?
Hopefully you'll stop fucking falseflagging for once in your miserable life.
Source? Being serious here.
there isn't one
>b-but muh kotaku rumor
sonyggers are really terrifed because they know this is going to sell like the Wii
m-m-muh grafix
The 3DS was a replacement for the DS. The Witch is meant to replace the WiiU, and barely accomplishes that. It's a horrible console and an ok tablet. The only 3rd party support it will have are mobile games. Nintendo have officially dropped out of the console market and made an Android microconsole like the SHIELD, Ouya and Razor Edge.
Yeah but it'll have Smash Bros.
Nah, the Wii only sold well because it was casual pandering.
I'd rather have some good games.
The guys in the video are literally laughing at the Switch specs.
the wii was also the introduction for gaming to a lot of normies.
those same normies now drove the highest game console sales since the wii in the ps4/xbone.
the switch just straight up doesn't fit into gen 8. It's not powerful to be gen 9, and unless they're killing the 3DS (lol) it won't even begin to step in on handheld market.
The switch is the amalgamation of trying to skirt the line and be unique enough to warrant a purchase. Nintendo has been doing it for 3 generations, and it's starting to bite them in the ass, unfortunately.
Hopefully the game line up is really really really solid, and worth getting a switch for. But so far, I haven't seen anything to even show that, they showed off, in their debut trailer, a bunch of games we've seen already, and a few short seconds of a new mario title. The downward spiral of mario titles is making me wary about even being excited for what were once guaranteed solid 8/10 titles.
It's just disappointing. I hope the switch does well, but looking at it from the outside, I have almost 0 expectation for it to. Not to mention they're pissing off their wii u userbase, small as it is.
What's life like in 2019? Have the beardies and the harpies raided the white house yet?
Bro I'm a huge Nintendo fucker and even I know the Switch is probably gonna sell like dogshit. I bought and enjoyed Star Fox Zero and I'm telling you this.
If you're expecting some epic revolutionary victory for Nintendo when the Switch drops, you're in for a disappointment. Right now it appeals to absolutely no one except die-hards.
this is the best the niggers of sony have? false flagging?
As long as it runs Monster Hunter better than the 3DS that's all the power it needs.
>Admitting that the Wii was a special case is falseflagging
I'm still wondering what you people are on about. Hardware was never the defining factor.
Are people really this delusional that they think a nintendo hybrid won't sell like hotcakes? Like I'm not even talking merits of the console. It could be a complete piece of shit it will still outsell the ps4 and xbone by a wide margin.
>Nintendo consoles are constantly the worst selling as long as you do not count the instances where they are not.
Except I never said that at all.
But the Wii was a special case. It only sold as well as it did because it appealed to casuals. Why do you think the Wii U didn't sell as well? The moment it came out the mobile market was booming. And guess what the demographic for the mobile market is? Casuals.
Even as a Nintendo fan you have to admit this.
It sure as hell didn't sell well because of its specs or library.
it's just wrong
>caring about specs
If I did,I would buy a PC
I'm buying a switch for Nintendo games
>le Nintendo is dead meme
Since 1996™
>If you buy the Switch, you don't need to worry about buying your child a portable game player! It's both!
Parents sold.
Yeah, just like everyone else did with the Wii U.
Do I need to timestamp my shit for your ignorant ass?
Nintendo might go 3rd party but I dunno if they are still going on with portable systems such as something after 3DS.
It's not though. Just look at ANY Wii ad.
Are you retarded? Can you not see how the company might be in trouble as there last console sold worse than the dreamcast, and they just took a stock hit after there flagship franchise, mario, failed to do well in the mobile market?
Wii U had shit marketing. That's everything. Why do you think game budgets are like 50%+ marketing. Admittedly the gimmick, while actually better was not as big of a deal to normies. Switch is a return to wii formula.
As for library wii owners on average bought more games than ps3 or 360 owners.
Regardless it's fucking stupid to make arguements about how nintendo is on the way out or sell terribly when they literally won last gen and then to go "last gen doesn't count!"
im going to screencap this post and bring it up again when this thing flops.
>these mental gymnastics
except it did sell well because of the library. the wii's attach rate is pretty good so people weren't buying it just for wii sports, and the games like mario kart, mario, zelda all sold pretty well. and the wii was still selling well into the consoles life with games like DKCR and skyward sword. it wasn't just a casual fad. the wii sold to everyone, not just casuals, because everyone liked the software. wii u is different because nobody liked the gamepad and the software is a bunch of niche games
>switch is a return to wii formula
No it's not, they aren't advertising it at all even though it comes out in a couple of months and the gimmick they're using this time around has 0 appeal to normies
>Bros, what's going to happen when the Switch fails?
3DS is renamed into Switch.
>Hopefully the game line up is really really really solid
It won't be.
The Wii U's marketing was shit BECAUSE it was marketing the now non-existent Wii audience you retard.
And again, I didn't say the Wii selling well "didn't count". But thinking the Switch will sell was well as the Wii when the Wii only sold well to normies who now only give a shit about mobile games is just absurd.
>the gimmick they're using this time around has 0 appeal to normies
how do you know that? you don't. how did you know the casuals were going to flock to the wii remote? you didn't. you were probably only 10 years old around that time:(
>all handheld and home console teams working on it
pretty sure it will be
It's too big to be a handheld, and too weak to play current gen console games. You could argue it's a tablet but more than likely it won't do stuff that people typically use tablets for since Nintendo only focuses on games instead of multimedia-type stuff. The issue is it has no market. Nintendo may not be competing with Sony or Microsoft, but competing with fucking GOOGLE is not going to go well. Anything not Android or iOS dies fast.
>portability has 0 normie touch. Even though nintendo portables have been the best selling consoles consistently since the 90s.
>not marketing it even though a single youtube video got more views an new articles than the ps4 or xbone announcement.
>sell well like a wii.
No mate it's gonna sell well like a DS.
They couldn't even tell the very existent wii audience what the fuck it was for starters. Seriously look at the reveal and be prepared to be confused.
>how do you know that?
Because normies don't like carrying enormous abominations to play zelda around with them in public you fucking mong.
The best selling Wii games are the Wii Sports games, WiiFit, and Mario Kart Wii.
>to big to be hanheld
It's 7 fucking inches. That's handheld as fuck.
Nobody cares about piwer in consoles.
It will kill any android tablet from a proper API, optimization and first party support from nintendo alone.
omg Sup Forums you are one mean meme creating machine T___T
Why do people brag about Wii sales when all its best-selling games were shoverlware and casual-bait? You'd think the Wii would be the most hated console on Sup Forums yet people here still defend it.
You can analyze in retrospect. The Wii was popular with people who didn't even play games because of the novelty of the Wiimote. It was like a magic wand that turned your TV into a sports arena, a shooting gallery, a concert hall. Watch the ads again. They didn't market it at casuals. They marketed it at people who would have no interest in video games at all. That's who bought it.
The Switch isn't that. It's just a portable console.
there are a bunch of games that sold 10 million + like mario galaxy and smash bros and other games sold 5 million + like zelda and DKCR
CASUAAAAALS weren't the only audience for the wii. like the DS, it had games for everyone
I just want them to go third party dammit. I don't want them to die.
Press F for OP is a faggot
And the best selling games on the xbox360 were CoD and Sports titles.
What does that matter?
The wii had an obscenely high attach rate and the owners of the console were more willing to buy more games.
I'm waiting until January thank you very much
It will kill any android tablet from a proper API, optimization and first party support from nintendo alone.
Switch is using Vulkan, same as Google, so performance will be similar to a same-spec Android device. Also first-party support means jack shit since mobile-shitters don't buy full price games. Look at all the whining around Super Mario Run being $10. Unless it's $5 or less, or F2P with microtransactions, it's DOA.
>smash bros, mario galaxy, zelda, and Donkey Kong
>not some of the most entry level, casual franchises on earth
Retard. Although Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze for Wii U was a decent challenge I admit.
>it was marketing the now non-existent Wii audience
Nope, the early Wii commercials were geared towards young adults (kinda like the Switch whaddyaknow)
Wii U commercials were almost geared towards kids and parents with that awful Disney Channel knockoff vibe
The Wii had a pretty mediocre library. Not as bad as the Wii U, buy both the DS and the GameCube shat all over that thing.
>not some of the most entry level, casual franchises on earth
that only applies to smash bros
because its ok when nintendo does it
Even as a Nintendo fan I don't get it. I fucking despised the Wii when it came out and only just tolerate it now.
It was a great run.
>best-selling games were shoverlware
but that's wrong retard
you aren't a nintendo fan
When Nintendo deletes a normies let's play on their channel, normies drop their support for the company.
>I'm not a Nintendrone
As a fan I should be allowed to call Nintendo out for doing stupid shit.
>as an ex-fan
normies? casuals? people who don't play games?
Stop pretending like you know the market you fucking autsists
The Wii was first Nintendo console I didn't get because it looked like trash. Got an NES and SNES used, an N64 and Gamecube for Christmas. Didn't have any interest in the Wii though, saved up and bought a 360 instead. I eventually bought a Wii just for exclusives later but that console was what really stopped me from being a hardcore Nintendo fan.
I don't get why core fans cling to Nintendo hoping they'll appeal to you. They treat their biggest fans like shit constantly trying to appeal to new audiences.
>i had the gamecube when i was 10 so it's my favorite console then i grew into a teenager and the wii was too """""""""""casual""""""""""""" for me to enjoy
But they already do appeal to me.
you wouldn't like nintendo anyway if it didn't constantly try to appeal to new audiences. the gamecube's sales is what you get when nintendo literally just makes its niche games
Would an ex-fan by the Wii U?
You were never a fan and you've never bought a nintendo console in your life.
You're a bullshitter who plays the WII SUCKED I USED TO BE A NINTENDO FAN BUT NOT ANYMORE card to seem more genuine.
Wii was bought not only by nintendo fans, but casuals, and the so called hardcore. This is why the last gen and gaming took off.
Not HDD not the bullshit marketing. The wii and cheap gaming.
The current gen is basically the big three of sony ms and valve circling the wagons and trying to force deeply fucking stupid and ultimately anti consumer bullshit onto everyone with nintendo bowing out and being attacked by the now failing ea and sony ms etc etc at the last second for not playing ball in the right way.
The current gen is outright shit and will NEVER be as big as the last gen because of a deeply flawed understanding of the market and hubris from the suits who think that people simply won't just STOP PLAYING VIDEO GAMES if they fuck them hard enough.
Gone too soon.
>why isn't a handheld as powerful as a home console!?!?!?!?
every time Sup Forums.
Why are you raging this hard?
It's just Pretendo...
I'm not a marketer but I sure as hell know the community and targeted audience.
Nintodller games are targeted for Normans, prove me wrong.
Each pokemanga game is progressively getting easier and easier, you can beat most of their games by going against gym leaders with the type they're strong against.
Semi weekly reminder that Nintendo went downhill after the snes
The game cube sold as much as the xbox original with almost no marketing, no dvd playback, and none of those major games that were touted as NEEDED to sell a system.
The WiiU bombing is because it was an expensive mess designed to be an expensive HD replacement for the Wii.
Problem is that it's almost 3 years too late and the never sold it as that.
They also cheaped out in the worst places and forced a theoretically interesting controller onto people that brought nothing new to the table and a ridiculous price tag that is still too goddamned high
The WiiU was in all ways the exact opposite of what made the Wii a success and even the Gamecube very profitable.
I have no idea what they were thinking. I still don't.
All I can think is that they were trying to get the audience ready for this tablet handheld console debacle.