Muh themepark MMO where I collected 10 boar assholes for the guy with the exclamation point over his head was so much...

>muh themepark MMO where I collected 10 boar assholes for the guy with the exclamation point over his head was so much better than the 100 other modern MMOs where I do exactly the same thing!

For those of you that don't know the difference, RuneScape is an example of a sandbox experience.

World of Warcraft killed the genre for 12 years and we're now just getting over the damage it did to this industry and now a bunch of nostalgic shitters are bringing it back to its original state? 2017/2018 will be the MMO renaissance with Shards Online, Crowfall, Camelot Unchained, Pantheon Rise of the Fallen, Project Gorgon, Star Citizen and Gloria Victis.

The thing I don't get is the biggest breakout successes of the last ten years have been sandbox experiences. Minecraft and Day-Z, hell, people spend ten hours modding their Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas trying to emulate a sandbox MMO experience too. Why hasn't anyone fucking tried since 2003 (with EVE)?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Blizzcucks would rather play muh vanilla WoW than a sandbox MMORPG with M&B combat, EVE economy/territory control created by former CD Projekt Red developers

Soundtrack is GOAT too, it's done by the composer of The Witcher 3

>being this mad

Yes, I am. WoWshit killed the genre and we haven't had anything but WoWclones since 2003. Publishers would rather spend 100 million dollars on another Wildstar trying to be the "WoWkiller" than put $15-30 million into something like Gloria Victis or Crowfall, it sucks.

>Is ok when FF11/14 add more wrong to the genre

I'm not okay with it but at least FFXI told the retards that want to play a MMO like a single player RPG to go get fucked

I want more games like pic related and less games like WoW/Wildstar/Final Fantasy XIV/RIFT.

>I'm not okay with it but at least FFXI told the retards that want to play a MMO like a single player RPG to go get fucked
Which is exactly what modern WoW turned into

This looks sweet, would you recommend playing it right now?

Wait a month for the animation/model update. What you see isn't in yet. They're optimizing the netcode so it's a hell of a lot smoother too.

>le sandbox / themepark meme
Just make a good game

>human/viking boring shit that has been done a thousand times in 2016 alone

It's slav fantasy

But that means giving players mechanics the tools to create and participate in emergent gameplay, something that sandbox games do and themeparks don't.

>Reposting the same thread from yesterday
Fuck off

Threads have had 300+ replies each time, people like the /sandbox/ m80

Just fuck off with your labeling memes

Why can't I call a content driven themepark a themepark and a community driven sandbox a sandbox? The difference is pretty clear.

It's getting pretty clear at this point that this is one of those projects that are way too ambitious for its own good. Nothing decent will come of this, ever.

Vanilla was better, just accept it.

Nah man. Legion is GOAT

I don't care about Star Citizen, but I am at least intrigued by it considering people used it in the same way people used DMC4SE, to show interest in more projects like it.

There's an entire generation of pissed off MMO players that became game designers and the MMO renaissance is coming. It's going to be like 2001-2003 all over again.

>close this thread from yesterday
>go to catalog
>see this thread again

Shut your faggot face OP

seeing what I get

Yeah they love them so much that they make their own threads about it. Oh wait

>stop liking what i don't like


welp lets see

wtf bitch these are all bad

Fuck, I keep meaning to pick this up on sale.

is it really any good? I was deterred by the fact that it's still EA.

I like that uniform in the webm.

Yeah it's good but the next update will make it amazing. It has only been in EA for like a year. MMOs have like 4-5 year development cycles and this has been in production since late 2013

I'll probably pick it up during the x-mas sale, then.

This game has devs that formerly worked on M&B, right? I remember there was another project like this one on Early Access, I don't precisely remember who got the old M&B staff however.

No that's Of Kings & Men and they worked on cRPG mod

This is done by CDPR devs that worked on The Witcher 1/2/3

So you're I should buy it anyway and the people who are working on it are more competent than the ones I thought would be.

aiight. sold.

These guys were making the game on donations before it went to early access and they've come this far so I can't see them abandoning it now. Have fun user, I'll see you out there.

I don't give a shit about player interactions, just make good single player RPGs

That's fine, make it a single player RPG but don't add netcode and the ability to /invite playername and call it a MMO

Then we're both happy. I find the player interactions highly unpredictable/interesting and that's why I can still log into UO after 20 years and have a good time that's unique every time.

I'm pretty excited right now for Chronicles of Elyria. I just want to be a fucking homeless hobo that hunts and eats what I hunt for a living, maybe help non-combat adventurers that need help getting through the woods and shit.

I don't know why they don't make more sandbox MMOs. Periodically giving players new tools and mechanics to make their own fun is easier than having to constantly churn out new raid tiers that obsolete the previous one.

Or maybe the point is to lock players in a never ending grind for gear, relying on addiction to keep players subscribed and not fun factor.

>backed CoE for $175
I'm pretty excited for it, it seems really promising especially after seeing it in action at their studio

Hey, not going to lie. MMOs are fucking boring. The only one I had somewhat fun in was runescape and Eve Online. Other than that, fucking boring, all of that.

I considered backing it, but I don't even want a Horse, so I'd have to back it for a super small amount or something. I just want to be an orphan homeless man that spends all day in the woods hunting and fishing. Maybe get a dog or something and chill.

I'm not sure what I'll do when I'm not online as a homeless man though, since apparently your character stays online even when you're not playing. Hopefully they'll have a poorhouse somewhere so I can sleep without getting raped.

Which of these newschool mmos isn't falling for the action combat meme?

All that really means is that the game will be unplayable at any real-world ping with any reasonable amount of players and have shitty hit registration at the best of times.


>backing any MMO ever
>backing fucking anything ever


RuneScape and EVE are good examples of sandbox games, sounds like you'd enjoy any one of the games listed in the OP

Shards Online and Pantheon and The Repopulation are worth looking into if you don't want action combat

Please tell me that's not the smithing minigame.

I could understand if that were for tailoring or something. Please don't let this be the thing, though.

lol i bought that and "played' 5 minutes aka freezing every other second, 90% of the character models never loaded and it crashed after i tried to move around

stay far far away from this "game"

you are lying . i paid money for that piece of shit and it was so badly optimized i literally couldnt play it
stop shilling u fuck its worse than shovelware it doesnt even run properly

Are any of the following games still alive?

Guild Wars 2
Elder Scrolls Online

I've got a lot of disposable income user, I gotta spend it on something considering I already have the god-tier hardware

You create your own designs and if you fuck them up, you'll have jagged pieces of metal sticking out that are less efficient than an ideal cut.

A steady hand will always be better than someone who is just grinding out axes for experience

You had an issue in a pre-alpha and you never got to play the game as intended? Try it again. Unless you refunded it.


im psyched for that too but the gameplay videos i saw were beyond awful. the combat looks worse right now than skyrims

They all still exist, depends on your definition of alive really.

GW2 and ESO are doing fine.

OP here, ESO is the only game I can honestly recommend at this point. Incredibly fair business model, themepark content is executed great and the PVP is GOAT

It's doing reallly well too. Vvardenfell expansion in 2017

pic related is what you needed to do to start endgame

>include all the BG girls
>don't include Imoen

I wish ESO wasn't so expensive. I'm broke as fuck and can't afford to drop 50 bucks on a game just to try it.

I always hear the PvP is great, and I'm a huge PvP fan, just need to get enough money to try it out someday.

i honestly dont know why Sup Forumsirgins never talk about conan exiles

its basically like a fantasy rust but with what looks like a pretty fun/deep combat system (which means a lot , sandbox games really need high skill ceiling combat)

the graphics seem good and what imo seperates it from a lot of sandbox games that have died is it actually has good pve, which hopefully will discourage teh kill all strangers on sight meme which infests a lot of sandbox games

Here's your reply

You can get ESO on a key site for like $10 and the Gold Edition (on sale with all the DLC expansion packs) for around $30

I think ESO is the best Elder Scrolls game since Morrowind desu

OP here, I'll be playing Conan Exiles. Looks fun. I trust Funcom with an early access survival meme game

>For those of you that don't know the difference, RuneScape is an example of a sandbox experience.

Yeah, and RS is literal dog shit. Baby's first MMO. "Sandbox" MMOs have always been garbage.

>Paying $15 a month to make your own content

Literal cucks.

>we haven't had anything but WoWclones since 2003

WoW came out in late 2004 you moron.

After the shitshow that was Age of Conan, I'm just reluctant to try anything featuring the IP.

Doubly so if it's like Rust.

I'll give it a shot soon, I got my first ever paycheck recently. I only worked a single day and quit because I'm a pussy bitch that can't do manual labor, but they still paid me $70.

>RuneScape is an example of a sandbox experience.
No it isn't.

But speaking of MMOs, I still don't know why there aren't games somewhere in between multiplayer and massive multiplayer - like, online co-op story campaigns with 20-100 players only. There should be D&D and other tabletop campaigns turned into replayable scenarios where there is a group of player characters influencing the world, and things like shop owners or whatever are NPCs. That would be so much better. Is there no market for actual role playing games?

>paying $15/mo for a month and leaving for 3 years until the next expansion

And the last sandbox MMO that came out was in 2003.

Watch some extended gameplay of a class that appeals to you. I love Templar but if I could reroll I'd go a Sorcerer (all classes can tank/DPS/heal)

How is RuneScape not a sandbox experience? Sure, the content there is set, but it all ties into a metagame that makes the economy and PVP super interesting and the community interaction is unparalleled.

An OP earlier proposed something that was basically a boss rush MMO. No leveling or gear, you just pick your class, gather a party and do bosses, chat, craft shit for player housing, stuff like that.

Why does that need to be an MMO though? Why design netcode for a massive scale? The bigger your playercount, the more it limits your gameplay unless you're designing for below 50 ping

>An OP earlier
You mean, you. Fuck off faggot, no one wants to hear your stupid bullshit.


how the fuck do people even level when the server is so full, I can't even tag one fucking mob

I want to play a good sandbox MMORPG.

But first, one of those has to exist. I've been following this shit for years, and the one that makes the genre is ALWAYS about two years away.

Come shill for sandbox MMOs when there's actually some vidya to play.

fuck you shill.

all lies

No, I'm just some fag who reads every MMO thread I see. People were mostly only shitting on the idea and then the thread died early so I wanted to see if anyone could make the idea better.

lel, I can imagine the pvp in that game being the same shit you see in M&B pvp. Which is being a spastic mashing blocks to confuse someone while looking completely fucking retarded

Eve Online.

Eve Online
Ultima Online (free private shards like UOForever or UORenaissance)

Crowfall will be doing a soft launch Q1 2017 too

I've played it off and on since 2005. It's really not that good; devs are incompetent, playerbase is trolls trolling trolls, and the PVP is destroyed by the fact nobody can afford to do it frequently.

>Soft launch

Like Albion did? We can all see how well ~that~ went.

>devs are incompetent

>we're totally doing walking in stations, guys
>10 years later
>it's one fucking room, no development since it was implemented over 5 years ago

Group up.

>People were mostly only shitting on the idea
Because it's a fucking stupid idea. Whether you're him or not doesn't matter. Fuck off with that fag shit.

Crowfall could actually be fun though.

The community is going to be dog shit though if the forums and pre-alpha global chat are anything to go by.

Albion hasn't launched?

Crowfall is just turning on persistent progression (no wipes) as they add shit

Edgy grifflords and autistic reddit faggots, you mean?

Most sandbox MMOs have that problem.

Do they still have that second floor fishtank?

When is the last time you played ? There is content 24/7 just randomly going down. In my alliance we usually have something like 6 organized PvP fleets going out a day and a major strategic operation happen every other day. That's on top of people just coming into our space with fleets, small gang, solo gankers, etc.

No idea, been over a year since I logged in.

Solo is dead. Small gang PVP is dead. The only way you can get reliable action is in mid to large gang fights, and I did that to death back in 2007, back when it was still remotely interesting. Now it's just cookie-cutter machs and rattlers lining up to see whose logi is better.

The autistic redditors desperate for karma are somehow the worst. Every topic has some dickhead who put the faq in a google spreadsheet sitting there beaming with his puppydog eyes just aching for someone to pat him on the back so he can finally get off.

I'd take a thousand idiots whining about information that they cold made up themselves over these assholes any day.

I mean I am not going to try to convince you to play a game you think got your playing worth out of it. But I would disagree with what you said otherwise and I have no idea what " cookie-cutter machs and rattlers lining up to see whose logi is better." even means.

why yes, let's give up categorization at all so that I give my dog "reptile medicine" and kill him, and when I go to a grocery store vegetables are mixed in with the pasta

fuck off regressive retard

If you don't know what that means, you must live in lowsec or a wormhole. Hole-rolling for content isn't really appealing to me either.

Don't get conned by Gloria Victis. Just go look at how many people are playing atm and make your mind up as to whether that constitutes a successful or fun mmo. Great in concept, shit in execution and unfortunately bugger all people play it now.

I live in nullsec.

>running around collecting lore
>haven't even finished the first quest
It's pretty good.

People are waiting for the "we're not going to wipe anymore" PSA from the dev they promised they'd give us when they were absolutely sure

Also Gloria Victis will be free2play at launch so I'm sure it'll do okay.

Looks like they've just put in UV lighting. This thing is great.

>they use this kind of TECHNOLOGY on a fucking space game

>Press F to pay respects

This truly is the worst timeline

At least we have this