Only objective answer
Only objective answer
Final Fantasy was never good.
>no 15
>never good
Never played 13 onwards, speaking of did 15 do well or...?
6 wasnt even the best
all the characters are really forgettable
FFT is the retarded sibling of Tactics Ogre. 6, like all mainline FFs, is shit.
Grow a pair and play a game that cares enough to have real characters and actual gameplay you fucking mong.
He doesn't like Strago or Setzer
tactics>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else
like The Witcher?
I had to stop and think who they were again
the bait isn't even good
>all these middling 5
Prove me wrong, cuck.
>tactics ogre
>(more) real characters
did we play the same game?
>Tactics before 6
>8 that far up
Otherwise not too bad
>5 that far down
Objective bait answer
Anybody who doesn't put X near the bottom of their list needs to kill themselves ASAP.
>game about sports
>immediately bad
the selective taste is real
I'm on IX right now and I will probably get to X next week. Is it really about sports?
I have to assume anyone putting 6 at the top started with it and has nostalgia. I started with 1 and protip: 6 wasn't all that.
> Is it really about sports?
>tactics ranked highly
My nigga
tactics is the only one worth playing
10 has numerous problems and blitzball isn't a big one.
>13 over 2
nah, you can at least break FF2 and be done with it in about 10 hours.
this fucking guy gets it
but 8 should be where 12 is, followed by 15 :3
7>everything else
shitty bait
Just started playing the series
But I haven't gotten more than like 2 hours in 5 and 7 so...
Tactics>6>5>9>7>4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest
that far up
There's nothing wrong with 8's position in that list. Everything under 8 is in fact inferior to 8.
Once you are done with 5 and 7, play 6.
Then, stop. You're welcome.
Honestly 3 is probably better than 6. Among others. I think 6 is probably the most overrated in the series.
I started with 6 and it's my least favorite game in the series.
>3 is probably better than 6
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
...You like 10 more than 6?
YOU LIKE 10 MORE THAN 6!?!?!?!?!?
>2 at the bottom
2 is at minimum better than 13 as well as the other NES titles and is arguably better than 8
I feel like 6 tries to lean really hard on their characters, but I don't find the characters intersting or likeable enough for that to work.
Furthermore it has arguably the most busted combat in the series. One of the fucking main stats is broken for fucks sake.
Compare that to 3 that has an interesting if early implementation of the job system.
2 needs a balance patch and it'll be on tier with 1, 3, and 4. Most players don't even know what 2's story is because they're already aware of how the skill progression system is fucking miserable to grind through.
Guy from here.
I hear mixed things about 2: Mainly that you either love it or hate it.
12 > 8 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 6 > 15 > 13 > 7 > 4 > 9 > 1 > 10
10 is so, so, so much better than 6 it's not funny. It comes with the territory of having gameplay that punishes me for being asleep at the wheel, even if it's not that hard, which isn't something I can say about 6.
10's story is fucking cancer, though.
Only ones I've played.
My issue with 2 is that why the fuck would I play it when the SaGa series exists.
Evade has been fixed in the later ports, and purists can still patch a SNES rom as well. Also, most players can run the entire game without even giving a shit about evasion. Every other point you made was purely subjective.
2 is one of those games where you really need to know how some of the game's mechanics work. It has problems, but the common "wtf my characters have to beat each other up to gain HP" complaint isn't one of them.
Why didn't they just make another console Tactics game?
No, the advance games don't count.
I really enjoyed Romancing SaGa 3, but haven't touched anything else with the SaGa name in its title. Are the earlier games fun to get into as well?
>One of the fucking main stats is broken for fucks sake.
You mean 3 of them
>Strength is useless because the primary factor in physical damage is your level and most good weapons ignore it anyways
>Speed is useless for anything but getting your turn first because 6's ATB is retarded and keeps running during animations
>Stamina only increases the amount of damage you take from Poison ticks and how much Regen heals you for
You either play the PS1 version and hate it or play the GBA/PSP version and enjoy it
Granted, that's the same for all of the rereleases on the PS1 because they played like utter shite, but 2 still had the bugs present in the NES version
RS1 sucks, RS2 is the best game in the series but is extremely, extremely hard, the PS2 remake of RS1 is the second best game in the series.
I think I made it very clear I was making a subjective argument. This whole thread is nothing but subjective arguments.
SaGa Frontier 1 and 2 are good.
The Minstrels Song for the ps2 is good.
The Last Remnant uses a lot of similar ideas.
None do, they're all video games
I was going to respect you for your love for 12 but with 8 and 2 that high on the list and saying that 13 is better than 7 and 4 I'm going to have to give you the please drink bleach grade.
Sorry user.
6 is only better than 1-4, 8, and 13.
That's it.
15>7>Tactics>9>6>8>14>12>13>10>didnt play rest
IX>Tactics>Crystal Chronicles
The other games are good but not as great as this.
I would rather play I, III, and IV over VI any day. Replaying VI is a giant fucking chore due to everything wrong with it while all of the other games are fun to replay.
Is the best version of 6 to play the GBA version with the sound and color restoration? Or is there anyway to make the steam version look good?
Personally I'd say:
8 > 7=6 > 5=12 > 9 > XV > 4 > 10 > 3 > 13 > 1 > 2
If I had to try to be objective id say:
7 > 6 > 10 > 4 > 12 > 9 > 1/3/5 > 15 > 8 > 13 > 2
Depends on which translation you like, as well as if you value the bonus content. I personally like Ted Woolsey's translation, so I stick with the SNES version.
Please never touch the steam/mobile version.
I understand. 13 is very polarizing, but I'll be damned if I didn't enjoy the fuck out of it.
user please, this is a christian image board
13 was great. Every entry in the series should be new and try different shit. Too many of these fuckboys just want their favourite game over and over.
>3D models for locations on the world map
But why?
Crystal Chronicles > All
Yeah no, junction and gf system were horseshit, especially since gfs were useless in the final fight. Leveling was pointless and actually more counter-productive than just carding every enemy you could. The story was okay but ruined by shitty characters. Sidequests were fun but then then the last disc happened and at that point I just wanted the fucking game done.
It would have been mad popular if they didn't do the cuntiest thing of all time and force you to fucking use a gameboy as a controller for co-op.
This is actually a pretty fucking good list, although I'd move 8 down to the bottom and bump 4 up a little.
Why is 2 the worst?
I only played five minutes of the GBA version and I didn't like how gay everything looked, but what are the real problems with it?
Shitty broken gameplay.
People grind more than they have to and then get mad about it.
also armor is actually detrimental and will fuck you in the ass once undead enemies become common
>8 above 4
>7 above 4
>9 above 4
Not even deserving of a (You).
Tactics=6 >=4 >9>7>=10>1>2>3>5>8>12>13
>also armor is actually detrimental and will fuck you in the ass once undead enemies become common
FF2 is one of the only ones I never played. Explain this? Sounds weird.
Undead enemies ignore defense and drain 1/16th of your max HP with each hit. This is a game where an attack can deal up to 16 hits. math
Armor reduces your evasion stat when you equip it. Higher evasion lowers the number of hits an enemy can land. And due to the way stat growth works, having your party travel naked eventually causes your Agility and Evasion to snowball and you'll end up dodging 99% of enemy attacks. It's hilarious.
6=Tactics>7>5=4>1=3(both the GBA ver)>9>8>10>13>2
I'm a fan of 14, but I won't list it cause it's MMO.
13 was good at Gran Soren, 8 was okay, 10 had a worse story and characters but an okay battle system.
1 remake is one of my all time favorite video games.
But the remake removes everything that made 1 what it was. Assuming you mean the shitty dawn of souls version right?
Eh, it had a lot of problems, but the combat was fun as hell and I enjoyed the characters. I don't regret playing it at all, and I loved the sequel as well. Hope's probably in my top 10 favorite FF characters. Still need to play Lightning Returns, though.
How is War of the Lions compared to the original PS1 Version? I want to get into Tactics but I found the GBA one pretty boring.
Other than some slowdown issues it basically just comes down to the different translation. I like it in a lot of places but some people hate it.
Junctioning was fine.
>Leveling was pointless
Not a complaint.
>shitty characters
Some of the best in the series.
9 > 8 > Tactics > 6 > 10 = 7 > 4 > 5 > 10-2 > 12 > 1 > 13-2 > eating a live fucking grenade >>>>>> 2 > 3
Wont rank 15 yet because though I've beaten it, it hasn't sunken in enough.
If I missed any, fuck you.
Better translation on the whole, some nice voice acting and added content
Technical issues are still there though
9 > 7 > 6 > 10-2 gameplay > 10 > 4 > 5 > 12 > 8 > 15 > 13-2 > 13 > 10-2 everything else > LR > 3 > 1 > 2
15 was pretty refreshing
Shame the later half of the game seems like they stopped giving a shit though
>there are actually people in this thread who think 15 is worse than 13
15 isn't that good but come on.
Final Fantasy Tactics is babby's first SRPG
Lightning Returns has better gameplay than every game in the series.
What? You can't put Tactics in there. If you're going to add Tactics then you most as well add shit like Tactics Advance/A2, Mystic Quest, World of, 11 and 14, Crystal Chronicles, Final Fantasy Legend/2/3