Huniepop thread

Is it too late to have a thread about this game?

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It's 9:20 PM so I don't see why not

This game gave me the best orgasms because how hard i worked for the sex CGs

you mean the still pictures?

ayy lmao is best girl


At first I thought the VA would be horrible so I played it with the BLOOPS but then I said "Fuck it." and played with the voices on and on hard.

Voices were pretty solid and I had fun.

>Potential yuri


>What's shakin', bacon?

>you will never find a girl as perfect and pure as Tiffany. Why even live desu

VA did it for me.

>sex CGs
That aside, I don't see how anyone older than 13 could attempt to fap to huniepop. The bejeweled gameplay itself doesn't have anything to do with sex.

Not to mention how shallow, shitty, and often outright irritating every single character was. How can anyone unironically like the dialogue in this game? If you want to fuck an obnoxious slut, they're not hard to find in real life.

I had fun with it for what it was
Something satisfying about learning the girls then winning their hearts
Shame some were just trivia like Momo and the god lady
Audrey has fun dialogue, but my favorite is Kyu

What was the new ending included in the Valentine update?

Reminder that best girl is bacon.

heres huniepop creepypasta i dont really have anything else to contribute except kyanna is best girl in my opinion and audrey is canonically best girl

Thanks for the sex, homie!

dumb game, fanservice pandering smut, topped with the worse dialogue ever.

not only that, devs shilling anti-sjw junk 24/7 to get Sup Forums to outrage buy it=ez win

They got some heat on twitter and responded, they didn't shill shit retard

Good taste.


every now and then i go back and try to pick a different girl every night

i think up a story of why im going to fuck each one

i would fuck audrey and force nikki to give me a blowjob the next day without showering so she would smell the pussy on my dick

my fav grill is the cat
is there something wrong with me?

Kyu is CUTE

It was a nice touch to have girl mode, but I'm still a little disappointed at how some of the end cgs were boring as fuck without the cumshot on them.

This is legit my wife. Gonna get a custom daki of her.

>the girl with the mental capacity of a small child
yeah probably but it's all good my man

Anyone got other lewd puzzle games? I didnt realize how much I enjoyed these two things together

Can you post it when you get it? I'd like to see it.
Where do you get custom dakis? asking for a friend

Best girl is the Poo

I wanna say Purino party, but all that did was make me wanna play Huniepop again


Remember when the trailer that introduced Audrey and Kyanna released and Sup Forums hated it saying "Keep 3D out of my 2D" when it came to Audrey and then she turned out to be best girl?

Remember how the devs shilled on Sup Forums for years before release, hating on it the whole time, only for it turn out to be a fun and cute game?

>when it came to Audrey and then she turned out to be best girl?

True best girl

you're welcome bro #nohomo

isn't a sequel coming?

Not the cam studio one but actual hunie pop 2.

I started a new game about a week about, I forgot how hilarious her introductions to the girls were.


Huniecam would have been good if it were n actual webcam slut business management sim instead of a facebook clicker.


My first girl on my first playthough. I regret nothing.

Considering her concern for having pubic hair, I expected a lot more than she actually had. Ryan's a fucking normie when it comes to fetish material, I swear.

Nikki has the best moans
Fight me


>No slutty Madoka until 2018

The pic of her humping the bed rail is the best in the game. Too bad about everything else.



>Fight me
But I agree with you. For such a boring as fuck character, she sure made up for it in the bedroom.

>Create one of the best h-games in a long time
>Get tons of fans and people excited about your game
>Time for a sequel! Let's make....Hunie Cam Studio?
>Time for a new game! Let's make....a paper mario looking action rpg?

No offense to the guy, but WHY

some devs don't like money

Go to /jp/ and ask. I think they have a daki thread up there.

>being able to go get her and her mom back to back
What a game

I vaguely remember in one of his streams where he mentioned making the games he wanted to make. I can't really fault him for his logic, but it is pretty disappointing to see another halfway decent porn game amounting to so much disappointment.

This. The fucker also seems to enjoy trying to piss on his fans.

Pity you couldnt have a threesome.

>slutty madoka

I need this in my life.

It's like he came up with a recipe for a 10/10 steak, and instead of improving on it and perfecting it, he's serving us hot dogs. It's like, dude, I like hot dogs, but fucking stick with the thing that made you popular

Dude's doing what he wants and I can respect that. I just wish Huniecam wasn't such shit. That's probably on me I guess, since I didn't keep tabs on it and thought it'd be a cool management sim and not just a cookie clicker ripoff, but still.

>Jessie's favorite season is winter.
>Her unique gifts are Christmas decorations.
>Tiffany's birthday is in December.

I wish the VN elements hadn't been cut, there was obviously some sort of reconciliation plot planned.

this nigga gets it

huniepop reminds me of when I was 12 and played shitty quiz games on newgrounds just to look at badly compressed anime tiddy. Felt a lot more satisfying than just going on sadpanda or a booru

Why is there no porn of she is perfect

>I wish the VN elements hadn't been cut
I see Ryan's point about wanting to make a dating sim and not a VN, but I still have to agree. It's a little annoying how there's so much story potential spread out across a cast of interesting character just sitting there staring you in the face and there's nothing to show for it.

There's porn in the game of her.

The real crime is that there's no paizuri option.

Fucking really? First he fucking releases that piece of shit hunie cam, ignoring literally every single piece of criticism, and now he's making us wait for the game we actually want so he can release this bland looking shit.

>no even remotely kinky shit with Aiko
>Kyanna having a nice ass isn't relevant in her final CG
I mean, I still fapped to the porn the game offered, but I feel like there was room for improvement.

I mean, I'm not saying go full blown VN, but there should have been scenes that were unlocked after every few successful dates or something like that. More character interaction beyond the intro scenes and more content in general.

The real question is
Who is best girl?

>tfw none of the nipples in this game appeal to me
>no painted nails on any of the girls
>no bush or public lewdness
>still holding out hope for the next one

Aiko because everything
Celeste because nice tits and personality
Kyanna strictly because of her VA
Kyu because cute

Celeste because gigantic tits, best voice, nice, likes swimming and comes from SPESS.

Kyanna has painted nails and Beli has bush.

Beli has bush.

Well nobody asked for a SFW spinoff of the original game to begin with, so they could easily rush through it and ignore prerelease criticism because it was never intended to be more than just a shitty spinoff. The fact that the actual sequel is actually taking some time to release and is confirmed to stick with the artstyle of the original should be proof enough that they are at least taking the project seriously.

What do you guys want out of the sequel?

>New girls?
>Old returning girls?
>Same bejeweled mechanic?
>Same talking+affection system?
>More VN style stuff?

>You will never be visited by a sex fairy who is FWB and will give you a magical stalker smart phone that'll make you get rich by giving girls cheeseburgers and taking them to the farmer's market.

Tfw you like Nikki even tho she is basically a fat lazy tumblrite

More of the same, basically, with options for different sex acts, like tittyfucking. Also, increased difficulty. MORE CELESTE.

I felt empty inside when she told me she sleeps with all her clients. I wanted her all to myself.

She's an angsty 18 year old, there's plenty of time to turn her around.

>God abandoned us to live in an eroge

Can't fault him. I'd do the same.

Not to bust your bubble, but game devs have to expand their horizons and try their hand at new genres if they want to attract more customers to their products. Not saying that it was done successfully, since there's bound to be a few misses whenn trying out new concepts for games, but you've got to give the guy some credit by not sticking to that comfortable mold that works and instead actually tries to improve as a dev by doing something different.

> (You)
>She's an angsty 18 year old
Haha I can relate ;_;

>tfw Audrey had her heart broken by the MC

The bitch had it coming.

I think more VN elements wouldn't hurt. Like people have said in this thread, it doesn't have to be a full-blown story or anything, just something about the girls' backgrounds and relationships with the other characters in the game to make them a little more relatable. Not saying I didn't like the characters in HP, there was plenty of charm to most of them.

So apparently there was a teaser image on the dev's twitter, did anyone happen to see it?

>Why remove the image :/

>@chralmus Just a slight tease I didn't want to leave it up too long.

Ganguro Girl


>non canon
She sure deserved it though.

>bejeweled gameplay
>the dating sim aspect is lazy as fuck and it's just asking questions
>cringe english voice acting
>specially the pink bitch and the red haired one holy shit
>literally one sex scene per character

How the fuck can you play this shit? The game has zero writing and it's just ask questions and play bejeweled.

The girls being able to find out you've been hanging around others.

For example since Audrey, Nikki and Tiffany are all friends if you hang out with one the other two could possibly find out or something along those lines.


On a really basic level, just take the base game and add to it. You know, take the original cast and add some of the new girls from Cam Studio to it, add a few new locations, more customization for the girls, more CGs, etc.

From a real game changing perspective, add something crazy like threesomes where you have to manage two puzzle grids at once, and girl interactions outside of the intro portion of the game, and maybe even adding some actual story bits where we learn something other than arbitrary numbers about the girls.

>bejeweled gameplay
Implaying it's bad.
>the dating sim aspect is lazy as fuck and it's just asking questions
It represents dating in gaming form pretty well. If you had some experience you would've known.
>cringe english voice acting
It's good kind of cringe.
>specially the pink bitch and the red haired one holy shit
You mean the best ones.
>literally one sex scene per character
Well you've got to reach it first, otherwise what's the point? You can jerk off at porn any time you want. This game is about chasing and getting reward in the end.

I took a bait, I know.

The VA isn't even bad. Red hair is shit tier though.

She acted like a cunt every time you talked to her. It was bound to happen.

You're subjectively wrong.

The voice acting is one of the best things about Huniepop. Beli, for example, is almost completely made by that sweet voice.

Beli is adorable.


Does anyone have a collection of the stuff the voice actresses recorded for us in the huniepop general threads? I deleted mine because I'm retarded.